"Русская Монархия" Роман

Роман “Русская Монархия” был написан мной в интеллектуальной дискуссии, которая велась несколько лет назад на радиостанции “Эхо Москвы”. Он посвящён одному очень сложному вопросу - русской истории, вопросу наследственной Монархии в России, как важнейшему институту организации её власти и казни последнего русского императора Николая Второго со всей его семьёй в Сибири.
Многое в этом вопросе поражает и вызывает удивление. Может быть, к этому вопросу русскую общественность заставило вернуться и то, что после казни царской семьи в России наступили страшные времена: начались страшные войны, были убиты миллионы людей и в России были страшные голода. Новая революционная власть так и не смогла решить ни один из этих вопросов. Это состояние русского общества длится уже сто лет и мы невольно начинаем сравнивать Русскую Монархию, которая правила в России несколько столетий и успешно правила с теми недостатками власти, которые свойственны и современному нашему обществу…
Фигура Императора Николая Второго, может быть, мы только сейчас стали понимать уровень его интеллекта и образованности, и возможности самой царской монархии в России. Прежде всего следует сказать, и самое важное, что Царь не только вёл безупречную жизнь и обладал безупречной репутацией в русском обществе, но и Россия действительно для него была и, управление ей, было самым важным делом его жизни.
В России начала двадцатого века было несколько крупных политических сил: партия Эсеров, Кадетов, Большевиков… Которые несомненно поставили перед собой задачу свержение власти Царя, и кем-то из них был избран путь, по которому они пошли: дискредитация власти Царя, военное свержение её, и установление собственной власти… Знаменитое “Кровавое воскресенье”, которое было организовано, как шествие к резиденции царя нескольких тысяч людей с письмом о помощи во главе с каким-то попом. Это самая настоящая провокация, достаточно и сотни людей, которые могли бы передать такое письмо или встретиться с Царём.
Николай Второй был публичной личностью и ходил даже на заседание Государственной Думы, где были представлены самые различные политические силы России.
Возможно, что целью этого шествия был захват резиденции царя ? Так Николай Второй лично был обвинён в расстреле этого шествия. Мы знаем, что большевикам именно военным путём удалось захватить власть в России. Ленин великолепно понимал нелегитимность своего военного революционного переворота и собственного правления, и пытался замолчать этот вопрос. Что происходило дальше, никто в России не знает, нет официальных распоряжений и документов. Однако факты упрямая вещь: царская семья осталась без охраны (новой власти). Стали говорить, что Николай Второй отрёкся от престола… Никаких документов до сих пор общественности не предъявлено поэтому поводу! Потом царская семья почему-то оказалась в Сибири, в Екатеринбурге, и была расстреляна в подвале Ипатьевского дома.
Царь не трогал “революционера” Ленина и не стал расстреливать его, хотя мог бы.
Хотя лозунг “расстреливать и вешать” до сих пор муссируется в нашем обществе.
Кто стоял во главе самой высшей власти в то время в России ? Владимир Ильич Ленин ! И именно он, следовательно, должен нести юридическую, моральную и нравственную ответственность за убийство и страшную казнь, а все остальные члены семьи, жена, маленькие дети, за что они были казнены ? Всё же Владимиром Ильичем Лениным. Он всегда упрямо молчал по этому вопросу, хотя и написал много трудов.
Современная власть в России основана на страшном перевороте и захвате власти Большевиками в России, а, значит, незаконна. И поэтому, видимо, она заботится о том, чтобы было постоянно скомпрометировано правление последнего императора Николая Второго. Именно поэтому Владимир Ильич Ленин забальзамирован и помещён в саркофаг на главной площади страны, и никто его оттуда не собирается убирать. Он стал во многом символом этой власти. Давайте не будем забывать, что он захватил власть в этой стране насильственным незаконным революционным путём.
О императоре Николае Втором в современной России разрешено говорить только плохо.
Давайте вспомним стрельбу по Белому дому парламента из танков в 90-х. Хотя в Конституции написано, что разрешены мирные шествия граждан и митинги, в них вам могут отказать без объяснения причин.
Мы прикоснулись к очень важной тайне русской истории: как был уничтожен институт наследственной монархической власти в России и к проблеме её восстановления в России. Существует мировой конкретный исторический опыт такой мирной передачи диктатором Франко власти её законному наследнику в Испании. Как видите, он возможен…

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Заметки русского эссеиста о современной политической жизни в России и о В.В. Путине. / Notes by russian essayst about modern political life in Russia and V.V.Putin.

