Nobel Prize for Literature 2018, Special Operation "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" of Putin's FSB. OPEN LETTER TO KING OF SWEDEN CARL XVI GUSTAF. English Version of Letter. Read More
Кузен Короля Швеции Карла XVI Густава Граф Ян Бернадотт - потомок Императорского Дома Романовых! Сын Леннарда Бернадота.
"Заметки русского эссеиста о современной политической жизни в России и о В.В. Путине. / Notes by russian essayst about modern political life in Russia and V.V.Putin." Автор Ганова Людмила.
Нобелевские лауреаты 2018-2019 (вручение в 2019).
Т.е задействованы путинские спецслужбы и подтянуты "пропагандисты", "писатели", "каналы" и теперь формируются "независимые мнения" и нивелируются идеи и книга Гановой Людмилы "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" о возвращении законной монархии Романовых в России.
А на самом деле, как запасной вариант, готовится коронация убийцы В.В. Путина?
Это предстоит расследовать Международному Уголовному Суду / International Criminal Court!
Уже год скоро как была захвачена и убита Писатель Ганова Людмила в 2018 году, автор Романа "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" о нелегитимности власти в России, основанной на убийстве семьи Императора Николая II в 1918 году, она написала письмо Шведскому Королю и Шведской Академии о необходимости привлечь внимание к роману "Русская Монархия", в мае 2018, и мы все видим молчание Nobel Prize, мировых лидеров, Монархий!
"Видимо, сам Владимир Владимирович, не симпатизирует моим романам! Вообще, женщины всегда принимают участие в работе тайных и шпионских организаций. Видимо, так моим детям хотят сказать,что это всё для них недоступно в этом государстве. Они постоянно лишаются возможности заработать здесь даже копейку. Это способ жестокий психологического давления! Кроме того, там есть и статья, которую мы назвали "ЛЮБОВЬ ОРГАНИЗОВАННАЯ ФСБ" (Любовь ФСБ) Мы постоянно видим молодых людей, которые целуются, стоя перед нами - это личная психологическая находка В.В. Путина? Бывшего агента тайной разведки. Некоторые пары действительно красивы. некоторые красиво исполняют этот маленький спектакль. Но многие в этой игре ФСБ совершенно не подозревают о том, участвуя в этой совершенно неприличной игре, тем самым уже обрекли себя на исчезновение из этой жизни, через некоторое время! Эта информация очень опасна для тех, кто её организовал и использует. А участники должны через некоторое время исчезнуть, как исполнители этих кошмарных приказов. Вот такая игра тайного ФСБ в России, под руководством, несомненно, В.В. Путина..." Цитата: Людмила Ганова.
Кузен Короля Швеции Карла XVI Густава Граф Ян Бернадотт - потомок Императорского Дома Романовых! Сын Леннарда Бернадота.
Леннарт Бернадотт (Lennart Bernadot) Сын Принца Вильгельма Шведского и Русской Великой Княжны Марии Павловны, внучки Российского Императора Александра II (Александр II Николаевич род 8 мая 1909 г.)
Император Всероссийский Александр II Николаевич, Царь Польский, Великий Князь Финляндский (1855-1818) из династии Романовых. Старший сын четы Николая Павловича и Александры Фёдоровны!
В мире существуют и другие наследники Романовых, например Король Нидерландов Уильям-Александр , Английская Монархия , прямые наследники Романовых в Швеции и.т.д...
Спецоперации ФСБ Путина "Русская Монархия" началась уже много лет назад, мы наблюдаем это в России. А теперь в Швеции и мире! Скандал в Шведской Академии по вручению Нобелевских Премий, видимо, не случаен - столетие убийства императора Николая II 1918-2018, тем более в Швеции живут прямые законные наследники Романовых, родственники Шведского Монарха! Не будем наивными, если Подполковник ФСБ Литвиненко говорит, что везде Чекисты, то в Шведской академии их просто не может не быть! Это продолжение дела террориста и убийцы Царской семьи в России Ленина и продолжение уничтожения наследников Романовых в мире в Европейских Монархиях! Мы видим ухудшение здоровья у Короля Карла XVI Густава (все признаки инфразвукового оружия) ослабление организма и оно не оставляет следов. Инфразвуком можно убить за секунды, а можно подогнать к намеченной дате смерти! Например Ельцин:
"Заметки русского эссеиста о современной политической жизни в России и о В.В. Путине. / Notes by russian essayst about modern political life in Russia and V.V.Putin." Автор Ганова Людмила.
"Лето 2017 год. Сегодня я додумалась о способе прихода к власти В.В. Путина. Дело не в том, что у нас просто так никого не назначают никогда, а дело в том, что это операция ФСБ, которое тогда возглавлял Путин, и мог развернуться уже в полную силу в своих действиях. В 1996 году Ельцин начинает активно болеть, скоро перевыборы. На своих видосиках для народа он выглядит совершенно отёкшим, распухшим, неухоженным врачами человеком. Дело в том, что при таком уровне медицинской помощи врачей, которые были при Кремле ему могли бы легко помочь, а к нему движется активно третий инфаркт перед выборами. Не установить и не заметить это при обследовании невозможно.
Кроме того, тут события какие-то с терроризмом начались якобы. Они всегда начинаются, когда должны произойти какие-то изменения во власти или законах. И Ельцин вынужден задуматься о наследниках, кому передать власть. Он делает в своей жизни самую большую интеллектуальную ошибку, которая будет стоить ему жизни.
Милый, услужливый глава ФСБ В.В.Путин, которому всегда удаётся ликвидировать волнения в бунтующей от голода стране без копейки зарплаты всегда на подхвате, всегда все понимает и, даже делает. И он, Ельцин, глупо объявляет на всю страну, что он решает передать власть Путину, участвовать ему в выборах президента! Самое смешное он думает, что он все точно решил. И власть действительно передают Путину при помощи схемки сброса бюллетеней, нажиму на соответствующих лиц…. "
Цитата Гановой Людмилы "Также я думаю, что всех родственников Владимиру Ильичу все же не удалось собрать в Алапаевске : семья царя носила обширнейшие в том числе мировые корни, и законный наследник у неё всё же существует и сейчас спустя сто лет ! И он не должен выбираться на выборах, например, в президенты, а власть должна быть мирно передана именно ему этому наследнику… Собственно ,этому и посвящён мой роман “РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ” и, видимо, поэтому я и моя семья подвергаюсь преследованиям ФСБ в современной России. Видимо, Владимир Владимирович Путин считает эту власть своей собственной и не желает с ней расставаться."
Цитата Гановой Людмилы: "То есть можно сделать вывод, что её сын Виллем-Александр является наследником царской короны в России, несмотря на усилия принятые Лениным, вырезать всю царскую монархию в России. То есть можно с уверенностью сказать, что Виллем-Александр может являться наследником законной монархии в России. Интересно, что Виллем-Александр посетил Россию с официальным визитом 8 ноября 2013 ? Интересно, что Уильям-Александр чувствует свои кровные связи с русской императорской фамилией и историей!"
Открытое Письмо Гановой Людмилы Май 2018, цитаты: "For Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden. Судьба РУССКОЙ МОНАРХИИ."
"Сегодня я задумалась о судьбе Русской Монархии и о своём романе “Русская Монархия”, который написала около 10 лет назад.
Конечно, в мире стали модны бархатные революции и президенты и разговоры о демократии, хотя никто не знает, что такое демократия. Я думаю на этот вопрос не ответил бы даже американский президент Трамп.
В этом году исполняется сто лет расстрела царской семьи в Екатеринбурге."
"Я считаю, что сам человек имеет право говорить о своём романе, ну вот, например, В.В. Путин самовыдвиженцем выдвинулся на пост президента России.
Так что мое письмо это попытка привлечь внимание к роману “Русская монархия” Шведской Академии по вручению Нобелевских премий и самого шведского короля Карла Густава XVI, который проблемы монархии должен понимать гораздо лучше…."
"Белый король, наконец догадался,чего от него хотят, вдруг стащил с себя мантию, бросил её на клетку и убежал с доски." М.Булгаков.
"Жизнь снова начинается во вторник, Импровизации, Королевские заметки." Современная литература в стиле fantasy. Читать!
"Здесь просто не принято говорить о монархии Николая II и о страшном расстреле царской семьи, включая барышень принцесс и малыша 8 лет. А через день в какой-то шахте были убиты и спущены остальные члены царской семьи, г. Алапаевск. Так был институт наследственной власти в государстве уничтожен.
За 100 лет прошедшие после этого жуткого убийства, незаконного, явно по приказу Ленина, не было сделано ни одной попытки правовой оценки совершенного в Екатеринбурге."
"Современная власть в России основана на страшном перевороте и захвате власти Большевиками в России, а, значит, незаконна. И поэтому, видимо, она заботится о том, чтобы было постоянно скомпрометировано правление последнего императора Николая Второго. Именно поэтому Владимир Ильич Ленин забальзамирован и помещён в саркофаг на главной площади страны, и никто его оттуда не собирается убирать. Он стал во многом символом этой власти. Давайте не будем забывать, что он захватил власть в этой стране насильственным незаконным революционным путём.
О императоре Николае Втором в современной России разрешено говорить только плохо."
Цитаты: Ганова Людмила.
Нобелевские лауреаты 2018-2019 (вручение в 2019).
Olga Tokarthuk (Ольга Токарчук) - Нобелевская премия по литературе - 2018 (всё же вручена 2019). Формулировка жюри (за что дали): "За нарративное воображение, которое с энциклопедической страстью представляет пересечение границ, как форму жизни!"
Дебют 1993 г. Книга "Путешествие любителей книг." Как утверждают, признание пришло с 3-м романом "Первобытные и другие времена".
Интересно то, что ранняя книга Госпожи Токарчук с польским названием "Wydawnictovo Literackie" (была извлечена из небытия) и переиздана на английском в 2018 "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead" (ПРОЛОЖИ СВОЙ ПЛУГ ПО КОСТЯМ МЕРТВЕЦОВ)...
((Здесь напрашиваются аналогии, название и год издания этой книги 2018) столетие убийства Императорской семьи Романовых 1918-2018 включая маленьких детей! И Убийство русского писателя Гановой Людмилы )силовой захват в реанимацию, против воли человека, дети арестованы в больнице, аналогия с Нюрнбергским процессом - Дело Нацистских врачей, (Мы считаем против писателя было применено инфразвуковое оружие спецслужбами Путина) медицинские действия без согласия человека), поднявшей в обществе тему нелегитимной власти в России, основанной на страшном убийстве семьи Николая II в романе Гановой Людмилы "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ-2010".
