Открытое письмо - РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ: Мировому Сообществу, Европейским монархиям, Монархиям Мира, Главам Государств, СМИ, Правозащитникам, Политикам, Деятелям Культуры...
1918 - The murder of Imperator Nicholas II, 2018 - The murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila raised in the society the theme of the illegitimacy of political power in Russia 1918-2018 based on the terrible murder of the Royal Family and the legitimate head of state Imperator Nicholas II in the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" about the need to restore the legitimate monarchy of the Romanovs in Russia!
In 2019, the Nobel Committee replied that, according to their rules, a dead person could not be awarded of the Nobel Prize!
We replied that we are co-authors of the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”, as it was written by Ganova Lyudmila in discussions with us and with the whole world! And therefore, the Nobel Committee may award the prize to us. This is the modern form of the Internet novel written on the blogs of Echo Moscow station and GuidPark ...
We think that the Nobel Prize in Literature 2018, in any case, according of to moral and honest right, belongs to the writer Ganova Lyudmila. The theme of the 21 century and her novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" about illegal power in Russia based on murder of emperor family of Nikolas II and necessity of restoration of legitimate monarchy of Romanovs in Russia, for which she was tortured and murdered in Russia by Nazi illegal methods violating all existing world conventions on human rights!
We also sent our statement to the International Criminal Court, the European Court of Human Rights, the UN Criminal Tribunal, Human Rights Watch, the UN Secretary General, the European Parliament, etc ...
В 2018 году Шведская Академия и Нобелевский Комитет официально объявили о невручении Нобелевской премии по литературе 2018 (сексуальный скандал в Шведской Академии)!? Было заявлено, что лауреат будет назван в 2019 году!
В мае 2018 Гановой Людмилой было написано письмо в Шведскую академию и (Нобелевский комитет) и Королю Швеции Карлу XVI Густаву.
(Цитата из письма : «В этом году исполняется сто лет расстрела царской семьи в Екатеринбурге. Собственно, почему это никого не волнует? Для меня в моем романе "Русская Монархия" этот вопрос принципиально важный и главный. Потому что институт наследственной власти в государстве не может быть подвергнут сомнению. Царь (монарх) в любой момент может передать власть любому другому члену семьи, который сочтет нужным сделаться также монархом. Мы видим, что выборная система, что в России, что в Америке, чистейшая фикция на очень короткое время - и это либо международный скандал, либо уголовное дело, как, например, произошло с Николя Саркози....
Современный президент Франции Макрон вполне может этого также опасаться.
Эти размышления лежат в основе моего романа, тем не менее скромная попытка привлечь к нему внимание это и есть это письмо.
Я считала что Карл XVI Густав должен понимать это поскольку он монарх. В любой момент у него могут устроить бархатную революцию, как, например, американскую бархатную революцию в Армении, поэтому мне бы хотелось привлечь к нему, роману “Русская Монархия” внимание, например, Королевской Шведской Академии, которая по-видимому его не читала занятая сексуальными скандалами в комитете выдвижения романов на премию....
Я считаю, что сам человек имеет право говорить о своем романе, ну вот, например, В.В. Путин самовыдвиженцем выдвинулся на пост президента России.
Так что мое письмо это попытка привлечь внимание к роману “Русская монархия” Шведской Академии по вручению Нобелевских премий и самого шведского короля Карла Густава XVI, который проблемы монархии должен понимать гораздо лучше….
Уважаемый Карл XVI Густав, простите за беспокойство, сама я живу в Сибири (ссылать меня уже некуда), но человек я образованный, я закончила знаменитый университет НГУ. Так что написать такой роман это в некотором роде моя профессия филолога.»
https://russianmonarchy.blogspot.com/2018/05/for-carl-xvi-gustaf-king-of-sweden-destiny-of-russian-monarchy.html )
Спецоперация, Путин ФСБ! Писатель Ганова Людмила была захвачена спецслужбами (Полиция и Росгвардия) в закрытую реанимацию 25.10.18. Против её воли и воли детей! Дети захвачены в больнице при "госпитализации"! Полная изоляция писателя от детей и общества (Аналогии: НЮРНБЕРГСКИЙ ПРОЦЕСС, ДЕЛО ВРАЧЕЙ, ГЛАВНЫМ ПУНКТОМ ОБВИНЕНИЯ НАЦИСТСКИХ ВРАЧЕЙ НА ПРОЦЕССЕ БЫЛО: ОТСУТСТВИЕ СОГЛАСИЯ ЧЕЛОВЕКА НА МЕДИЦИНСКИЕ ДЕЙСТВИЯ)!
Мы дети писателя Цуриков Илья и Цурикова Екатерина вышли с пикетом у больницы против захвата писателя и недопуска родственников и отсутствия информации! Были схвачены полицией и посажены в пыточные камеры без доступа воздуха, и.т.д... Состоялся "СУД" ночью!!! Нами было написано заявление о пытках!
В последствии (в эти 25 дней пыток, когда Маму незаконно удерживали против воли в закрытой реанимации) мы обращались во все гос. структуры с заявлениями руководителям (Министерство Здравоохранения, Росздравнадзор, Следственный Комитет, Прокуратуру, ФСБ, Губернатору, Президенту, Партии, ...
20.11.18 Ганова людмила была убита в реанимации: 1 Клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи. г.Барнаул. пр.Комсомольский 73. Смотрите расследование... Заявления, докумены, фотографии, аудиозаписи разговоров!