Лето 2017 год. Сегодня я додумалась о способе прихода к власти В.В. Путина. Дело не в том, что у нас просто так никого не назначают никогд...

Видео Блог.

ENGLISH VERSION OF BLOG: Vladimir Putin Elections 2018 & Russian Monarchy.

Vladimir Putin Elections 2018. Videoblog of family Tsurikov & "Russian Monarchy" https://youtu.be/seG_0_VVacg 

Ganova Ludmila: We are the Tsurikov family. We are in a very difficult situation. We live in the provincial town of Biysk, Altay region. In Russia.

The reason of this difficult situation, a few years ago, by me mainly, was writing of the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY". About the destiny of the Russian Monarchy in Russia. It was an intellectual discussion at the radio station "Echo" and to imagine that it could led to such complex consequences for me and my family. (as a person are in many ways an idealist, in many ways an intellectual, in many a humanist, a real philologist, and a real Russian intelligentsia.) I couldn't imagine. What's the matter?

Ilya Tsurikov: There is till now to nobody to tell about the persecution of our family, here. There is no independent media here, everyone is silent. Everybody. I wrote to some famous bloggers - silence. That is, everything is (FSB-CIA, don't need legitimate authority to them). No one here can't say anything.

Ganova Ludmila: The essence & content of this novel comes to the fact that the Bolsheviks in 1917 illegally overthrew the hereditary power of the Russian monarchy in Russia, of Nicholas II

Ilya: Emperor Nikolay II, of Romanovs.

Ganova Ludmila: Yes it is, Romanovs. And no matter who says there: Nicholas II has renunciated from power ... The fact is that power should be transferred to his legal heir and not necessarily only one.

Ekaterina: Even if he renounced.

Ganova Ludmila: Even if he renounced, even the one to whom it should transfer can also refuse and ask for the next one, so their power was democratically organized. The one who undertakes, the one who will considers it needful and possible to lead of Russia, to become its head. Recently I've read in the media, there is a widely circulated story that Nicholas II has renunciated from power. We do not know.

Ilya: No documents.

Ganova Ludmila: I tried to find documents, nothing is there. Unclear. Some signatures are not clear what is there. Nothing researched. It's unknown nothing. Maybe he was just forced.

Ekaterina: Well, they didn't provide any documents, actually. Where is his signature, where is his abdication.

Ilya: This is complete banditry of the Bolsheviks. Yes it is.

Ekaterina: 15 March it's centenary of how supposedly Nicholas II has abdicated.

Ganova Ludmila: Well. Power must be transferred to his legal heir. Today I went to the Internet and looked, there are already 11 or 18 candidates for the presidency of Russia. But the fact is that, they cannot claim to this power for one simple reason, that it has not been offered to the legitimate heir, that it's an illegitimate power. Do you understand?

Ekaterina: It is captured by a violent method.

Ilya: That is, since 17, Russia did not have fair elections. Everyone understands this.

Ganova Ludmila: Elections should not be, the power is transferred. What are elections, guys. What are you!

Ekaterina: That is, first there was a "communist rule", now a "capitalist rule", where the guarantor of the constitution constantly changes the Constitution For yourself ...

Ilya: For yourself.

Ekaterina: By himself put forward for the presidency. By himself organizes these elections.

Ilya: This is ridiculous. Putin 2018 is just ridiculous. And not ashamed at all.

Ekaterina: And other candidates? Do they think what they can win such elections?

Ganova Ludmila: Maybe they think, maybe they were forced to participate in the elections. We do not know.

Ilya: Well it's just a divert.

Ganova Ludmila: But in any case, not a single person from the Monarchies, from the legitimate heirs, will not participate in these elections, and they should not.

Ekaterina: Because they shouldn't participate in these elections. That is their legitimate authority. And legal right.

Ganova Ludmila: This is theirs power. Their legitimate power in Russia is by right. Yes it is . It was captured.

Ilya: Lawful right.
For twenty years of Putin's rule, what do we see? Beggarly pension. This is the result of your political life. And the Business of Life is impoverished Russia. And you are not ashamed to be move forward in 2018. What can you offer?

Ekaterina: There isn't a welfer, there isn't a decent salary, nothing. Twenty years is enough to do something.