С 2010 года ФСБ Путина велась целенаправленная работа по дискредитации и использованию идеи Гановой Людмилы: в 2018г. ( год убийства писателя Гановой Людмилы) выходит книга А.Савельева с названием "Русская Монархия"!!! Книги Петра Мультатули (Институт Стратегических Исследований) о Николае II? Книга Анна Шафран (в команде у Владимира Соловьёва, телеведущий), подготавливая почву для, возможно, монархии Путина? РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ СТАТЬЯ.
"В старинном Кремлёвском древнем особняке, в котором теперь царствует В.В. Путин, хотя именно, благодаря убийству Царской Монархии, он там сидит. Её уничтожение царской семьи его не тревожит и не вызывает никаких эмоций. Собственно, давайте себе честно признаемся, благодаря этому страшному жуткому расстрелу царской семьи в Екатеринбурге Лениным, он там и сидит. И мило рассуждает о том, что царь делал преступления так и не сказав какие. В Русском Государстве разворачивается новая страшная страница по массовому убийству и самое замечательное, что большинство населения о ней, даже не подозревает. А, например, умный Ходорок в интервью вДудю говорит о добром дурачке царе у власти. Николай II был добрый царь и хотел править справедливо в своём государстве - законно править. Даже он, Ходорок, с его умом не додумался, что это единственный способ правления в России и избавление от страшных диктаторов нашедшие свои способы страшного вхождения во власть."
"Печальное совпадение дат наводит на мысль, что это хорошо спланированная акция по уничтожению наследников царской Монархии в России. Это законные вопросы, которые должны заставить нас задуматься о том, что Владимир Ильич Ленин стоит за всеми этими убийствами (он не может просто не стоять) и поэтому он не может сейчас лежать на Красной площади светского государства. А мы не должны поддерживать убийства законной власти в России, которое Ленин осуществил. А то, выходит, мы это убийство поддерживаем, оставляя лежать его в саркофаге на главной площади страны !?
Также я думаю, что всех родственников Владимиру Ильичу все же не удалось собрать в Алапаевске : семья царя носила обширнейшие в том числе мировые корни, и законный наследник у неё всё же существует и сейчас спустя сто лет ! И он не должен выбираться на выборах, например, в президенты, а власть должна быть мирно передана именно ему этому наследнику…
Собственно , этому и посвящён мой роман “РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ” и, видимо, поэтому я и моя семья подвергаюсь преследованиям ФСБ в современной России. Видимо, Владимир Владимирович Путин считает эту власть своей собственной и не желает с ней расставаться.
Путин и Медведев юристы и очень хорошо должны это понимать.
Кстати, у существующей власти нет никаких законных оснований и в современной России по её законам, чтобы меня и мою семью преследовать, и вести за ней слежку специальными методами ФСБ : никто из моей семьи не состоит ни в одной из существующих партий или организаций ! "
Цитаты: Гановой Людмилы.
Г. Токарчук, что имеет в виду, на самом деле, Монархии? ("АНАХРОНИЧНЫЕ ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВА" - Устарелый, являющийся анахронизмом)
"Предпосылка ДЕМОКРАТИИ в том, что мы должны осознавать себя, - чтобы МЫ МОГЛИ ПРИНИМАТЬ РЕШЕНИЯ..." О.Токарчук.
Нам всем известны решения демократии (американские шоу, войны, захваты власти по всему миру: Афганистан, Сирия, Ирак, Ливия, Югославия, Украина, Гон-Конг, Венесуэла, Швеция, Англия (гей парады миллионники демократические, только свистни всё разнесут?), Франция, Испания (Каталония) вдруг решила отделиться, ох она какая демократическая!), дама забыла о "странных отношениях" КГБ Путина и Трампа. Диктатор рулит? Может быть лучший демократ - это Путин? Не может быть!?
"Писатели сильно вкладываются в работу метафор и создание мифов:..... отсюда и влияние, которое они оказывают НА НАШУ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКУЮ ЖИЗНЬ..." Интервью с сайта:
Г. Токарчук, это случайно не вы создали миф о "Демократии"? Похоже, что г. Токарчук соберается разрушить "Анохраничные правительства" то есть Монархии, демократией? А Шведская Монархия - Шведская Академия и дала даме Нобелевскую премию! Кто кого предаёт, и куда идут господа-товарищи!?
ИСКУССТВЕННО СОЗДАННЫЕ СПЕЦСЛУЖБАМИ ЛИЧНОСТИ: О ЛЮДЯХ, КНИГАХ, ПРОЕКТАХ (Прилепин, Мультатули, Савельев, Шафран и.т.д...Токарчук? Например в России. Думается, влияние Путина и Демократии этим не ограничивается? Статья.
Путин. Цитата: "Я просто пошёл в приёмную КГБ СССР с улицы, у меня же рабочая семья, у меня же связей не было куда мне идти. Я пошёл в приёмную прям. На приём пришёл, вышел мужик такой симпатичный. Говорит тебе чего? Я говорю вот хочу да... Он очень по серьёзному отнёсся. Ну поступать, да можно или армию там пройти или поступить закончить ВУЗ. Я говорю какой? Он говорит любой!"
Подполковник ФСБ А.Литвиненко :
Подполковник ФСБ А.Литвиненко:
""Путин перед тем, как поступить в университет пошёл в КГБ и предложил свои услуги. И я уверен, что этими услугами воспользовались. То есть Путин, учась в университете, должен был писать доносы на своих друзей. То есть Путин находился в университете и его готовили в КГБ не менее года, он писал, выполнял поручения сотрудников 5-го отдела КГБ СССР. А их интересовало только одно, борьба с идеологией вражеской, как они говорили, БОРЬБА С ИНАКОМЫСЛИЕМ."
"То есть для захвата власти в 99 году в 2000-м Российские спецслужбы использовали тайные методы, которые им по закону предоставлены для борьбы с терроризмом и спецслужбами противника. То есть если бы этим занималась армия, то они бы выехали на танках выкатили пушки, подняли в воздух боевые самолёты. Но это бы все заметили, а так как спецслужбы России имеют на вооружении тайные методы, то это никто не заметил, и увидели только когда в Кремле оказался чекист! В правительстве чекисты и везде чекисты!"
Оказывается уже в с 2010 года начали выходить книги по теме Русская Монархия: Пётр Мультатули Российский Институт Стратегических Исследований
О Мультатули Пётр Валентинович:
Книга: "Николай II. Отречение которого не было". 2010 г.
В 2018 году выходит книга Андрея Савельева "Русская Монархия"! Стоп, извините, но это Ганова Людмила в 2010 году написала книгу с названием "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ"!!!
Это, похоже, спецоперация Путинского ФСБ, того самого нелегитимного президента, который захватил власть в России незаконным силовым путём!?
Человека осуществляющего геноцид Русского Народа! Вероятно, - это задокументировано спецслужбами других государств. Дело Солье, Литвиненко, Взрывы домов, война в Чечне, нерасследованное, почему-то убийство Собчака и Ельцина, и.т.д... Оказывается уже известны и способы убийства Ельцина - это Инфразвуковое оружие!
О том, как убивали Президента Б.Ельцина, найдя у него в кабинете за шкафом инфразвуковой излучатель говорит Генерал-Майор ФСБ Б.К.Ратников в интервью.
В 2010 "вдруг" выходит книга "Николай II отречение которого не было". Автор Пётр Мультатули. Создаётся канал "ЦарьГрад ТВ" Владелец Константин Малофеев (заместитель Главы (Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла) Всемирный Русский Народный Собор (ВРНС), который возглавляет патриарх Кирилл! Оказывается в России началось строительство храмов (3 штуки в день) Заявил Патриарх Кирилл (Газета РУ) Зачем? В 2018 "издаётся" книга Андрея Савельева "Русская Монархия" "почему-то" с таким же названием как у Гановой Людмилы?
Муссируются идеи о том, что нужно восстанавливать монархию, продолжая искажать идею Гановой Людмилы и компрометировать семью Романовых - Николая II .
Константин Малофеев цитаты:
"Мы, канал русского православного большинства, наш президент Путин. Русское православное большинство выбрало Путина, а Путин..."
Видео: YouTube Канал: "ЦАРЬГРАД ТВ" "Константин Малофеев о новом правительстве и майских указах.":
"При Государе Николае II Россия не ощущала себя частью какой-либо системы там европейского концерта (видимо, имеется в виду ("концепт") держав, именно при нём Россия начала себя ощущать отдельной цивилизацией. У нас рождалась мысль, которая должна была объяснить существование России не как Европейской державы, а как самостоятельной наследницы 1, 2 Рима. Мы не успели! Мы имеем возможность сейчас подхватить правоприемство с Россией государя Николая II."
Т.е задействованы путинские спецслужбы и подтянуты "пропагандисты", "писатели", "каналы" и теперь формируются "независимые мнения" и нивелируются идеи и книга Гановой Людмилы "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" о возвращении законной монархии Романовых в России.
А на самом деле, как запасной вариант, готовится коронация убийцы В.В. Путина?
Это предстоит расследовать Международному Уголовному Суду / International Criminal Court!
О Анне Шафран:
Автор книга: "Государство чести. Монархия-будущее России" 2018? Ведущая на Радиостанции "Вести FM", где она с прокремлёвским пропагандистом В.Соловьёвым ведёт шоу "Полный Контакт". Замужем за корреспондентом "ИТАР-ТАСС", а ещё собственную вечернюю программу "Принцип Действия".
Отрывок из книги Шафран: "Лучшим строем была русская самодержавная монархия в том виде, в каком она существовала в XIX веке."
Из представлении книги А. Шафран Видео на YouTube
"Николай отрёкся. Смешно говорить о том, что сегодня кто-то из Романовых мог бы возглавить Россию! Они подписали себе приговор. Мы их в принципе не рассматриваем.
А те люди, которые сегодня себя называют Романовыми... Это кукольный театр, нивелируют и саму идею и свою монархию. Выглядит это смехотворно честно говоря. И мне кажутся, они делают плохое дело..."
В этом романе "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" Гановой Людмилой были высказаны идеи о восстановлении Монархии Романовых законной, легитимной власти в России! По примеру восстановления законной Монархии в Испании (Диктатор Франко передал власть законным наследникам испанской Монархии).
О незаконной преемственности нелегитимной власти (Ленин, Сталин, Путин) после незаконного захвата и убийства царской семьи Романовых в России! Ленин, как символ этой нелегитимной власти на главной площади страны!