В 2019 году из Нобелевского комитета ответили, что умершему человеку, по их правилам, не могут Вручить Нобелевскую Премию! Мы ответили, что мы являемся соавторами романа «РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ», так как он был написан Гановой Людмилой в дискуссии с нами и со всем миром! И поэтому Нобелевский Комитет может вручить эту премию нам. Это современная форма интернет романа написанная на блогах станции «Эхо Москвы» и «ГайдПарка»...
Мы думаем, что Нобелевская Премия по Литературе 2018 в любом случае по моральному и нравственному праву принадлежит писателю Гановой Людмиле. И теме века и её роману "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ", о нелегитимности власти в России 1918-2018 основанной на убийстве царской семьи Николая II и необходимости восстановления законной монархии Романовых в России, за который она и была замучена и убита в России нацистскими противозаконными методами нарушающими все существующие мировые конвенции по правам человека!
Мы также направили наше заявление в Международный Уголовный Суд, Европейский суд по правам человека, Уголовный Трибунал ООН, Human Rights Watch, Генеральному Секретарю ООН, Европарламент, и.т.д...
Блог - Нобелевская Премия по Литературе 2018 и Писатель Ганова Людмила.
Open Letter to:
The Nobel Prize https://www.nobelprize.org
Open letter to World Community, European Monarchies, World's Monarchies, Heads of States, Mass Media, Human Rights Defenders, Politicians, cultural personalities....
Nobel Prize for Literature 2018 . Russian national idea! Novel "Russian Monarchy" and murder of author - writer Ganova Ludmila in Russia!
1918-2018 100 years since murder of RUSSIAN MONARCHY - Emperor Nicholas II with his family (including young children), relatives in 1918 from 17,18 of July.
Nobel Prize for Literature 2018 . Russian national idea! Novel "Russian Monarchy" and murder of author - writer Ganova Ludmila in Russia!
1918-2018 100 years since murder of RUSSIAN MONARCHY - Emperor Nicholas II with his family (including young children), relatives in 1918 from 17,18 of July.
1918 - The murder of Imperator Nicholas II, 2018 - The murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila raised in the society the theme of the illegitimacy of political power in Russia 1918-2018 based on the terrible murder of the Royal Family and the legitimate head of state Imperator Nicholas II in the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" about the need to restore the legitimate monarchy of the Romanovs in Russia!
Citation of writer Ganova Ludmila about her Novel:
"A novel with such name "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" could appear only in our time because the Bolsheviks and the Communists stubbornly kept silent about the problem of royal power, shooting of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Anyone who raising this question was also threatened of death.
In this book you will find a variety of points of view expressed by different people who have found it necessary to express it ...
This is primarily an Internet novel, discussions took place on the Echo of Moscow station and Hydepark sites.
And the most important thing is that not a single word don't has been changed in their statement!
It is very interesting to read them, and they, these statements, speak about the complexity of the problem raised, about modern life, about the most different ways of managing the state, about the mood of the society itself, about its openness, about publicity in it. In it, in this novel, even the point of view is expressed that the management of the Russian state can be transferred to the heirs of the royal family !!! As it was done in Spain by the dictator Franco. And what can get the Russian State as a result of such a transfer of power ...."
"Much of this matter is amazes and surprises. Perhaps, the Russian public was forced to return to this issue, and the fact that after the execution of the Royal Family in Russia terrible times began: terrible wars, millions of people were killed and terrible famines began in Russia. The new revolutionary government failed to resolve any of these questions.
This state of Russian society has lasted for a hundred years, and we unwittingly begin to compare the Russian Monarchy, which ruled Russia for several centuries and successfully ruled with the shortcomings of power that are characteristic of our modern society ..."
"Modern political power in Russia is based on a terrible terroristic captured of legal political power by Bolsheviks in Russia and consequently illegal in Russia. And therefore apparently they is concerned that reign of the last Emperor Nikolay II, they constantly discredited him all the time. That is why V.I.Lenin is embalmed and placed in a sarcophagus on the main square of the country and no one is going to take away him from there.
He became in many ways a symbol of this power. Let's not forget that he captured power in this country by violent, illegal revolutionary way."
In 2018, the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Committee officially announced about the non-award of the Nobel Prize in literature in 2018 (sex scandal in the Swedish Academy) !? It was announced that the winner will be named in 2019!
In May 2018, Ganova Ludmila wrote a letter to the Swedish Academy, Nobel Committee and to King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf:
“This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the execution of the russian emperor family in Ekaterinburg.
Actually, why doesn’t anyone care? For me, in my novel "Russian Monarchy", this question is fundamentally important and main. Because the institution of hereditary power in the state cannot be doubted. The king (monarch) at any time can transfer power to any other family member who deems it necessary to also become a monarch. We see that the electoral system, in Russia, in America, is pure fiction for a very short time - and this is either international scandal or a criminal case, as, for example, happened with Nicolas Sarkozy ....
I think that a person have the right to talk about her novel. Well, for example V.V. Putin was self-nominated for the president post of Russia.
So my letter is an attempt to attract attention to the novel "Russian Monarchy" of Swedish Academy for the award of the Nobel Prize and the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf who should understand the problems of the monarchy much better.
Dear Carl XVI Gustaf, sorry for the concern, I live in Siberia, but I'm educated human (graduated of famous university of NGU).