Ganova Ludmila: No, well, the point is that...

Ekaterina: Here's an example Singapore has blossomed in 30 years, a developed country.

Ilya: Salaries from 2 to 6 thousand dollars.

Ganova Ludmila: Everyone has at least from two to six.

Ilya: And you do not respect anyone, Mr. Putin. You have salaries for your officials but for pensioners and for workers here 10-20 thousand. It's just a shame. This is for what you came after 20 years.

Ganova Ludmila: I get 8 thousand, some kind of social pension. I've worked all my life. Who appointed her? Who?

Ilya: The FSB has assigned it to you. All your life they follow for you, all your life they put a sticks in the wheels.

Ganova Ludmila: You know, I just left the house ... so that to be here, need have good courage to go out. At doors met me a homeless.

Ekaterina: He stands and waits

Ilya: We see this person every day .

Ekaterina: As soon as we got out, he immediately goes to rummage in the garbage dump nearby of the entrance.

Ganova Ludmila: You know there is a homeless person here, in a Siberian city where all the hatches are brewed.

Ekaterina: Winter is minus 30 degrees here, he cannot survive in this winter.

Ganova Ludmila: He won't survive more than one day. He will freeze.

Ilya: All heating mains, all entrances are all welded. This is genocide against people. Therefore, there are no lodgers here, they have nowhere to spend the night. They kicked out into the street and they simply perish.

Ekaterina: There isn't social assistance.

Ganova Ludmila: Where did they come from?

Ekaterina: Why are there so many homeless people in the city after Winter. Spring is coming now. March. The winter was pretty harsh, as always in Siberia.

Ganova Ludmila: This is a hint that we will eventually become homeless and we will eventually be turned into them.

Ilya: Here is a serious special operation is deployed under surveillance

Ganova Ludmila: For us. We came to the store yesterday to Lenta...

Ekaterina: And all those who were in the park before, walked with strollers .. they are ordinary people there. The same people are following. It is obvious

Ilya: That kind of pressure. It is called - PRESSURE. What do you do at all?

Ganova Ludmila: Psychological pressure

Ekaterina: Are you not ashamed to do this, to press of family? The family that does not participate in politics ...

Ganova Ludmila: It is intellectual book. This book was written on historical material. There was the dictator Franco, who handed over to the legitimate power that he seized to the rightful heir to the Spanish king.

Ekaterina: Several years ago we wrote in livejournal, we wrote in blogs about it, we even wrote letter to you, where they asked you to transfer power to the legal heir of the Romanovs. When you get tired of power. That is, we did not even take any steps to take this power away from you, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Ganova Ludmila: We are not your political rivals. I am not a member of any party, any movement, or anything. Do you understand? I am an intellectual.

Ilya: And you are persecuting intellectuals in Russia.

Ekaterina: We are the creators of the Russian Brand series. We are actually busy with the collection of "Russian Brand" (Collections of Pictures and Photographs)

Ilya: We are contemporary artists. And this is the poet Ket Gun. She did more than you in Russia. What have you done? The result is a beggarly pension. And twenty years of your rule. It's a shame.

Ekaterina: You are a politician and should be involved in politics

Ilya: As for a president, it's a shame.

Ekaterina: It is a fact.

Ilya: We have done more in contemporary photography. Check out our photos. It can be seen that we are photographers. And it is not clear that you are the president.

Ganova Ludmila: And you have cut off all the ways to make money. People are running. Arrange with someone about ...

Ilya: cut off all the ways to make money.

Ganova Ludmila: Yes it is.

Ilya: handsomely

Ekaterina: By such ugly methods. We agreed on a wedding photo session and the next day, the day passed, he calls and refuses. Why? And such cases are just 80%

Ganova Ludmila: And we have great reviews from all over the world about our photography.

Ekaterina: And some even write statements to the police, for some invented reasons.

Ilya: Well, something like this

Ganova Ludmila: Well this is what we wanted to say

Ilya: Let's call the video: Putin and the Russian Monarchy

Ganova Ludmila: Yes it is.

Ekaterina: Putin Election 2018

Ilya: Putin Elections 2018. How beautiful.