Основываясь на устройстве Монархий в мире и монархических законах царской России престол может передаваться только по наследству. То есть "отречение" после преступного захвата убийцей и террористом Лениным Императора Николая II под дулом большевистских пистолетов является незаконным преступлением! А "отречение" есть не что иное, как фальсификация истории большевиками! В русском государстве существовала система опубликования государственных документов, которых не существует! В любом случае устройство монархии организовано передачей власти по наследству или по родственным связям. Поэтому власть могла перейти к принцессам или к наследнику, или другим родственникам! И даже если Михаил брат Императора "не захотел" (под дулом пистолета) принять корону, власть могла перейти к другим родственникам. А сфальсифицированная бумажка якобы подписанная карандашом "отречение" Николаем II впоследствии убитым вместе с семьёй и малолетними детьми - это говорит о страшном преступлении Ленина в 1917-1918 годах. Так как убийца Ленин прекрасно понимал свою нелегитимность и им была проведена такая изуверская спецоперация! Кстати, вешатель Ленин лежит на Красной площади до сих пор и является во многом символом этой страны, символом этой нелегитимной власти уже 100 лет! С тех пор, увы, убийства в России и перевороты и диктаторы следуют один за другим!
Цитата Гановой Людмилы:
"Демократия нивелирует ценность личности. Все в этом государстве оказываются никем. Иллюзия свободы выбора при демократии - это изощрённый обман. Созданный демократией же. Как сложно выбрать между Хилари и Трампом? И как можно предположить какими они будут президентами? Вообще Трамп ничего не сделал, чтобы быть американским президентом. все его устремления - это мессия всего мира и управление всем миром, и он постоянно это демонстрирует. Америка, как страна его совсем не интересует..."
Роман "Бегуны" - "Букеровская премия" 2018...
Госпожа Токарчук забралась аж в 1542 год (взяла точку отсчёта), когда в мире были актуальны труды учёных Коперника "О вращении небесных тел" и Вазалия "О строении человеческого тела."
Фальсификация реальности для Монархии? Демократия = Перевороты, Войны, Революции? Где решение реальных проблем современности и мира, неужели демократия войны?
Они в Романе века Гановой Людмилы "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" о котором Шведская Академия и Нобелевский Комитет предпочли умолчать! Почему?
Цитата Ганова Людмила:
"Порождение войны - это порождение нелегитимной власти.
У нас Ленин тут же попёр на весь остальной мир: “Завоюем весь мир”. Режим : Ленин, Гитлер, Наполеон."
Другой Нобелевский Лауреат 2019 Петер Хендке (Peter Hendke) Род. 1942г. Австрия. Живёт на юго-западе Парижа.
Роман "Шершни" 1966. Автор пьес "Пророчество","Самооговор"... "Оскорбление публики". Как-то в интервью Хендке заявил, что ему не видать Нобелевки за поддержку Слободана Милошевича! Автор романа:"Страх вратаря перед одиннадцатиметровым".
Формулировка Шведской Академии (за что): "За влиятельные работы, в которых с лингвистической одарённостью исследуются периферия и своеобразие человеческого существования."
"Михаил Рудницкий, литературовед, переводчик произведений Хендке: "Счастлив так, что больше нечего желать". Это пронзительная повесть о его матери, которая вот так прожила жизнь. О том, как жизнь пропадает за счёт банальностей, пропадает в стандартах..... Перефразируя Николая Островского, это повесть о том, как ему сыну мучительно больно за бесцельно прожитую жизнь матери..."
Зададимся вопросом, это не ФСБ Диктатора, переиздавало, подбирало и.т.д... "Кандидатов" и комментировало процесс Нобелевской Премии!? Тайные намёки спецслужб?
28/08/17 ЦИТАТЫ: Ганова Людмила.
"Я думаю, что природа создала человека самостоятельной интеллектуальной личностью способной сражаться за самого себя, и он ни при каком условии не должен входить ни в какие партийные организации и общественные объединения, ни Коммунистическая Партия большевиков, ни партия Гитлера национал... Ни "Единая Россия" ни "Наши", ни, ни, ни... Он один в этой жизни, только он имеет право сражаться за себя. На самом деле никто за него никогда сражаться не будет. Таким образом нам хотят внушить, что мы неполноценны, что мы нуждаемся в руководстве, а это значит, что ты обязательно потеряешь себя, как личность, и как человека в конце концов."
"Если всё нормально - то это настоящий Гитлер-Югенд. Нормальней их не было на белом свете. А на самом деле нормальный тот, кто из этого Гитлер-Югенда сбежал. Куда? Это он должен решить сам. С тобой всегда разговаривают только по бюрократическим канонам, такие законы в обществе и есть и действуют они предельно жёстко."
"В ФСБ одна платёжная система со всеми, кто с ней работает и все они когда-то заплатят собственной жизнью, смертью за услуги, которые они оказали ФСБ. Кстати и ФСБ тоже... Такая современная жизнь в России, которую, кстати, не все понимают... И в газетке об этом не прочитаешь.
В сложных ситуациях ты начинаешь думать сам и поэтому ты умный, а они в этих сложных ситуациях действуют по общественному шаблону, стандарту, и поэтому подписывают себе смертный приговор. И поэтому современная жизнь тоже сложна... И поэтому их собственный интеллект даже не начал рождаться... Я, например, читала интервью, что Квентин Тарантино был двоечником. Значит он не был погружён в систему, его интеллект развивался тогда самостоятельно. Он хорошо понимает реальность, то, что она сверх жестока и патологична... Но так он научился ей противостоять..."
".... И сами колоссальные партии создаются в обществе, чтобы захватить власть, например, Национал Социалистическая партия Гитлера, наша Компартия, Ленин, Сталин её создали. В связи с этим опытом партии должны быть запрещены. Партии - это ступенька к захвату власти в обществе. Общество должно быть светским и его организации должны быть светскими...Эта мысль доказанная в этом рассуждении. Я опиралась, в общем-то, на большой промежуток времени и на конкретные дела этих самых больших партий.(Илья сказал, преступные монстры это).Куда это засунули цвет нации? Почему он полностью отсутствует в Парламенте? Потому что личности, выдающиеся личности в обществе не состоят в партиях этих. Так осуществилась замена и подмена парламентаризма в России. ...."
Писатель Ганова Людмила написала роман “РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ” о нелегитимности власти в России 1918-2018, основанной на убийстве семьи Императора II, царской семьи Романовых, незаконном захвате власти террористом В.И.Лениным. Т.е власть основанная на убийстве и незаконном захвате не может быть легитимной. Отсутствие правовой оценки в мире порождает новые захваты власти и революции…
Эта книга оказалась между двух огней : диктатор, который хочет сидеть вечно и убивать, и демократией, которая стремится захватить власть и использовать недра в России. Этот экспорт демократии по всему миру “американские шоу”, как писала Ганова Людмила. Войны и революции нелегитимной власти, так как нелегитимная власть - это внешняя и внутренняя война.
Замалчивание этой проблемы, на самом деле, мирового уровня, так как спецоперации диктатора и демократии (всё это жуткий, странный клубок) и ведет мир катастрофе и к нивелированию монархий мира и наследников Романовых в Европейских Монархиях, которые существуют и сейчас и власть должна быть им мирно передана.
Отсутствие правовых механизмов (оценки случившегося в 1917-1918) доминирование отдельных стран, например, Америка, Россия, и диктаторов демократий, а, тем временем, назревает новый переворот, новая незаконная власть в России. Мы уже видели и можем наблюдать, чем заканчивается экспорт демократии в завоёванных странах, например, в Ираке.Это путь в никуда.
Нобелевская Премия по Литературе 2018 после, якобы скандала в Шведской Академии, в новом году была присуждена г.Токарчук, которая пропагандирует “демократические идеи”, а, значит, захваты государств? Где открытия личности, где идеи глобальные для человечества интеллектуального уровня, как в романе века “РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ” Гановой Людмилы.
Разве американское общество с триллионами долгов может вести этот мир за собой?
Может, настало время, когда монархиям нужно самим за себя сражаться?
Молчание о романе века - это тоже преступление века, так как понимание уже существует, и писатель убита, но не её идея и открытие тайны России …
Мы наблюдаем отсутствие личностей в мире способных сказать правду.
Здесь вопрос не в медали Нобелевской, а в чести и совести поколений, что пришли спустя сто лет, после этого страшного убийства, о морали и нравственности общества, к столетию невинно убиенной семьи Романовых, целое столетие в России тема нелегитимной власти была под запретом, поднявшим её грозила смерть. Как мы видим, это по-прежнему запретная в мире тема. Значит, история нас не учит и убийца Ленин продолжает лежать на Красной Площади. А обкатанной схемке демократической революции в 21 веке, что появляются то тут то там, как грибы после дождя, уже готовы убивать. Так куда же движется мир? И почему в мире этом так опасно независимое мнение честного человека, того, кто спустя 100 лет открыл этому миру истину и был зверски убит: Писатель Ганова Людмила автор романа “РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ”. А вы молчите и ждете, когда убийцы придут за вами. Т.е Вы все их предали и, спустя 100 лет.
Как мы знаем официальная церемония награждения Нобелевских лауреатов происходит в Швеции и награды вручает лично Шведский Монарх Карл XVI Густав / King Carl XVI Gustaf (Вручает из рук в руки). Следовательно, он сам может ещё принять решение о вручении или не вручении, например, Нобелевской Премии по Литературе!
То есть у его есть полномочия и инструменты воздействия и личное понимание и ответственность за происходящие в Нобелевском Комитете и Шведской Академии события...
То есть, Монарх может принять своё собственное Королевское решение....
Надеемся, что законные наследники Романовых восстановят легитимную монархию в России. Этим должны заняться сами монархии мира. И наследник не должен выбираться на выборах.
Цитата Гановой Людмилы:
"История она движется всегда какими-то своими путями, которые мы не всегда понимаем... В вопросах решения престолонаследия, когда возможны несколько претендентов на корону, вопрос решается очень демократично. Кто считает возможным взять корону сам и это очень важно. Никакой борьбы за власть в этом случае там не происходит."
Авторы Статьи Ket Gun (Цурикова Екатерина) и Цуриков Илья. 12-13 Октября 2019 года.
Цитата Гановой Людмилы:
"История она движется всегда какими-то своими путями, которые мы не всегда понимаем... В вопросах решения престолонаследия, когда возможны несколько претендентов на корону, вопрос решается очень демократично. Кто считает возможным взять корону сам и это очень важно. Никакой борьбы за власть в этом случае там не происходит."
Авторы Статьи Ket Gun (Цурикова Екатерина) и Цуриков Илья. 12-13 Октября 2019 года.
Nobel Prize for Literature 2018, Special Operation "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" of Putin's FSB. OPEN LETTER TO KING OF SWEDEN CARL XVI GUSTAF.
King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf and the Nobel Prize - you are serve for the Monarchy and the truth or the FSB - the CIA!?
It seems the Monarchies has forgotten what the Nobel Prize is, what they serve and what the Nobel Prize is for the modern world. They must serve for the Monarchy, as well as all civilized people, and protect it!