So wrote such novel is my profession - Philologist.
I wish you are further well-being / I wish you are continued prosperity at the post of the Swedish monarch and the longevity of your own monarchy.
I ask all the same to see the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" in connection with it's relevance. All the best to you are and your family. L.I. GANOVA.
I want your flag to be always raised. (From letter of Ganova Ludmila, May 2018)"
Special operation, Putin FSB! The writer Ganova Ludmila was captured by the special services (Police and Rosguards) in a closed reanimation on 10.25.18. Against her own will and the will of her children! Children captured in the hospital during the "hospitalization"! Complete isolation of the writer from children and society (Analogies: NUREMBERG PROCESS, CASE OF DOCTORS,
We are the children of the writer Tsurikov Ilya and Tsurikova Ekaterina came out with a picket at the hospital against the capture of the writer and the non-admission of relatives and the absence of information! They were captured by the police and put in torture chambers without air access, etc. ... The “COURT” took place at night !!! We have written a statement about tortures!
Subsequently (in those 25 days of tortures, when Mother was illegally held against her own will in a closed reanimation), we appealed
to all state structures with statements to chiefs (Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor, Investigation Committee, Prosecutor's Office, FSB, Governor, President, Party, ...
11/20/18 Ganova Ludmila was killed in Hospital: Barnaul. Clinical Emergency Hospital 1. Komsomolsky prospect 73.
See the investigation ... Statements, documents, photos, audio recordings of conversations in blog https://russianmonarchy.blogspot.com/!
We are the children of the writer Tsurikov Ilya and Tsurikova Ekaterina came out with a picket at the hospital against the capture of the writer and the non-admission of relatives and the absence of information! They were captured by the police and put in torture chambers without air access, etc. ... The “COURT” took place at night !!! We have written a statement about tortures!
Subsequently (in those 25 days of tortures, when Mother was illegally held against her own will in a closed reanimation), we appealed
to all state structures with statements to chiefs (Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor, Investigation Committee, Prosecutor's Office, FSB, Governor, President, Party, ...
11/20/18 Ganova Ludmila was killed in Hospital: Barnaul. Clinical Emergency Hospital 1. Komsomolsky prospect 73.
See the investigation ... Statements, documents, photos, audio recordings of conversations in blog https://russianmonarchy.blogspot.com/!
In 2019, the Nobel Committee replied that, according to their rules, a dead person could not be awarded of the Nobel Prize!
We replied that we are co-authors of the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”, as it was written by Ganova Lyudmila in discussions with us and with the whole world! And therefore, the Nobel Committee may award the prize to us. This is the modern form of the Internet novel written on the blogs of Echo Moscow station and GuidPark ...
We think that the Nobel Prize in Literature 2018, in any case, according of to moral and honest right, belongs to the writer Ganova Lyudmila. The theme of the 21 century and her novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" about illegal power in Russia based on murder of emperor family of Nikolas II and necessity of restoration of legitimate monarchy of Romanovs in Russia, for which she was tortured and murdered in Russia by Nazi illegal methods violating all existing world conventions on human rights!
We also sent our statement to the International Criminal Court, the European Court of Human Rights, the UN Criminal Tribunal, Human Rights Watch, the UN Secretary General, the European Parliament, etc ...
Открытое письмо: Мировому Сообществу, Европейским монархиям, Монархиям Мира, Главам Государств, СМИ, Правозащитникам, Политикам, Деятелям Культуры...
Нобелевская Премия по Литературе 2018. Русская национальная идея! Роман "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" и убийство автора, писателя Гановой Людмилы в России!
1918 -2018 Столетие убийства Русской Монархии и Императора Николая II, его семьи (включая маленьких детей), родственников в 1918 году 17 - 18 июля.
1918 - Убийство Императора Николая II, 2018 - Убийство писателя Гановой Людмилы поднявшей в обществе тему о нелегитимности власти в России основанной на страшном убийстве царской семьи и легитимного главы государства Николая II в романе "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" о необходимости восстановления законной монархии Романовых в России!
(Цитата Гановой Людмилы : «Роман с таким названием ("РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ") мог появиться только в наше время потому, что большевики и коммунисты упорно замалчивали проблему царской власти, расстрел царя Николая Второго и его семьи. Любому поднявшему этот вопрос, тоже грозила смерть.
В этой книге вы найдёте самые разнообразные точки зрения, высказанные самыми разными людьми, которые сочли необходимым его высказать… Это прежде всего интернет роман, дискуссии происходили на сайтах Эхо Москвы и Гайдпарка. Причём самое важное, что ни одного слова в их высказывании не изменено ! Читать их очень интересно, и они, эти высказывания, говорят о сложности поднятой проблемы, о современной жизни, о самых различных способах управления государством, о настроении самого общества, о его открытости, о гласности в нём. В нём, в этом романе, высказана даже точка зрения о том, что управление российским государством может быть передано наследникам царской семьи !!! Как это было сделано в Испании диктатором Франко. И что может получить Российское Государство в результате такой передачи власти....»
«Многое в этом вопросе поражает и вызывает удивление. Может быть, к этому вопросу русскую общественность заставило вернуться и то, что после казни царской семьи в России наступили страшные времена: начались страшные войны, были убиты миллионы людей и в России были страшные голода. Новая революционная власть так и не смогла решить ни один из этих вопросов. Это состояние русского общества длится уже сто лет и мы невольно начинаем сравнивать Русскую Монархию, которая правила в России несколько столетий и успешно правила с теми недостатками власти, которые свойственны и современному нашему обществу…»)
В 2018 году Шведская Академия и Нобелевский Комитет официально объявили о невручении Нобелевской премии по литературе 2018 (сексуальный скандал в Шведской Академии)!? Было заявлено, что лауреат будет назван в 2019 году!