ENGLISH VERSION OF BLOG: About the Political Novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" and the persecution 13.03.17


About the Political Novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" and the persecution 13.03.17 https://youtu.be/iuK6ucp69Tc 

Ganova Ludmila: Hello! For several days I've been leading a real video blog in the Internet with my Tsurikov family.
The point is that we are the Russian intelligentsia and I have written two novels and now I am worrying about the novel "Russian Monarchy" at 2010 it's was posted in the Internet.

Ket: On project - Modern Literature of 21 Century https://www.literature-21.ru

Ilya: This is our project site.

Ket: There are our novels are located.

Ilya: Poetry of Ket Gun.

Ganova Ludmila: And since then my life is not going well. I am the kind of person who loves to work. Do you understand? I graduated at the Novosibirsk State University, philologist and so on. But all my life, however, I didn't want to live dishonestly. I don't know. A lot of people don't want it. "Steal, steal, Russia, otherwise will be precipice." are you remember the words of the famous bard? Many people are forced to steal in modern times. I would like to say personally to Vladimir Vladimirovich. All the time he arranges videoconferences with all of Russia, crowds of people gather, they ask him questions. One grandmother, in hearts, said: Vladimir Vladimirovich, why is everyone so afraid of you? Well, it was somehow taken as a joke, but it is important. None of this colossal mass of people was afraid to ask the main question to our president. Why is the pension in Russia so small, although we have a colossal number of millionaires, billionaires and rich people.

Ket: And a colossal amount of natural resources.

Ganova Ludmila: And there is such a quantity of natural resources that we could live no worse than pensioners from Norway who are on the Canary Islands in winter, excuse me. Why do I live on beggarly copecks, being the spiritual food, so to speak, or the spiritual constituent of the Russian intelligentsia. I dared, yes i do, i have wrote such a novel. I dared. I do. And this is the question I want to ask you are, Vladimir Vladimirovich, on which you are have never answered. You are spinning. A poor people who don't have a money are people who can't do anything and a colossal number of Russian people live in poverty here. You are understand. Yes, you do. Try to answer this question, you are will not answer it. You are instance of legislative power, exactly you are who have the right to submit, well, such a proposal to the State Duma, and there you are have millionaires and billionaires and only they... There is not a single worker, not a peasant, not ... but there is no one there, apart from them. They will not be against themselves, they will not. And here's the second question: it means you are have perceived my novel, and yes we all wrote it, "Russian Monarchy" as a political book.

Ilya: Personal danger, do you?

Ganova Ludmila: This is true.

Ket: In fact, the danger located in another.

Ganova Ludmila: But for you are as personally, it does not represent any danger. You have a real colossal number of political rivals and opponents with whom you are fight literally every day.

Ket: And who really, without any Monarchy, are aimed at taking away power from you are.

Ganova Ludmila: Political power. And you are know what, I think you perfectly understand that they won't be with you with ceremonies. Well, there is a good example for this in Russian history. He possessed colossal power in Russian history and, even more than tsarist...

Ilya: Stalin

Ganova Ludmila: Stalin

Ket: Stalin

Ganova Ludmila: Even so they found a way to remove him from power after a long ... rule. His word, the slightest gesture ... and the repressions here were of such an outstanding character that it is even difficult to imagine it.

Ket: And they so did not help him.

Ganova Ludmila: And they even so didn't help. I think you are decided - you are will can handle with all your POLITICAL opponents, and these are political parties...

Ket: After all There are the west.

Ganova Ludmila: The West, which is working against you are and which finds there billions of rubles transferred to their names ... which really work for money. I don't have a money at all. $ 100 is my pension. Do you understand? And you considered me as a political rival. This is a colossal mistake on your side. At the same time, in this novel speaks about of a unique historical experience that Spanish culture has done. The dictator Franco turned out to be a real clever, he realized that as soon as someone will killed him or seized power, he called on the legally selected king's heir and he began to rule in Spain, and he himself calmly lived out his days. So to speak, do you know, yes? The legitimacy of the government in Spain was restored. So the Bolsheviks who ... elected you are to power, understand, they seized the power of the Russian autocracy. It was inherited, people ruled here all their lives. You are for yourself are inclined to this point of view, 18 years in power, you perfectly understand that in 5, 10 years of power, a temporary worker, can not do anything here. NOTHING. That power in Russia should be engaged in by people who are preparing for this, were educated, live, do, think and it is the meaning of their life.

Ket: As it has always been in Russia.

Ganova Ludmila: As it was in Russia. Therefore, whether you are like it or not, you illegally rule in Russia, you are see, that's all. I am not your political rival and adversary. And you are don’t give earn to me the money and for my family. We build sites...