The Swedish Monarchy, like other monarchies of the world (English, the Netherlands (King Willem-Alexander), etc.), have direct family ties with the innocently murdered Romanov's Monarchy! The book of the writer Ganova Ludmila "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" nominated for the Nobel Prize according to Literature in 2018 and she wrote an open letter to the King of Sweden (May 2018) (about the need to attraction of attention to the theme of the century, (the illegitimacy of power in Russia 1918 - 2018 based on the seizure and illegal murder of the legal head of state Emperor Nicholas II and his family in Russia) , King of Sweden, who personally presents the Nobel Prizes responsible in front of society, writer Ganova Ludmila was powered captured and killed in Russia READ THE INVESTIGATION!
Also in the investigation you can read about the events of this year, this special operation of the FSB of the illegitimate head of state Putin, the heir of party of the terrorist Lenin, with a party card in the table! It is important that the discoveries of the writer Ganova Ludmila and the ideas expressed in the book "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" are actively used by illegitimate authorities and "democracy" in order to further its illegal retention! And on King Carl XVI Gustaf, there is just as much responsibility for what is happening in Russia and the World as on other world monarchies!
(You will remain Carl XVI Gustaf in world history, ........ if you will do a crime against the Romanov Dynasty, the Russian Monarchy, the writer Ganova Ludmila, and all the legitimate monarchies of the world! Synchronize the decision of illegitimate systems and Dictators! By the King .. .?! Interestingly, dear Carl XVI Gustaf, will can you are personally "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead"?
Open letter to World Community, European Monarchies, Heads of States, Mass Media, Human Rights Defenders, Politicians, Cultural Personalities. (18+)
Investigation of Murder.
Olga Tokarczuk - Olga Tokarchuk? - Nobel Prize in Literature - 2018 (still awarded 2019).
"The white king, finally guessed what they want from him, suddenly pulled off his mantle, threw it on the cell and ran away from the board." M. Bulgakov.
Olga Tokarczuk - Nobel Prize in Literature - 2018 (awarded 2019). The formulation of the jury (for which they gave): "For the narrative imagination, which with encyclopedic passion represents border crossing, as a form of life!"
Debut 1993 Book "The Journey of the Book-People" Allegedly, recognition came with the 3rd novel "Primeval and Other Times."
Interestingly, Mrs. Tokarczuk's early book with the Polish title "Wydawnictovo Literackie" (extracted from nonexistence) and reprinted in English in 2018, "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead".
((The analogy here, the title and publication year of this book 2018) is the centenary of the murder of the Imperial Romanov family 1918-2018 including small children! And the assassination of the Russian writer Ganova Ludmila) powered capture in closed reanimation, against the will of the person, the children were arrested in the hospital, an analogy with Nuremberg the process - The Case of Nazi Doctors, (We believe that infrasound weapons were used against the writer by Putin’s secret services) medical actions without human permission), which raised the topic of illegitimate power in Russia based on the terrible murder of emperor Nicholas II family in the novel of Ganova Ludmila "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" 2010.
Since 2010, the FSB of Putin has been deliberately working to discredit and use the idea of Ganova Ludmila: in 2018. (the year of the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila) a book by A. Savelyev with the title "Russian Monarchy" is published !!! Books by Peter Multatuli (Institute for Strategic Studies) about Nicholas II? The book by Anna Shafran (in the team of Vladimir Solovyov, TV presenter), preparing the way for, perhaps, Putin’s monarchy?
Article investigation and documents, records etc on blog
O. Tokarczuk, what does Monarchy really mean? ("ANOCHRONIC GOVERNMENTS" - Obsolete, being an anachronism)...
"The precondition of DEMOCRACY is that we must be aware of ourselves - so that we will could make decisions ..." O. Tokarczuk.
We all know the decisions of democracy (American shows, wars, seizures of power around the world: Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Sweden, England (gay parades are millionaires democratic, just whistle and they will smash everything?) , France, Spain (Catalonia) suddenly decided to secede, oh she is so democratic!), The lady forgot about the "strange relations" of the KGB of Putin and Trump. Does the dictator rule? Maybe the best democrat is Putin? Can not be!?
"Writers are heavily invested in the work of metaphors and the creation of myths: ..... hence the influence they have on OUR POLITICAL LIFE ..." Interview from the site: Tokarczuk, is it by chance that you did not create the myth of "Democracy"? It seems that Mr. Tokarchuk is about to destroy the “Anochran governments”, that is the Monarchy, by democracy? And the Swedish Monarchy is the Swedish Academy and gave the lady the Nobel Prize! Who is betraying whom, and where are the gentlemen-comrades going to!?
Another Nobel Laureate 2019 Peter Handke born. 1942 Austria. Lives in the southwest of Paris.
The novel “The Hornets” 1966. The author of the plays “Prophecy”, ” Self accusation” … “Public Insult.” Once in an interview, Handke said that he would not see the Nobel for supporting Slobodan Milosevic! The author of the novel: “The Goalkeeper’s Fear of the Penalty”.
The formulation of the Swedish Academy (for what): “For influential works in which the periphery and originality of human existence are studied with linguistic giftedness.”
“Mikhail Rudnitsky, literary critic, translator of Handke’s works:“ I am so happy that there is nothing more to wish for. ”This is a piercing story about his mother, which is lived her life like this. How life disappears due in banality, it disappears in the standards …. To paraphrase Nikolai Ostrovsky, this is a story about how his son was excruciatingly painful for his mother’s aimlessly lived life … “
We ask ourselves, this is not the FSB Dictator, reprinted, selected, etc. … “Candidates” and commented on the Nobel Prize process !? Secret mention of Special Services?
Doubt it?
PERSONALITY CREATED BY SPECIAL SERVICES: ABOUT PEOPLE, BOOKS, PROJECTS (Prilepin, Multatuli, Savelyev, Shafran, etc. ... Tokarczuk? For example, in Russia. It seems that the influence of Putin and Democracy is not limited to this? Article.
Putin Citation: “I just went to the reception of the KGB of the USSR from the street, I have a working family, I had no connections where to go. I went to the reception directly. I came to the reception, the guy came out so handsome. He tells you what? I say I want to ... yes, he took a very serious attitude. Well, to act, but you can either go through the army there or go to graduate. I say what? He says any! "
Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB A.Litvinenko
Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB A. Litvinenko:
"Before going to university, Putin went to the KGB and offered his services. And I’m sure that they used these services. That is, Putin, while studying at the university, had to write denunciations to his friends. That is, Putin was at the university and he was trained at the KGB for at least a year, he wrote, carried out instructions from the employees of the 5th department of the KGB of the USSR. And they were only interested in one thing, the struggle against the ideology of the enemy, as they said, FIGHT AGAINST NONCONFORMITY. "
“That is, in order to seize power in 1999 in 2000, the Russian special services used secret methods that they were legally provided with for combating terrorism and the special services of the enemy. That is, if the army were to do this, then they would go out on tanks and roll out guns military planes into the air. But everyone would have catch sight of, and since the Russian special services are armed with secret methods, no one saw it, and saw it only when the Chekist was in the Kremlin! Chekists are everywhere in the government! ”
It turns out that already in 2010 books on the Russian Monarchy began to be published: Peter Multatuli Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
About Multatuli Peter Valentinovich:
Book: "Nicholas II. The abdication of which was not." 2010 year
In 2018, Andrei Savelyev’s book, The Russian Monarchy, is published! Stop, I'm sorry, but this Ganova Lyudmila in 2010 wrote a book called "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" !!!
This, it seems, is a special operation of the Putin FSB, the very illegitimate president who seized power in Russia by illegal means !?
The person who carries out the genocide of the Russian People! Probably - this is documented by intelligence agencies of other states. The case of Sollier, Litvinenko, House bombings, the war in Chechnya, uninvestigated, for some reason the murder of Sobchak and Yeltsin, etc. ... It turns out that the methods of killing Yeltsin are already known - these are Infrasound weapons!
Major General of the Federal Security Service, B.K. Ratnikov, talks about how President B. Yeltsin was killed by finding an infrasound antenna in his office behind a cabinet.
In 2010, "suddenly" comes the book "Nicholas II whose abdication was not." Posted by Peter Multatuli. The TsarGrad TV channel is being created Owner Konstantin Malofeev (Deputy Head (Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill) of the World Russian People’s Cathedral, which is headed by Patriarch Kirill! It turns out that the construction of churches in Russia (3 pieces a day) has begun, said Patriarch Kirill (Newspaper RU) Why? In 2018, Andrei Savelyev’s book “Russian Monarchy” “for some reason” with the same title as Ganova Ludmila is “published”?
Ideas are being circulated that it is necessary to restore the monarchy, continuing to distort the idea of Ganova Ludmila and to destroy the Romanov's family and emperor Nicholas II.
Konstantin Malofeev citations:
"We, the channel of the Russian Orthodox majority, our president Putin. The Russian Orthodox majority has chosen Putin, and Putin ..."
Video: YouTube Channel: TSARGRAD TV "Konstantin Malofeev about the new government and the May decrees.":
“Under Sovereign Nicholas II, Russia did not feel itself part of any system of a European concert there (apparently, it means (“ concept ”) of the powers, it was under it that Russia began to feel itself as a separate civilization. We had an idea that was supposed to explain the existence of Russia is not as a European power, but as an independent heiress of Rome 1, 2. We did not have time! We have the opportunity now to seize the succession with Russia of Tsar Nicholas II. "
That is, Putin’s special services are involved and “propagandists”, “writers”, “channels” are pulled up and now “independent opinions” are formed and the ideas and book of Ganova Ludmila “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” about the return of the legal Romanov's monarchy to Russia.
But actually, as a fallback, is being prepared the coronation of the killer V.V. Putin.
This remains to be investigated by the International Criminal Court!
About Anna Shafran:
Author of the book: "A State of Honour: Monarchy, Russia's Future." 2018? A presenter at Vesti FM Radio Station, where she leads the show "Full Contact" with pro-Kremlin propagandist V. Solovyov. Married to a ITAR-TASS correspondent, and also to her own evening program, "Principle of Action".
Excerpt from the book of Shafran: "The best system was the Russian autocratic monarchy in the form in which it existed in the XIX century."
From the presentation of the book A. Shafran Video on YouTube
"Nikolay abdicated from it. It is ridiculous to say that today someone from the Romanovs could lead Russia! They signed to ourselves a death sentence. We basically do not consider them.
And those people who today call themselves the Romanovs ... This is a dolly theater, leveled the idea and their own monarchy. It's looks ridiculously honest. And I think they’re doing a bad thing ... "
In this novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" by Ganova Ludmila were expressed ideas about restoring of the legitimate Romanov's Monarchy, legitimate power in Russia! Following the example of the restoration of the legitimate Monarchy in Spain (Dictator Franco transferred power to the legitimate heirs of the Spanish Monarchy).