В мае 2018 Гановой Людмилой было написано письмо в Шведскую академию и (Нобелевский комитет) и Королю Швеции Карлу XVI Густаву.
(Цитата из письма : «В этом году исполняется сто лет расстрела царской семьи в Екатеринбурге. Собственно, почему это никого не волнует? Для меня в моем романе "Русская Монархия" этот вопрос принципиально важный и главный. Потому что институт наследственной власти в государстве не может быть подвергнут сомнению. Царь (монарх) в любой момент может передать власть любому другому члену семьи, который сочтет нужным сделаться также монархом. Мы видим, что выборная система, что в России, что в Америке, чистейшая фикция на очень короткое время - и это либо международный скандал, либо уголовное дело, как, например, произошло с Николя Саркози....
Современный президент Франции Макрон вполне может этого также опасаться.
Эти размышления лежат в основе моего романа, тем не менее скромная попытка привлечь к нему внимание это и есть это письмо.
Я считала что Карл XVI Густав должен понимать это поскольку он монарх. В любой момент у него могут устроить бархатную революцию, как, например, американскую бархатную революцию в Армении, поэтому мне бы хотелось привлечь к нему, роману “Русская Монархия” внимание, например, Королевской Шведской Академии, которая по-видимому его не читала занятая сексуальными скандалами в комитете выдвижения романов на премию....
Я считаю, что сам человек имеет право говорить о своем романе, ну вот, например, В.В. Путин самовыдвиженцем выдвинулся на пост президента России.
Так что мое письмо это попытка привлечь внимание к роману “Русская монархия” Шведской Академии по вручению Нобелевских премий и самого шведского короля Карла Густава XVI, который проблемы монархии должен понимать гораздо лучше….
Уважаемый Карл XVI Густав, простите за беспокойство, сама я живу в Сибири (ссылать меня уже некуда), но человек я образованный, я закончила знаменитый университет НГУ. Так что написать такой роман это в некотором роде моя профессия филолога.»
https://russianmonarchy.blogspot.com/2018/05/for-carl-xvi-gustaf-king-of-sweden-destiny-of-russian-monarchy.html )
Спецоперация, Путин ФСБ! Писатель Ганова Людмила была захвачена спецслужбами (Полиция и Росгвардия) в закрытую реанимацию 25.10.18. Против её воли и воли детей! Дети захвачены в больнице при "госпитализации"! Полная изоляция писателя от детей и общества (Аналогии: НЮРНБЕРГСКИЙ ПРОЦЕСС, ДЕЛО ВРАЧЕЙ, ГЛАВНЫМ ПУНКТОМ ОБВИНЕНИЯ НАЦИСТСКИХ ВРАЧЕЙ НА ПРОЦЕССЕ БЫЛО: ОТСУТСТВИЕ СОГЛАСИЯ ЧЕЛОВЕКА НА МЕДИЦИНСКИЕ ДЕЙСТВИЯ)!
Мы дети писателя Цуриков Илья и Цурикова Екатерина вышли с пикетом у больницы против захвата писателя и недопуска родственников и отсутствия информации! Были схвачены полицией и посажены в пыточные камеры без доступа воздуха, и.т.д... Состоялся "СУД" ночью!!! Нами было написано заявление о пытках!
В последствии (в эти 25 дней пыток, когда Маму незаконно удерживали против воли в закрытой реанимации) мы обращались во все гос. структуры с заявлениями руководителям (Министерство Здравоохранения, Росздравнадзор, Следственный Комитет, Прокуратуру, ФСБ, Губернатору, Президенту, Партии, ...
20.11.18 Ганова людмила была убита в реанимации: 1 Клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи. г.Барнаул. пр.Комсомольский 73. Смотрите расследование... Заявления, докумены, фотографии, аудиозаписи разговоров!
В 2019 году из Нобелевского комитета ответили, что умершему человеку, по их правилам, не могут Вручить Нобелевскую Премию! Мы ответили, что мы являемся соавторами романа «РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ», так как он был написан Гановой Людмилой в дискуссии с нами и со всем миром! И поэтому Нобелевский Комитет может вручить эту премию нам. Это современная форма интернет романа написанная на блогах станции «Эхо Москвы» и «ГайдПарка»...
Мы думаем, что Нобелевская Премия по Литературе 2018 в любом случае по моральному и нравственному праву принадлежит писателю Гановой Людмиле. И теме века и её роману "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ", о нелегитимности власти в России 1918-2018 основанной на убийстве царской семьи Николая II и необходимости восстановления законной монархии Романовых в России, за который она и была замучена и убита в России нацистскими противозаконными методами нарушающими все существующие мировые конвенции по правам человека!
Мы также направили наше заявление в Международный Уголовный Суд, Европейский суд по правам человека, Уголовный Трибунал ООН, Human Rights Watch, Генеральному Секретарю ООН, Европарламент, и.т.д...
Блог - Нобелевская Премия по Литературе 2018 и Писатель Ганова Людмила.
Body of writer Ganova Ludmila, author of "Russian Monarchy".