Ket: We are engaged in wedding photography.

Ganova Ludmila: No orders, excuse me.

Ket: And if it is, then people abruptly refuse.

Ganova Ludmila: Or even run away.

Ket: Or they even write statements to the police.

Ganova Ludmila: On Katya issued a case when she wanted to study at a driving school

Ilya: She wanted to study at the Driving School. And, in fact, for what the court made this decision ... for what we told about the driving school, about this driving school "Za Rulem" Biysk. The fact that it's does not have a license for ... non autodrome...

Ket: I was convicted for what?

Ilya: Probably convicted for this video? Well, we didn’t go to court.

Ket: We did not communicate with them.

Ilya: For this video 70 thousand, moral damage or what? I don't know. Well, we don't know what it is, maybe, is not true...

Ket: Fabrication...

Ilya: Maybe this is not a real piece of paper at all. Someone threw it under the door. Was there a real trial there or not? We do not know? This is funny.

Ganova Ludmila: In general, we are being persecuted by your FSB. I can't tell you what are you behind this or not? But the FSB is yours, and the book is mine. And you know. Let's Think about what I said. I am completely defenseless, but your political opponents very experienced, are well versed in politics, they acting well in it, they know an excellent number of methods how to remove a person from power, well actually so.

Ilya: Well, actually, it is necessary that after power the president live and another president also live, right?

Ganova Ludmila: Yes it is.

Ilya: Why so much blood, right? Basically.

Ganova Ludmila: Yes, it is.

Ilya: Why not really transfer the power to the Monarchy and you would be guaranteed safety and your children here in Russia, also.

Ganova Ludmila: Moreover, you are understand, I don’t know the Monarchies, I don’t even know a single monarchist or a single heir. I'm not connected at all. I just wrote a book, it's thinking and discussing with other people. I even ..., I can't even be called a monarchist. I am not a member of any monarchist party. I am not a member of any party at all. Therefore, the FSB's persecution of me ... Well, this is ridiculous. If it weren't so sad. They want to kill me. They are waiting for me to die due to the lack of medical care, which I really need. They made it so that I could not get it. Quiet. Peacefully. She left. Finally. Adieu. Enough, enough, enough ... enough. What is it? Well, how is it possible, A? Well, I hope you are an intelligent person, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! And do not forget, you have been in power for so long, and we receive such tiny little money. Well, why so.

Ilya: Well, then the result of your rule.

Ganova Ludmila: Yes, it is. This is the result of your rule.

Ket: It's Poor Russia.

Ilya: That a person who worked as a teacher, in the Museum, and so on. 20 years gets 8 thousand?

Ganova Ludmila: As a teacher, and in the Museum ... I also worked in that ... at the institute ...

Ilya: 7-8 thousand is ridiculous. Again, this is the minimum pension that she receives, is it not your FSB working?

Ket: Exactly her pension that is not indexed. Welfer is not paid here, no social guarantees.

Ilya: Is this the job of the FSB? Whose job is this? 8 thousand at a person.

Ket: They don't even register him, they didn't put a stamp in the passport. He has the right by law. There is no stamp in the passport.

Ilya: I have a passport expiration date (there was registration, but they didn't put it in the new passport ...) ... Well, no (stamp), well no, I don't need your registration. Nevertheless, this is again whose job? Is FSB your job again?

Ket: Persecuted Constantly in all directions.

Ilya: I'm an artist, I don't need your registration.

Ganova Ludmila: So that's it. These are serious questions specifically to your personality, to you are as a president, and a request to think about what ... about your own destiny. You are understand. The fate of Stalin awaits you, but you do not understand this. Are you think that you are all of them, how to say, will be able to win? Maybe ... I don't know ... I don't think so. History...

Ket: It's just a matter of time.

Ganova Ludmila: It's a matter of time. Yes it is ... A Matter of Time.

Ket: And a very fast time.

Ganova Ludmila: And moreover, it goes very quickly. Goodbye. I wish you really good health. And that you will enter in Russian history, as a person who will restore the Russian Monarchy, legitimate, lawful, which must rule. You are ruling like a real Russian autocrat, like a monarch, 18 years old, and you understand this perfectly well, that here should govern a legitimate power for a long time. And you are use these finds...

Русская Монархия и Россия. Новости...