About the illegitimate succession of illegitimate power (Lenin, Stalin, Putin) after the illegal capture and murder of the tsar’s Romanov family in Russia! Lenin, as a symbol of this illegitimate power on the main square of the country!
Based on the structure of the monarchies in the world and the monarchical laws of tsarist Russia, the throne can only be inherited. That is, "abdication" after the criminal capture by the murderer and terrorist Lenin of Emperor Nicholas II at gunpoint of Bolshevik pistols is an illegal crime! And “renunciation” is nothing but falsification of history by the Bolsheviks! In the Russian state there was a system for publishing state documents that did not exist! In any case, the device of the monarchy is organized by the transfer of power by inheritance or by kinship. Therefore, power could pass to the princesses or to the heir, or to other relatives! And even if Mikhail the Emperor’s brother “didn’t” (at gunpoint) accept the crown, power could pass to other relatives. And a falsified piece of paper supposedly signed in pencil by "renunciation" by Nicholas II who was subsequently killed along with his family and young children - this indicates a terrible crime of Lenin in 1917-1918.
Since the killer Lenin perfectly understood his illegitimacy and he carried out such a savage special operation! By the way, the hanger Lenin lies on Red Square until now and is in many ways a symbol of this country, a symbol of this illegitimate power for 100 years! Since then, alas, murders in Russia and revolutions and dictators follow one after another!
The writer Ganova Ludmila wrote the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” about the illegitimacy of power in Russia 1918-2018, based on the murder of the family of Emperor II, the royal family of the Romanovs, the illegal seizure of power by a terrorist V.I. Lenin.
Political power in Russia based on murder of tsar family and unlawful seizure cannot be legitimate.
The absence of a legal assessment in the world gives rise to new seizures of power and revolutions ...
This book was between two fires: a dictator, who wants to sit forever and killing, and a democracy that seeks to seize of power in Russia.
This export of democracy around the world is “American shows,” as Ganova Ludmila wrote. It's wars and revolutions of illegitimate power, because illegitimate power is an external and internal war.
Silence of this world level problem, in fact, about the special operations of the dictator and democracy (it's all terrible, strange tangle) also lead to the world's catastrophe to the destruction of the world's monarchies and the Romanov’s heirs in the European Monarchies, which exist now and power should be peacefully transmitted to them.
Article : Investigation Putin - Trump, Writer Ganova Ludmila - novel "Russian Monarchy" and Nobel Prize For Literature 2018.
The absence of legal mechanisms (assessments of what happened in 1917-1918) is the dominance of individual countries, for example, America, Russia, and the dictators, democracies, and, meanwhile, a new revolution, a new illegal power in Russia is brewing. We have already seen and can observe how the export of democracy ends in the conquered countries, for example, in Iraq. This is the road to going nowhere.
After the alleged scandal at the Swedish Academy, the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2018 was awarded to O.Tokarczuk in the new year, which promotes “democratic ideas”, which means capturing countries? Where are the discoveries of the individual, where are global ideas for the humanity of the intellectual level, as in the novel of the century “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” by Ganova Ludmila.
Can an American society with trillions of debts lead this world?
Maybe the time has come when the monarchies need to fight for themselves?
Silence about the novel of the century is also a crime of the century, since understanding already exists, and the writer is killed, but not her idea and the discovery of the secrets of Russia ...
We see absence of personalities in the world capable of telling the truth.
Here the question is not in the medal of Nobel, but in the generations of honor and conscience that came a hundred years after this terrible murder, about the morality of society, to the centenary of the Romanovs innocently killed family, for a century in Russia the topic of illegitimate power was prohibited, raising she was threatened with death. As we can see, this is still a forbidden topic in the world. This means that history does not teach us and the killer Lenin continues to lie on Red Square. And the run-in little scheme of the democratic revolution in the 21st century, that appears here and there, like mushrooms after the rain, and it's is ready to kill. So where does the world go?
And why in this world the independent opinion of an honest man, one who after 100 years, revealed the truth to this world and was brutally murdered, is so dangerous: writer Ganova Ludmila is the author of the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”. And you are silent and waiting for the killers to come after you. And you are all betrayed them and after 100 years again.
The 21st century opens up new challenges to the world! Therefore, humanity must seek new solutions to world problems, including legislative ones.
The modern world has in it's arsenal the International Criminal Court, which is designed to solve global problems and crimes, including of the states committing crimes! However, membership in this ICC court is voluntary! For example, Russia and America are not members of the International Criminal Court, like some other countries that have to very big questions! This is what the president of the ICC Chile Ebou Osuji says in the Conflict Zone program.
The question is, can such selective justice be implemented in a civilized world? Can the ICC also come under pressure from these illegitimate systems and begin to administer justice in the interests of dictators and systems?
For example, in Russia, the political assassination of the writer Ganova Ludmila (forceful confinement in closed reanimation against the will of a person, detention, torture, murder!). These are Nazi actions - remember the Nuremberg process, the case of Nazi doctors! Implement medical actions against the will of human! In the case initiated by SK, under Article 109 Part 2, and closed, it is said that, for example, Ganova Ludmila in the ambulance acted aggressively, and after five minutes she "could not express her will" and was hospitalized by concilium of doctors. And that concilium was from the Russian Guard and the Police, and the FSB! A political book, “RUSSIAN MONARCHY, which touches on the very essence of this illegitimate system in Russia! Novel about the restoration of the legitimate Romanov's Monarchy, 2018 is the centenary of the murder of Emperor Nicholas II and his family after the illegal seizure of power by the communists. There is no legal assessment of this terrible murder in the world! And that's why Putin in the Kremlin.
We wrote about this special operation on the coronation of dictator Putin, which began after Ganova Ludmila wrote the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”. State structures of the “personality” are involved in this Putin special operation!
However, the ICC begins the process over England (soldiers of Her Majesty), who were once drawn into the war by America! And America turned out to be not under the jurisdiction! We see even now the upcoming and existing seizures of countries and state organizations against sovereign states. As we know from the press, the BBC, Sunday Times, initiated an investigation against England. (The BBC writes that the ICC found grounds for an investigation in the BBC Panorama program !? But still this is a war in which different countries and forces take part and possible provocations!
In Russia, the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila involved all state structures, and responsibility on President Putin personally, for what is happening in the country! And for the legislation he prepared that violates human rights! Evidence, audio, video, photos!
Government structures: Police, FSB, Investigative Committee, Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor, President, etc.
So, following the example of the BBC, (collected materials by "journalists", testimonies of victims, eyewitnesses, can be used as materials for the International Criminal Court, and for initiating the International Criminal Procedure!
"The international court wants to investigate the actions of the British army in Iraq and Afghanistan"
Consequently, the ICC (International Criminal Court) can also, on the materials collected by us (children of the writer Ganova Ludmila), Ilya Tsurikov and Ekaterina Tsurikova, (the materials and documents of the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila) to begin the International Criminal Investigation! This is a criminal attack by the state and personally by V. Putin against the individuals and citizens!
Nobel Prize for Literature 2018, Special Operation "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" of Putin's FSB. OPEN LETTER TO KING OF SWEDEN CARL XVI GUSTAF.
King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf and the Nobel Prize - you are serve for the Monarchy and the truth or the FSB - the CIA!?
It seems the Monarchies has forgotten what the Nobel Prize is, what they serve and what the Nobel Prize is for the modern world. They must serve for the Monarchy, as well as all civilized people, and protect it!
The Swedish Monarchy, like other monarchies of the world (English, the Netherlands (King Willem-Alexander), etc.), have direct family ties with the innocently murdered Romanov's Monarchy! The book of the writer Ganova Ludmila "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" nominated for the Nobel Prize according to Literature in 2018 and she wrote an open letter to the King of Sweden (May 2018) (about the need to attraction of attention to the theme of the century, (the illegitimacy of power in Russia 1918 - 2018 based on the seizure and illegal murder of the legal head of state Emperor Nicholas II and his family in Russia) , King of Sweden, who personally presents the Nobel Prizes responsible in front of society, writer Ganova Ludmila was powered captured and killed in Russia READ THE INVESTIGATION!
Also in the investigation you can read about the events of this year, this special operation of the FSB of the illegitimate head of state Putin, the heir of party of the terrorist Lenin, with a party card in the table! It is important that the discoveries of the writer Ganova Ludmila and the ideas expressed in the book "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" are actively used by illegitimate authorities and "democracy" in order to further its illegal retention! And on King Carl XVI Gustaf, there is just as much responsibility for what is happening in Russia and the World as on other world monarchies!
(You will remain Carl XVI Gustaf in world history, ........ if you will do a crime against the Romanov Dynasty, the Russian Monarchy, the writer Ganova Ludmila, and all the legitimate monarchies of the world! Synchronize the decision of illegitimate systems and Dictators! By the King .. .?! Interestingly, dear Carl XVI Gustaf, will can you are personally "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead"?
Bublic Letter for Japanese Emperor Naruhito, UAE Royals, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, King of Spain Felipe VI, King Willem-Alexander of Netherlands, King of Belgium Philippe, Luxembourg Royals, Queen of England Elizabeth II, European and world's Monarchies...
Already a year, the writer Ganova Ludmila was powered capture and killed in 2018, the author of the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” about the illegitimacy of power in Russia, based on the murder of the family of Emperor Nicholas II in 1918, she was self nominated on Nobel Prize in 2018 and we all see the silence of Swedish Academy, Nobel Prize, world leaders, Monarchies !
Already a year, the writer Ganova Ludmila was powered capture and killed in 2018, the author of the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” about the illegitimacy of power in Russia, based on the murder of the family of Emperor Nicholas II in 1918, she was self nominated on Nobel Prize in 2018 and we all see the silence of Swedish Academy, Nobel Prize, world leaders, Monarchies !
Cousin of the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf Count Jan Bernadotte - a descendant of the Imperial House of Romanov! The son of Lennard Bernadotte.
Lennart Bernadot The son of Prince Wilhelm of Sweden and the Russian Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, granddaughter of the Russian Emperor Alexander II (Alexander II Nikolaevich, May 8, 1909)
All-Russian Emperor Alexander II Nikolaevich, Tsar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland (1855-1818) from the Romanov dynasty. The eldest son of the couple Nikolai Pavlovich and Alexandra Fedorovna!
Lennart Bernadot The son of Prince Wilhelm of Sweden and the Russian Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, granddaughter of the Russian Emperor Alexander II (Alexander II Nikolaevich, May 8, 1909)
All-Russian Emperor Alexander II Nikolaevich, Tsar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland (1855-1818) from the Romanov dynasty. The eldest son of the couple Nikolai Pavlovich and Alexandra Fedorovna!