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Fundación Victoria y Joaquín Rodrigo https://www.joaquin-rodrigo.com/index.php/en/
Kepler's Literary Foundation https://www.keplers.org/
Lannan Literary Program https://lannan.org/programs/literary
Royal Literary Fund https://www.rlf.org.uk/ https://twitter.com/rlfwriters
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Elizabeth.Hawkins@springernature.com bookreview@springernature.com Editorial Contacts in Europe (Life Sciences) zuzana.bernhart@springernature.com Eva.Loerinczi@springernature.com
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Letters to the editor: observer.letters@observer.co.uk Twitter @gdn_foundation
---------Literary GRANT--------
Grants | FundsforWriters https://fundsforwriters.com https://twitter.com/hopeclark https://www.facebook.com/chopeclark
Leeway Foundation – Art and Change Grants https://www.leeway.org https://twitter.com/leewayfound https://www.facebook.com/leewayfound
http://fedgov.dnb.com SAMHelp@dnb.com https://twitter.com/NCArtsCouncil https://www.facebook.com/ncarts/
http://www.table4.org https://twitter.com/Table4Org https://www.facebook.com/table4writers
Speculative Literature Foundation http://speculativeliterature.org
Anderson Center http://www.andersoncenter.org/ info@andersoncenter.org http://www.facebook.com/andersoncentertowerview
http://www.mwcqc.org http://www.twitter.com/@MWC_WRITE http://www.twitter.com/@MWC_WRITE
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission – United States/Japan Creative Artist Exchange Fellowship jusfc@jusfc.gov
Hambidge Residencies center@hambidge.org director@hambidge.org
Artist Trust https://artisttrust.org info@artisttrust.org https://twitter.com/artisttrust https://www.facebook.com/ArtistTrust/
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National Endowment for the Arts – Creative Writing Fellowships https://www.arts.gov webmgr@arts.gov https://twitter.com/NEAarts https://www.facebook.com/NationalEndowmentfortheArts
https://www.macdowellcolony.org info@macdowellcolony.org https://twitter.com/MacDowellColony/ https://www.facebook.com/MacDowellColony/
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https://www.scbwi.org/ General Questions: scbwi@scbwi.org Grants and Awards Questions: grants@scbwi.org
rlf.org.uk - Grants & Pensions Royal Literarure Fund http://www.twitter.com/rlfwriters http://www.facebook.com/Royal-Literary-Fund-788787677825803/
Book Publishing Grants - First Time Authors http://firsttimeauthors.org
https://www.literaturewales.org post@literaturewales.org https://twitter.com/LitWales https://www.facebook.com/LlenCymruLitWales/
Tehas http://www.writersleague.org wlt@writersleague.org
https://literatureworks.org.uk/ https://twitter.com/LitWorks https://www.facebook.com/Literature-Works-94150983729/
Arts Writers Grant Program https://www.artswriters.org questions@artswriters.org https://twitter.com/artswriters
Sustainable Arts Foundation Award https://www.sustainableartsfoundation.org support@sustainableartsfoundation.org
Arts Council Grants for the Arts https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding-finder/grants-arts https://twitter.com/ace_national https://www.facebook.com/artscouncilofengland
https://www.awesomefoundation.org contact@awesomefoundation.org https://twitter.com/awesomefound https://www.facebook.com/awesomefoundation
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L.A. Weekly https://www.laweekly.com/
StokeyLitFest http://www.stokenewingtonliteraryfestival.com/
A F R E A D A https://afreada.com/
Abantu Book Festival http://www.abantubookfestival.co.za/
The Southern Review https://thesouthernreview.org/contact/ southernreview@lsu.edu
Ploughshares https://www.pshares.org/ to pshares@pshares.org
Gulf Coast Journal http://gulfcoastmag.org/contact/ gulfcoastea@gmail.com
Wigleaf http://wigleaf.com/ wigleaf.fiction@gmail.com
The Arkansas International https://www.arkint.org/about info@arkint.org development@arkint.org web@arkint.org
Parentheses Journal https://twitter.com/ParenthesesArt
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Dundurn http://www.dundurn.com/
Open Book http://open-book.ca/
The Word On The Street David Alexander, http://thewordonthestreet.ca/contact-us/ Festival Director david@thewordonthestreet.ca word@lethlib.ca
The FOLD http://thefoldcanada.org/ director@thefoldcanada.org
Asia Literary Review https://www.asialiteraryreview.com/
PEN Hong Kong http://www.penhongkong.org/
Qu Literary Magazine http://www.qulitmag.com/contact/
Half Mystic https://www.halfmystic.com/ hello@halfmystic.com
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Royal Rose https://royalrosemagazine.wordpress.com/ royalrosesubmission@gmail.com
Brave Voices Magazine https://bravevoicesmagazine.com/ bravevoicesmagazine@gmail.com.
Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/
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Le HuffPost https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/
Le Parisien http://www.leparisien.fr/
Radio Times https://www.radiotimes.com/
Marías at Sampaguitas https://mariasatsampaguitas.wixsite.com/marias
Barren Magazine https://barrenmagazine.com/
34 Trinity Arts and News https://www.34trinity.com
6 Decades Books https://www.6decadesbooks.com info@6decadesbooks.com
ALTMAN SIEGEL http://altmansiegel.com info@altmansiegel.com
ANTHOLOGY EDITIONS https://anthology.net/books/
Aperture https://aperture.org publicity@aperture.org
Art Metropole https://artmetropole.com info@artmetropole.com
Artbook LLC D.A.P. https://www.artbook.com/aboutus.html
AVENTURES LTD http://www.aventuresltd.com
Basement https://basementsf.com
Blum & Poe (CA) https://www.blumandpoe.com
BOLERIUM BOOKS https://www.bolerium.com
Can Can Press (Mexico) http://cancanpress.com
Canyon Cinema http://canyoncinema.com
Case Publishing / shashasha (Japan) https://case-publishing.jp/en info@case-publishing.jp ryota@case-publishing.jp
AP Photobook Archive https://photobookarchive.com/
PJB Editions https://www.pjb-editions.com/
Case Publishing / shashasha (Japan) https://case-publishing.jp/en
Catharine Clark Gallery (CA) https://cclarkgallery.com Anton Stuebner, Associate Director: associate@cclarkgallery.com
Chronicle Books (CA) https://www.chroniclebooks.com hello@chroniclebooks.com publicity@chroniclebooks.com
Coloured Publishing (CA) https://colouredpublishing.press info@colouredpublishing.press
Colpa Press (CA) https://www.colpapress.com/collections/frontpage hello@colpapress.com
Container Corps (OR) http://containercorps.com mail@containercorps.com
Conveyor Editions (NJ) https://www.conveyoreditions.com books@conveyor.studio
Creativity Explored (CA) http://www.creativityexplored.org info@creativityexplored.org
Dale Zine (FL) https://www.dalezine.com dalezine305@gmail.com
Deadbeat Club (CA) https://deadbeatclubpress.com
Another Place Press https://anotherplacepress.bigcartel.com
DUM DUM Zine (CA) https://www.dumdumzine.com
Eggy Press (CA) https://www.eggypress.com hello@eggypress.com
Fillip https://fillip.ca fillip@fillip.ca
FIST (CA) http://www.fistbiz.com/ info@fistbiz.com
Floss Editions (CA) https://flosseditions.com/
Hat & Beard Press (CA) https://hatandbeard.com press@hatandbeard.com
Hesse Press (CA) info@hessepresse.com https://hessepresse.com/contact.html
Hi-Bred Studio (CA) https://www.hi-bred.net
The Idea of the Book (OR) https://www.theideaofthebook.com info@theideaofthebook.com
illetante collective (CA) http://www.illetante.com illetante@gmail.com
Inventory Press (CA) http://www.inventorypress.com info@inventorypress.com INFO@IN-FO.CO
Issue Press (MI) https://issue.press
J&L Books (NY) https://www.jandlbooks.org
Joy of Being (CA) https://joyofbeing.us
modlitbooks (CA) https://www.instagram.com/modlitbooks/
Monograph Bookwerks (OR) https://www.monographbookwerks.com hello@monographbookwerks.com
MOREL books (UK) https://morelbooks.com info@morelbooks.com
Needles & Pens (CA) http://www.needlesandpens.com
NIAD Art Center (CA) http://niadart.org
Other Books (CA) https://otherbooksla.com
Publication Studio San Francisco http://publicationstudio.cloud
These Days (CA) https://www.thesedaysla.com
Tiny Splendor (CA) http://www.tinysplendor.com Info@tinysplendor.com
DFWCon: The Dallas-Fort Worth Writers Conference https://dfwcon.org/ https://twitter.com/DFWCON
The Frost Place https://frostplace.org/
SundressPublications http://www.sundresspublications.com/
The International Writers Festival http://mishkenot.org.il/writersfestival2019/en/ https://www.facebook.com/mishkenot
Director General of Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Mr. Moti Schwartz https://www.facebook.com/moti.schwartz https://jerusalempressclub.com/moti-schwartz/ https://twitter.com/JPressClub info@jerusalempressclub.com
Key West Literary Seminar https://www.kwls.org/
Macondo Writers Workshop http://www.macondowriters.com/ https://twitter.com/macondowriters
Milford Writer's Workshop https://www.milfordsf.co.uk/ jacey@jaceybedford.co.uk
http://centerforblackliterature.com/ writers@mec.cuny.edu
Pikes Peak Writers Conference https://pikespeakwriters.com/ppwc/
Poets & Writers Magazine https://www.pw.org/ Directory@pw.org Friends@pw.org
Sewanee Writers' Conference http://www.sewaneewriters.org/
Surrey International Writers' Conference https://www.siwc.ca/ info@siwc.ca jenniferstriemer@siwc.ca kathychung@siwc.ca jaredsiwc@gmail.com
UND Writers Conference https://www1.und.edu/orgs/writers-conference/ crystal.alberts@email.und.edu
Varuna the Writers' House https://www.bmchamber.org.au/varuna-the-writers-house/
Giramondo Publishing https://giramondopublishing.com/ books@giramondopublishing.com lea@giramondopublishing.com
Affirm Press http://affirmpress.com.au/
Algonquin Books https://www.algonquin.com https://www.facebook.com/AlgonquinBooks inquiry@algonquin.com michael@algonquin.com
Tor Books https://www.torforgeblog.com
Arte Publico Press https://artepublicopress.com https://twitter.com/artepublico submapp@uh.edu
Mellon Foundation https://mellon.org inquiries@mellon.org
Atlantic Books https://atlantic-books.co.uk
Windmill Books https://www.instagram.com/windmillbooks/
Chatto&Windus https://www.penguin.co.uk/vintage Clare Parker cparker1@penguinrandomhouse.co.uk, Amelia Fairney afairney@penguinrandomhouse.co.uk, Anna Ridley aridley@penguinrandomhouse.co.uk
Profile Books https://twitter.com/ProfileBooks
Pan Macmillan https://www.panmacmillan.com
Hodder & Stoughton https://twitter.com/HodderBooks
Canongate https://canongate.co.uk info@canongate.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/Canongate/
Bellevue Literary Press https://blpress.org Erika Goldman, Publisher and Editorial Director erika@blpress.org
Black Lawrence Press https://www.blacklawrence.com editors@blacklawrencepress.com
Etruscan Press https://etruscanpress.org/ https://twitter.com/etruscan_press
Gival Press http://www.givalpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/givalpress RobertLGiron@givalpress.com.