There are other Romanov heirs in the world, for example, the King of the Netherlands William-Alexander, the English Monarchy, the direct Romanov heirs in Sweden / etc...
The special operations of Putin’s FSB "Russian Monarchy" began many years ago, we are witnessing this in Russia. And now in Sweden and the world! The scandal at the Swedish Academy for awarding the Nobel Prizes, apparently, is not accidental - the centenary of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II Romanov's family 1918-2018, especially since the direct legal heirs of the Romanovs, relatives of the Swedish Monarch, live in Sweden! We will not be naive if the FSB Lt. Col. Litvinenko says that Chekists are everywhere, then they simply must be in the Swedish Academy! This is a continuation of the cause of the terrorist and murderer of the Tsar’s family in Russia, Lenin and the continuation of the destruction of the Romanov’s heirs in the world in the European Monarchies! We see the deteriorating of health of King Carl XVI Gustav (all the signs of an infrasound weapon), a weakening of the body and it leaves no traces. Infrasound can be killed in seconds, or it can be adjusted to the intended date of death! For example, Yeltsin:
The special operations of Putin’s FSB "Russian Monarchy" began many years ago, we are witnessing this in Russia. And now in Sweden and the world! The scandal at the Swedish Academy for awarding the Nobel Prizes, apparently, is not accidental - the centenary of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II Romanov's family 1918-2018, especially since the direct legal heirs of the Romanovs, relatives of the Swedish Monarch, live in Sweden! We will not be naive if the FSB Lt. Col. Litvinenko says that Chekists are everywhere, then they simply must be in the Swedish Academy! This is a continuation of the cause of the terrorist and murderer of the Tsar’s family in Russia, Lenin and the continuation of the destruction of the Romanov’s heirs in the world in the European Monarchies! We see the deteriorating of health of King Carl XVI Gustav (all the signs of an infrasound weapon), a weakening of the body and it leaves no traces. Infrasound can be killed in seconds, or it can be adjusted to the intended date of death! For example, Yeltsin:
Notes by russian essayst about modern political life in Russia and V.V.Putin. Author Ganova Ludmila.
"Today I understood about PUTIN's way of coming into power. Just simple nobody can't appointed in Russia, it's a special operation of the FSB which then headed by Putin and he could then turn in full force in his actions.
In 1996 Boris Yeltsin begins actively be ill, soon re-election. On his videos for people, he looks completely swollen, distent, neglected by doctors.
The fact that with level of medical aid from doctors who were at the Kremlin, they could easily help him. But to him actively moving the third infarct before the elections.
Not see that by doctors surveyed, it's impossible.
In addition, here some kind of events with terrorism began allegedly. They always begin when some kind of change in government or laws should occur. And Yeltsin is forced to think about successor, to whom to transfer power. He makes the biggest intellectual mistake in his life that will cost him of his life."
The fact that with level of medical aid from doctors who were at the Kremlin, they could easily help him. But to him actively moving the third infarct before the elections.
Not see that by doctors surveyed, it's impossible.
In addition, here some kind of events with terrorism began allegedly. They always begin when some kind of change in government or laws should occur. And Yeltsin is forced to think about successor, to whom to transfer power. He makes the biggest intellectual mistake in his life that will cost him of his life."
"Procreation of war it's procreation of illegitimate power. Lenin immediately went to the whole world: "We will conquer the whole world".
Regime: Lenin, Hitler, Napoleon.
War in Serbia. There was a monarch in Serbia and he wouldn't has in mind to fight with his people. In England, no internal wars!
The illegitimate power it's also internal war! For hundred years the war hasn't ended.
This is a continuation of illegitimate heads of countries... In Russia, the war without stopping is a hundred years already.
If in Russia would be a legitimate monarchy NATO would not lined up on Russia's borders.
They all accustomed to wars and revolutions, that it's now the most common condition of society." (Author's articles citations)
Publicist, political writer Ganova Ludmila.
The special operations of Putin’s FSB "Russian Monarchy" began many years ago, we are observe this in Russia. And now in Sweden and in the world! The scandal at the Swedish Academy for awarding of the Nobel Prizes, apparently, is not accidental - the centenary of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II 1918-2018, especially because the direct legal heirs of the Romanovs, relatives of the Swedish Monarch, live in Sweden! We will not be naive, if the FSB Lt. Col. Litvinenko says that Chekists are everywhere, then simply how can they not be in the Swedish Academy!? This is a continuation of the cause of the terrorist and murderer of the Tsar’s family in Russia, Lenin and the continuation of the destruction of the Romanov’s heirs in the world and in the European Monarchies! We see the deteriorating health of King Carl XVI Gustaf (all the signs of an infrasound weapon), a weakening of the body and it's can't leaves traces.
Ganova Ludmila Citation: "Modern political power in Russia is based on a terrible terroristic captured of legal powers by Bolsheviks
in Russia and consequently illegal in Russia. And therefore apparently they is concerned that reign of the last Emperor Nikolay II,
they constantly discredited him all the time. That is why V.I.Lenin is embalmed and placed in a sarcophagus on the main aquare of the country and no one is going to take away him from there.
He became in many ways a symbol of this power. Let's not forget that he captured power in this country by violent illegal revolutionary way."
Citation of writer Ganova Ludmila about her Novel:
"A novel with such name "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" could appear only in our time because the Bolsheviks and the Communists stubbornly kept silent about the problem of royal power, shooting of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Anyone who raising this question was also threatened of death.
In this book you will find a variety of points of view expressed by different people who have found it necessary to express it ... This is primarily an Internet novel, discussions took place on the Echo of Moscow station and Hydepark sites.
And the most important thing is that not a single word don't has been changed in their statement!
It is very interesting to read them, and they, these statements, speak about the complexity of the problem raised, about modern life, about the most different ways of managing the state, about the mood of the society itself, about its openness, about publicity in it. In it, in this novel, even the point of view is expressed that the management of the Russian state can be transferred to the heirs of the royal family !!! As it was done in Spain by the dictator Franco. And what can get the Russian State as a result of such a transfer of power ...."
In this book you will find a variety of points of view expressed by different people who have found it necessary to express it ... This is primarily an Internet novel, discussions took place on the Echo of Moscow station and Hydepark sites.
And the most important thing is that not a single word don't has been changed in their statement!
It is very interesting to read them, and they, these statements, speak about the complexity of the problem raised, about modern life, about the most different ways of managing the state, about the mood of the society itself, about its openness, about publicity in it. In it, in this novel, even the point of view is expressed that the management of the Russian state can be transferred to the heirs of the royal family !!! As it was done in Spain by the dictator Franco. And what can get the Russian State as a result of such a transfer of power ...."
"Much of this matter is amazes and surprises. Perhaps, the Russian public was forced to return to this issue, and the fact that after the execution of the Royal Family in Russia terrible times began: terrible wars, millions of people were killed and terrible famines began in Russia. The new revolutionary government failed to resolve any of these questions.
This state of Russian society has lasted for a hundred years, and we unwittingly begin to compare the Russian Monarchy, which ruled Russia for several centuries and successfully ruled with the shortcomings of power that are characteristic of our modern society ..." Ganova Ludmila.
In May 2018, Ganova Ludmila wrote a letter to the Swedish Academy, Nobel Committee and to King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf:
“This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the execution of the russian emperor family in Ekaterinburg.
Actually, why doesn’t anyone care? For me, in my novel "Russian Monarchy", this question is fundamentally important and main. Because the institution of hereditary power in the state cannot be doubted. The king (monarch) at any time can transfer power to any other family member who deems it necessary to also become a monarch. We see that the electoral system, in Russia, in America, is pure fiction for a very short time - and this is either international scandal or a criminal case, as, for example, happened with Nicolas Sarkozy ....
I think that a person have the right to talk about her novel. Well, for example V.V. Putin was self-nominated for the president post of Russia.
So my letter is an attempt to attract attention to the novel "Russian Monarchy" of Swedish Academy for the award of the Nobel Prize and the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf who should understand the problems of the monarchy much better. Dear Carl XVI Gustaf, sorry for the concern, I live in Siberia, but I'm educated human (graduated of famous university of NGU). So wrote such novel is my profession - Philologist. I wish you are further well-being / I wish you are continued prosperity at the post of the Swedish monarch and the longevity of your own monarchy.
I ask all the same to see the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" in connection with it's relevance. All the best to you are and your family. L.I. GANOVA.
I want your flag to be always raised. (From letter of Ganova Ludmila, May 2018)"
So my letter is an attempt to attract attention to the novel "Russian Monarchy" of Swedish Academy for the award of the Nobel Prize and the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf who should understand the problems of the monarchy much better. Dear Carl XVI Gustaf, sorry for the concern, I live in Siberia, but I'm educated human (graduated of famous university of NGU). So wrote such novel is my profession - Philologist. I wish you are further well-being / I wish you are continued prosperity at the post of the Swedish monarch and the longevity of your own monarchy.
I ask all the same to see the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" in connection with it's relevance. All the best to you are and your family. L.I. GANOVA.
I want your flag to be always raised. (From letter of Ganova Ludmila, May 2018)"
"In the old Kremlin mansion house where V.V. Putin is reigns now. He is sit there over murdered the royal monarchy in Russia.
The destruction of the Tsar family does not disturb him and does not produce any emotions.
And we can honestly say: through that awful shooting in Ekaterinburg, he was sitting there and discourse about tsar's crimes. But he can't say which ones?
In the Russian country turns around horrible page for mass murders and what is the most wonderful the nobody suspects and understand it." Citation of Ganova Ludmila.
“The sad coincidence of dates suggests that this is a well-planned action for destruction the heirs of the emperor monarchy of Romanov's in Russia. These are legitimate questions that should make us think that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is behind all these killings (he cannot just stand up) and therefore, he cannot now lie on the Red Square of a secular state, and we must not support the murder of the legitimate authorities in Russia that Lenin carried out, but it turns out that we support this murder, leaving him to lie in the sarcophagus on the main square of the country?
I also think that Vladimir Ilyich was still unable to gather all the relatives in Alapaevsk: the tsar’s family had the most extensive world roots, and the legal heir still exists and now a hundred years later! And he should not be elected in elections, for example, as president, and power should be peacefully transferred to him to this heir ...
Actually, my novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” is dedicated to this, and, apparently, that's why my family and I are being persecuted by the FSB in modern Russia. Apparently, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin considers this power to be his own and does not want to part with it.
Putin and Medvedev are lawyers and must understand this very well.
By the way, the current government has no legal basis in modern Russia according to it's laws in order to persecute me and my family and monitor it using special methods of the FSB: none of my family not involved as members of any of the existing parties or organizations! "
Citations: Ganova Ludmila.
“The sad coincidence of dates suggests that this is a well-planned action for destruction the heirs of the emperor monarchy of Romanov's in Russia. These are legitimate questions that should make us think that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is behind all these killings (he cannot just stand up) and therefore, he cannot now lie on the Red Square of a secular state, and we must not support the murder of the legitimate authorities in Russia that Lenin carried out, but it turns out that we support this murder, leaving him to lie in the sarcophagus on the main square of the country?
I also think that Vladimir Ilyich was still unable to gather all the relatives in Alapaevsk: the tsar’s family had the most extensive world roots, and the legal heir still exists and now a hundred years later! And he should not be elected in elections, for example, as president, and power should be peacefully transferred to him to this heir ...
Actually, my novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” is dedicated to this, and, apparently, that's why my family and I are being persecuted by the FSB in modern Russia. Apparently, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin considers this power to be his own and does not want to part with it.
Putin and Medvedev are lawyers and must understand this very well.
By the way, the current government has no legal basis in modern Russia according to it's laws in order to persecute me and my family and monitor it using special methods of the FSB: none of my family not involved as members of any of the existing parties or organizations! "
Citations: Ganova Ludmila.
Their operation is successfully progressing with several interchangeable groups of FSB.
Give due to V.V.Putin he is a big messir in these events... And he began to dislike me very much by reason of "KATUN JOURNAL ON MONDAYS" with building of underground personal town in Mountain Altay with a several super chic villas and houses on top.
Probably he decided that I played my game and he successfully used me? When is my exact liquidation scheduled by him? Citation of Ganova Ludmila
In 2019, the Nobel Committee replied that, according to their rules, a dead person could not be awarded of the Nobel Prize!
We replied that we are co-authors of the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”, as it was written by Ganova Ludmila in discussions with us and with the whole world! And therefore, the Nobel Committee may award the prize to us. This is the modern form of the Internet novel written on the blogs of Echo Moscow station and GuidPark ...
Public Letter To World Literary Awards, Nobel Prize in Literature, Novel "Russian Monarchy" of Ganova Ludmila. (18+).
We replied that we are co-authors of the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”, as it was written by Ganova Ludmila in discussions with us and with the whole world! And therefore, the Nobel Committee may award the prize to us. This is the modern form of the Internet novel written on the blogs of Echo Moscow station and GuidPark ...
Public Letter To World Literary Awards, Nobel Prize in Literature, Novel "Russian Monarchy" of Ganova Ludmila. (18+).
Open letter to World Community, European Monarchies, Heads of States, Mass Media, Human Rights Defenders, Politicians, Cultural Personalities. (18+)
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Powered capture of children of writer Ganova Ludmila - artist Tsurikov Ilya and poet Tsurikova Ekaterina, in hospital 25.10.19. |
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Capture of artist Tsurikov Ilya - hospitalization of her mother writer Ganova Ludmila. |
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Police and Rosgvardiya arrest of artist Tsurikov Ilya 25.10.18 |
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Writer Ganova Ludmila in closed reanimation after 18 days, without agreement of human on medical action, analogies with the Nuremberg process, case of Nazi doctor. |
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After 25 days of forced treatment in hospital - body of writer Ganova Ludmila.Murder 20.11.18 |
From the 1 "Regional Clinical Emergency Hospital". Barnaul, Komsomolsky Prospect 73 |
Investigation of Murder.
Olga Tokarczuk - Olga Tokarchuk? - Nobel Prize in Literature - 2018 (still awarded 2019).
"The white king, finally guessed what they want from him, suddenly pulled off his mantle, threw it on the cell and ran away from the board." M. Bulgakov.
Olga Tokarczuk - Nobel Prize in Literature - 2018 (awarded 2019). The formulation of the jury (for which they gave): "For the narrative imagination, which with encyclopedic passion represents border crossing, as a form of life!"
Debut 1993 Book "The Journey of the Book-People" Allegedly, recognition came with the 3rd novel "Primeval and Other Times."
Interestingly, Mrs. Tokarczuk's early book with the Polish title "Wydawnictovo Literackie" (extracted from nonexistence) and reprinted in English in 2018, "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead".
((The analogy here, the title and publication year of this book 2018) is the centenary of the murder of the Imperial Romanov family 1918-2018 including small children! And the assassination of the Russian writer Ganova Ludmila) powered capture in closed reanimation, against the will of the person, the children were arrested in the hospital, an analogy with Nuremberg the process - The Case of Nazi Doctors, (We believe that infrasound weapons were used against the writer by Putin’s secret services) medical actions without human permission), which raised the topic of illegitimate power in Russia based on the terrible murder of emperor Nicholas II family in the novel of Ganova Ludmila "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" 2010.
Since 2010, the FSB of Putin has been deliberately working to discredit and use the idea of Ganova Ludmila: in 2018. (the year of the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila) a book by A. Savelyev with the title "Russian Monarchy" is published !!! Books by Peter Multatuli (Institute for Strategic Studies) about Nicholas II? The book by Anna Shafran (in the team of Vladimir Solovyov, TV presenter), preparing the way for, perhaps, Putin’s monarchy?
Article investigation and documents, records etc on blog
O. Tokarczuk, what does Monarchy really mean? ("ANOCHRONIC GOVERNMENTS" - Obsolete, being an anachronism)...
"The precondition of DEMOCRACY is that we must be aware of ourselves - so that we will could make decisions ..." O. Tokarczuk.
We all know the decisions of democracy (American shows, wars, seizures of power around the world: Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Sweden, England (gay parades are millionaires democratic, just whistle and they will smash everything?) , France, Spain (Catalonia) suddenly decided to secede, oh she is so democratic!), The lady forgot about the "strange relations" of the KGB of Putin and Trump. Does the dictator rule? Maybe the best democrat is Putin? Can not be!?
"Writers are heavily invested in the work of metaphors and the creation of myths: ..... hence the influence they have on OUR POLITICAL LIFE ..." Interview from the site: Tokarczuk, is it by chance that you did not create the myth of "Democracy"? It seems that Mr. Tokarchuk is about to destroy the “Anochran governments”, that is the Monarchy, by democracy? And the Swedish Monarchy is the Swedish Academy and gave the lady the Nobel Prize! Who is betraying whom, and where are the gentlemen-comrades going to!?
Another Nobel Laureate 2019 Peter Handke born. 1942 Austria. Lives in the southwest of Paris.
The novel “The Hornets” 1966. The author of the plays “Prophecy”, ” Self accusation” … “Public Insult.” Once in an interview, Handke said that he would not see the Nobel for supporting Slobodan Milosevic! The author of the novel: “The Goalkeeper’s Fear of the Penalty”.
The formulation of the Swedish Academy (for what): “For influential works in which the periphery and originality of human existence are studied with linguistic giftedness.”
“Mikhail Rudnitsky, literary critic, translator of Handke’s works:“ I am so happy that there is nothing more to wish for. ”This is a piercing story about his mother, which is lived her life like this. How life disappears due in banality, it disappears in the standards …. To paraphrase Nikolai Ostrovsky, this is a story about how his son was excruciatingly painful for his mother’s aimlessly lived life … “
We ask ourselves, this is not the FSB Dictator, reprinted, selected, etc. … “Candidates” and commented on the Nobel Prize process !? Secret mention of Special Services?
Doubt it?
PERSONALITY CREATED BY SPECIAL SERVICES: ABOUT PEOPLE, BOOKS, PROJECTS (Prilepin, Multatuli, Savelyev, Shafran, etc. ... Tokarczuk? For example, in Russia. It seems that the influence of Putin and Democracy is not limited to this? Article.
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Political Art - 100 Years of Illegitimate Power In Russia |
Putin Citation: “I just went to the reception of the KGB of the USSR from the street, I have a working family, I had no connections where to go. I went to the reception directly. I came to the reception, the guy came out so handsome. He tells you what? I say I want to ... yes, he took a very serious attitude. Well, to act, but you can either go through the army there or go to graduate. I say what? He says any! "
Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB A.Litvinenko
Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB A. Litvinenko:
"Before going to university, Putin went to the KGB and offered his services. And I’m sure that they used these services. That is, Putin, while studying at the university, had to write denunciations to his friends. That is, Putin was at the university and he was trained at the KGB for at least a year, he wrote, carried out instructions from the employees of the 5th department of the KGB of the USSR. And they were only interested in one thing, the struggle against the ideology of the enemy, as they said, FIGHT AGAINST NONCONFORMITY. "
“That is, in order to seize power in 1999 in 2000, the Russian special services used secret methods that they were legally provided with for combating terrorism and the special services of the enemy. That is, if the army were to do this, then they would go out on tanks and roll out guns military planes into the air. But everyone would have catch sight of, and since the Russian special services are armed with secret methods, no one saw it, and saw it only when the Chekist was in the Kremlin! Chekists are everywhere in the government! ”
It turns out that already in 2010 books on the Russian Monarchy began to be published: Peter Multatuli Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
About Multatuli Peter Valentinovich:
Book: "Nicholas II. The abdication of which was not." 2010 year
In 2018, Andrei Savelyev’s book, The Russian Monarchy, is published! Stop, I'm sorry, but this Ganova Lyudmila in 2010 wrote a book called "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" !!!
This, it seems, is a special operation of the Putin FSB, the very illegitimate president who seized power in Russia by illegal means !?
The person who carries out the genocide of the Russian People! Probably - this is documented by intelligence agencies of other states. The case of Sollier, Litvinenko, House bombings, the war in Chechnya, uninvestigated, for some reason the murder of Sobchak and Yeltsin, etc. ... It turns out that the methods of killing Yeltsin are already known - these are Infrasound weapons!
Major General of the Federal Security Service, B.K. Ratnikov, talks about how President B. Yeltsin was killed by finding an infrasound antenna in his office behind a cabinet.
In 2010, "suddenly" comes the book "Nicholas II whose abdication was not." Posted by Peter Multatuli. The TsarGrad TV channel is being created Owner Konstantin Malofeev (Deputy Head (Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill) of the World Russian People’s Cathedral, which is headed by Patriarch Kirill! It turns out that the construction of churches in Russia (3 pieces a day) has begun, said Patriarch Kirill (Newspaper RU) Why? In 2018, Andrei Savelyev’s book “Russian Monarchy” “for some reason” with the same title as Ganova Ludmila is “published”?
Ideas are being circulated that it is necessary to restore the monarchy, continuing to distort the idea of Ganova Ludmila and to destroy the Romanov's family and emperor Nicholas II.
Konstantin Malofeev citations:
"We, the channel of the Russian Orthodox majority, our president Putin. The Russian Orthodox majority has chosen Putin, and Putin ..."