Graywolf Press https://www.graywolfpress.org/ https://www.facebook.com/GraywolfPress/ wolves@graywolfpress.org
Melville House http://mhpbooks.com/
Harbor Mountain Press https://www.harbormountainpress.org/#! https://www.facebook.com/harbormountainpress/
Inanna Publications https://www.inanna.ca/ Editor-in-Chief, Luciana Ricciutelli luciana@inanna.ca
Legend Press http://www.legendtimesgroup.co.uk/legend-press
HQ Stories https://www.hqstories.co.uk/
Mercury House http://www.mercuryhouse.org/
Milkweed Editions https://www.milkweed.org/ https://www.facebook.com/milkweed.books/
New Rivers Press https://www.newriverspress.com/ nrp@mnstate.edu
Picador https://us.macmillan.com/Picador
William Morrow https://www.facebook.com/WilliamMorrowBooks/
Tarpaulin Sky Press https://tskymag.com/ editors@tarpaulinsky.com
Lambda Literary Foundation Los Angeles https://www.lambdaliterary.org wjohnson@lambdaliterary.org https://www.facebook.com/LambdaLiterary
Open Library https://openlibrary.org https://twitter.com/OpenLibrary
JSTOR https://www.jstor.org Heidi McGregor
Bodleian Digital Library https://twitter.com/BDLSS
A. S. Barnes https://www.barnespublishing.com ian@barnespublishing.com https://www.facebook.com/whatsoninjersey
Atria Publishing Group http://www.atria-books.com/our-books.html
Writer's Digest https://www.writersdigest.com https://twitter.com/WritersDigest Robert Lee Brewer @robertleebrewer
B & W Publishing http://blackandwhitepublishing.com/authors/p/bw-publishing.html
Baker Book House https://bakerbookhouse.com https://www.facebook.com/bakerbookhouse/
Hargeysa International Book Fair http://www.hargeysabookfair.com/hibf2019/
AD Int Book Fair https://adbookfair.com/en/default.aspx
Zayed Higher Organization https://zho.ae/ar/Pages/default.aspx
Artist Tsurikov Ilya, Writer Ganova Ludmila, Poet Ket Gun - Summer 2018 (Writer Ganova Ludmila was murdered 20/11/18.)EU Court of Justice https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/index.html
International Criminal Court https://www.icc-cpi.int/
European Court of Human Rights Press https://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=home
International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals http://www.irmct.org/en
BBC Politics https://www.bbc.com/news/politics
The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/
The Telegraph https://www.telegraph.co.uk/?WT.mc_id=tw
The Brussels Times https://www.brusselstimes.com
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60 Minutes https://www.cbsnews.com/60-minutes/
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City of New York https://www1.nyc.gov/
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Chicago Tribune https://www.chicagotribune.com/
Judicial Watch http://www.judicialwatch.org/ media@judicialwatch.org
The Washington Times https://www.washingtontimes.com/
TED Talks https://www.ted.com/
Chicago Sun-Times https://chicago.suntimes.com/
Chicago magazine https://www.chicagomag.com/ Editor in Chief and Publisher Susanna Homan, Executive Editor Terrance Noland
The Nation https://www.thenation.com/
The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/
Time Out New York https://www.timeout.com/
Nordic News https://twitter.com/Nordic_News
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Mediapart https://www.mediapart.fr/
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CNN - https://edition.cnn.com/
LIFE https://twitter.com/LIFE
TIME https://time.com/magazine/
People https://people.com/
Telegraph Magazine https://twitter.com/TelegraphMag
La Fundación Princesa de Asturias http://www.fpa.es/es/premios-princesa-de-asturias/
FUNDACION ATAPUERCA https://www.atapuerca.org/
FundacionUmbral http://www.fundacionfranciscoumbral.es/ https://twitter.com/FundacionUmbral
Fundación Victoria y Joaquín Rodrigo https://www.joaquin-rodrigo.com/index.php/en/
Kepler's Literary Foundation https://www.keplers.org/
Lannan Literary Program https://lannan.org/programs/literary
Royal Literary Fund https://www.rlf.org.uk/ https://twitter.com/rlfwriters
Royal Society of Literature https://rsliterature.org/
Society of Authors https://societyofauthors.org/
The Authors Guild https://www.authorsguild.net/
Authors Alliance https://www.authorsalliance.org/
Writer's Digest https://www.writersdigest.com/
The SUN https://www.thesun.co.uk/contact-us/
News UK https://www.news.co.uk
The Local https://www.thelocal.es
World News | NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/world
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Seven West Media http://www.sevenwestmedia.com.au https://www.facebook.com/sevenwestmedia/
Australia & New Zealand Magazine https://www.australiamagazine.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/australiamagazine
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SATURDAY PAPER https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au
GREEN Left Weekly https://www.greenleft.org.au
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Süddeutsche Zeitung https://www.sueddeutsche.de/
CDU Deutschlands https://twitter.com/CDU
The TLS https://www.the-tls.co.uk/
Literary Review https://literaryreview.co.uk/
The Pinch http://www.pinchjournal.com/
Blue Mesa Review http://bmr.unm.edu/contact/
Passages North https://www.passagesnorth.com/
The Florida Review https://floridareview.cah.ucf.edu/ @haydensferryrev flreview@ucf.edu
New Ohio Review https://www.ohio.edu/nor/
American Literary Review https://americanliteraryreview.com/
Ninth Letter http://www.ninthletter.com/ editor@ninthletter.com
Haydens Ferry Review http://haydensferryreview.com/ haydensferryreview@gmail.com.