Video: YouTube Channel: TSARGRAD TV "Konstantin Malofeev about the new government and the May decrees.":
“Under Sovereign Nicholas II, Russia did not feel itself part of any system of a European concert there (apparently, it means (“ concept ”) of the powers, it was under it that Russia began to feel itself as a separate civilization. We had an idea that was supposed to explain the existence of Russia is not as a European power, but as an independent heiress of Rome 1, 2. We did not have time! We have the opportunity now to seize the succession with Russia of Tsar Nicholas II. "
That is, Putin’s special services are involved and “propagandists”, “writers”, “channels” are pulled up and now “independent opinions” are formed and the ideas and book of Ganova Ludmila “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” about the return of the legal Romanov's monarchy to Russia.
But actually, as a fallback, is being prepared the coronation of the killer V.V. Putin.
This remains to be investigated by the International Criminal Court!
About Anna Shafran:
Author of the book: "A State of Honour: Monarchy, Russia's Future." 2018? A presenter at Vesti FM Radio Station, where she leads the show "Full Contact" with pro-Kremlin propagandist V. Solovyov. Married to a ITAR-TASS correspondent, and also to her own evening program, "Principle of Action".
Excerpt from the book of Shafran: "The best system was the Russian autocratic monarchy in the form in which it existed in the XIX century."
From the presentation of the book A. Shafran Video on YouTube
"Nikolay abdicated from it. It is ridiculous to say that today someone from the Romanovs could lead Russia! They signed to ourselves a death sentence. We basically do not consider them.
And those people who today call themselves the Romanovs ... This is a dolly theater, leveled the idea and their own monarchy. It's looks ridiculously honest. And I think they’re doing a bad thing ... "
In this novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" by Ganova Ludmila were expressed ideas about restoring of the legitimate Romanov's Monarchy, legitimate power in Russia! Following the example of the restoration of the legitimate Monarchy in Spain (Dictator Franco transferred power to the legitimate heirs of the Spanish Monarchy).
About the illegitimate succession of illegitimate power (Lenin, Stalin, Putin) after the illegal capture and murder of the tsar’s Romanov family in Russia! Lenin, as a symbol of this illegitimate power on the main square of the country!
Based on the structure of the monarchies in the world and the monarchical laws of tsarist Russia, the throne can only be inherited. That is, "abdication" after the criminal capture by the murderer and terrorist Lenin of Emperor Nicholas II at gunpoint of Bolshevik pistols is an illegal crime! And “renunciation” is nothing but falsification of history by the Bolsheviks! In the Russian state there was a system for publishing state documents that did not exist! In any case, the device of the monarchy is organized by the transfer of power by inheritance or by kinship. Therefore, power could pass to the princesses or to the heir, or to other relatives! And even if Mikhail the Emperor’s brother “didn’t” (at gunpoint) accept the crown, power could pass to other relatives. And a falsified piece of paper supposedly signed in pencil by "renunciation" by Nicholas II who was subsequently killed along with his family and young children - this indicates a terrible crime of Lenin in 1917-1918.
Since the killer Lenin perfectly understood his illegitimacy and he carried out such a savage special operation! By the way, the hanger Lenin lies on Red Square until now and is in many ways a symbol of this country, a symbol of this illegitimate power for 100 years! Since then, alas, murders in Russia and revolutions and dictators follow one after another!
The writer Ganova Ludmila wrote the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” about the illegitimacy of power in Russia 1918-2018, based on the murder of the family of Emperor II, the royal family of the Romanovs, the illegal seizure of power by a terrorist V.I. Lenin.
Political power in Russia based on murder of tsar family and unlawful seizure cannot be legitimate.
The absence of a legal assessment in the world gives rise to new seizures of power and revolutions ...
This book was between two fires: a dictator, who wants to sit forever and killing, and a democracy that seeks to seize of power in Russia.
This export of democracy around the world is “American shows,” as Ganova Ludmila wrote. It's wars and revolutions of illegitimate power, because illegitimate power is an external and internal war.
Silence of this world level problem, in fact, about the special operations of the dictator and democracy (it's all terrible, strange tangle) also lead to the world's catastrophe to the destruction of the world's monarchies and the Romanov’s heirs in the European Monarchies, which exist now and power should be peacefully transmitted to them.
Article : Investigation Putin - Trump, Writer Ganova Ludmila - novel "Russian Monarchy" and Nobel Prize For Literature 2018.
The absence of legal mechanisms (assessments of what happened in 1917-1918) is the dominance of individual countries, for example, America, Russia, and the dictators, democracies, and, meanwhile, a new revolution, a new illegal power in Russia is brewing. We have already seen and can observe how the export of democracy ends in the conquered countries, for example, in Iraq. This is the road to going nowhere.
After the alleged scandal at the Swedish Academy, the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2018 was awarded to O.Tokarczuk in the new year, which promotes “democratic ideas”, which means capturing countries? Where are the discoveries of the individual, where are global ideas for the humanity of the intellectual level, as in the novel of the century “RUSSIAN MONARCHY” by Ganova Ludmila.
Can an American society with trillions of debts lead this world?
Maybe the time has come when the monarchies need to fight for themselves?
Silence about the novel of the century is also a crime of the century, since understanding already exists, and the writer is killed, but not her idea and the discovery of the secrets of Russia ...
We see absence of personalities in the world capable of telling the truth.
Here the question is not in the medal of Nobel, but in the generations of honor and conscience that came a hundred years after this terrible murder, about the morality of society, to the centenary of the Romanovs innocently killed family, for a century in Russia the topic of illegitimate power was prohibited, raising she was threatened with death. As we can see, this is still a forbidden topic in the world. This means that history does not teach us and the killer Lenin continues to lie on Red Square. And the run-in little scheme of the democratic revolution in the 21st century, that appears here and there, like mushrooms after the rain, and it's is ready to kill. So where does the world go?
And why in this world the independent opinion of an honest man, one who after 100 years, revealed the truth to this world and was brutally murdered, is so dangerous: writer Ganova Ludmila is the author of the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”. And you are silent and waiting for the killers to come after you. And you are all betrayed them and after 100 years again.
We think that the Nobel Prize in Literature 2018, in any case, according of to moral and honest right, belongs to the writer Ganova Ludmila. The theme of the 21 century and her novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" about illegal power in Russia based on murder of emperor family of Nikolas II and necessity of restoration of legitimate monarchy of Romanovs in Russia, for which she was tortured and murdered in Russia by Nazi illegal methods violating all existing world conventions on human rights!
We also sent our statement to the International Criminal Court, the European Court of Human Rights, the UN Criminal Tribunal, Human Rights Watch, the UN Secretary General, the European Parliament, etc ...
As we know, the official awarding ceremony for Nobel laureates takes place in Sweden and the awards are presented personally by the Swedish Monarch Carl XVI Gustaf / King Carl XVI Gustaf (awards the Nobel medal from hand to hand). Therefore, he himself can still decide on the presentation about delivery or not delivery, for example, of the Nobel Prize in Literature!
That is, he has the authority and tools of influence and personal understanding and responsibility for the events taking place in the Nobel Committee and the Swedish Academy ...
That is, the Monarch can make his own Royal decision ....
Authors of Open Letter Poet Tsurikova Ekaterina and Painter Tsurikov Ilya (children of writer Ganova Ludmila)
Russia, Altayskiy Kray, Biysk, Merlina 2, 149 tel. 89016457072
The Royal Palace, Gustav III's Pavillion, Rosendal Palace, Ulriksdal Palace and the Riddarholmen Church
Drottningholm Palace, the Chinese Pavillion and Rosersberg Palace
Gripsholm Castle
Tullgarn Palace
Svenska Akademien
Open Letter For King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf was sent.
Original articles:, Altayskiy Kray, Biysk, Merlina 2, 149 tel. 89016457072
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The Royal Palace, Gustav III's Pavillion, Rosendal Palace, Ulriksdal Palace and the Riddarholmen Church
Drottningholm Palace, the Chinese Pavillion and Rosersberg Palace
Gripsholm Castle
Tullgarn Palace
Svenska Akademien
Open Letter For King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf was sent.
Original articles:
The 21st century opens up new challenges to the world! Therefore, humanity must seek new solutions to world problems, including legislative ones.
The modern world has in it's arsenal the International Criminal Court, which is designed to solve global problems and crimes, including of the states committing crimes! However, membership in this ICC court is voluntary! For example, Russia and America are not members of the International Criminal Court, like some other countries that have to very big questions! This is what the president of the ICC Chile Ebou Osuji says in the Conflict Zone program.
The question is, can such selective justice be implemented in a civilized world? Can the ICC also come under pressure from these illegitimate systems and begin to administer justice in the interests of dictators and systems?
For example, in Russia, the political assassination of the writer Ganova Ludmila (forceful confinement in closed reanimation against the will of a person, detention, torture, murder!). These are Nazi actions - remember the Nuremberg process, the case of Nazi doctors! Implement medical actions against the will of human! In the case initiated by SK, under Article 109 Part 2, and closed, it is said that, for example, Ganova Ludmila in the ambulance acted aggressively, and after five minutes she "could not express her will" and was hospitalized by concilium of doctors. And that concilium was from the Russian Guard and the Police, and the FSB! A political book, “RUSSIAN MONARCHY, which touches on the very essence of this illegitimate system in Russia! Novel about the restoration of the legitimate Romanov's Monarchy, 2018 is the centenary of the murder of Emperor Nicholas II and his family after the illegal seizure of power by the communists. There is no legal assessment of this terrible murder in the world! And that's why Putin in the Kremlin.
We wrote about this special operation on the coronation of dictator Putin, which began after Ganova Ludmila wrote the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”. State structures of the “personality” are involved in this Putin special operation!
However, the ICC begins the process over England (soldiers of Her Majesty), who were once drawn into the war by America! And America turned out to be not under the jurisdiction! We see even now the upcoming and existing seizures of countries and state organizations against sovereign states. As we know from the press, the BBC, Sunday Times, initiated an investigation against England. (The BBC writes that the ICC found grounds for an investigation in the BBC Panorama program !? But still this is a war in which different countries and forces take part and possible provocations!
In Russia, the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila involved all state structures, and responsibility on President Putin personally, for what is happening in the country! And for the legislation he prepared that violates human rights! Evidence, audio, video, photos!
Government structures: Police, FSB, Investigative Committee, Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor, President, etc.
So, following the example of the BBC, (collected materials by "journalists", testimonies of victims, eyewitnesses, can be used as materials for the International Criminal Court, and for initiating the International Criminal Procedure!
"The international court wants to investigate the actions of the British army in Iraq and Afghanistan"
Consequently, the ICC (International Criminal Court) can also, on the materials collected by us (children of the writer Ganova Ludmila), Ilya Tsurikov and Ekaterina Tsurikova, (the materials and documents of the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila) to begin the International Criminal Investigation! This is a criminal attack by the state and personally by V. Putin against the individuals and citizens!