The Iowa Review https://iowareview.org/
Bellevue Literary Review @BLReview
True Royalty TV https://www.trueroyalty.tv/contact-us/
The Royal Family Channel https://www.youtube.com/royalchannel @RoyalFamilyITNP
On Demand News http://itnproductions.com/ https://twitter.com/ODN 020 7833 3000 info@itnproductions.com
ITV London https://www.itv.com/news/london/ itvhubhelp@itv.com @itvlondon
LBC https://www.lbc.co.uk/ @LBC 020 7766 6400
Fox News Politics https://www.foxnews.com/politics @foxnewspolitics
Daily Mail U.K. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/index.html https://twitter.com/DailyMailUK +44 20 7938 6000
ELITEDAILY https://www.elitedaily.com/ @EliteDaily info@elitedaily.com
BUSTLE https://www.bustle.com/ @bustle press@bustle.com
ADVANCED TELEVISION https://advanced-television.com/ @advancedtv nik@advanced-television.com +44 (0)20 3567 1444
Digital TV News http://www.digitaltvnews.net/ @digitaltvnews
Royal Central http://royalcentral.co.uk/ editorial@royalcentral.co.uk
James Brookes https://jameselliottbrookes.com/
Simon Perry https://twitter.com/SPerryPeoplemag
Keir Simmons https://twitter.com/KeirSimmons
Ryan Reynolds https://twitter.com/VancityReynolds @VancityReynolds
Dustin Lance Black https://www.dustinlanceblack.com/ erik.telford@caa.com pjacobs@caa.com
Ellen Barry https://twitter.com/EllenBarryNYT
Tom O'Leary https://twitter.com/TomOleary72
The Gazette UK https://www.thegazette.co.uk/ @TheGazetteUK
Majesty/Joe Little https://twitter.com/MajestyMagazine @MajestyMagazine
PA Real Life https://pa.media/real-life/
VANITY FAIR https://www.vanityfair.com/ letters@vf.com
METRO https://metro.co.uk/ webnews@metro.co.uk video@metro.co.uk news
Al Jazeera English https://www.aljazeera.com/ @AJEnglish
MSNBC https://www.msnbc.com/ NBCNewsMediaRelations@nbcuni.com
Belfast Telegraph https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/ digital.editorial@belfasttelegraph.co.uk
Literary Press Group http://www.lpg.ca/ @LPGCanada Christen Thomas
49th Shelf https://49thshelf.com/
quillandquire https://quillandquire.com/ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sue Carter scarter@quillandquire.com, REVIEW EDITOR Steven W. Beattie sbeattie@quillandquire.com
HarperCollinsCa @HarperCollinsCa https://www.harpercollins.ca/
The Savvy Reader https://thesavvyreader.com/
Simon & Schuster CA https://www.simonandschuster.ca/
Bellevue Literary Review https://blr.med.nyu.edu/ @BLReview
Notre Dame Review https://ndreview.nd.edu/book-prizes/
Quarterly West https://www.quarterlywest.com/
NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/ Catherine Kim Executive.Editor@nbcuni.com, David Firestone David.Firestone@nbcuni.com, Tim Perone Tim.Perone@nbcuni.com @NBCNews
Face The Nation https://www.cbsnews.com/
Toluse Olorunnipa http://toluse.com/contact/
Miami Herald https://www.miamiherald.com/ @MiamiHerald
Downtown Houston https://www.downtownhouston.org/contact/ @DowntownHouston
Derek Momodu https://twitter.com/DelMody
Comment Central http://commentcentral.co.uk/
Charlie Proctor https://twitter.com/MonarchyUK
Max Foster https://edition.cnn.com/profiles/max-foster https://twitter.com/MaxFosterCNN
Princess Beatrice of York https://www.big-change.org/
Royal Life Magazine https://royallifemagazine.co.uk/ https://twitter.com/RoyalLifeMag
Morocco World News https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/ moroccoworldnews@gmail.com
Literalia Televisión https://www.literalia.tv/
Able Muse / Erato https://www.ablemuse.com/
Acta Victoriana https://www.actavictoriana.ca/
The Adroit Journal https://theadroitjournal.org/ @adroitjournal
Baltimore Review http://baltimorereview.org/index.php
Blue Earth Review http://blueearthreview.mnsu.edu/
Bakwa Magazine https://bakwamagazine.com/ dzekashu@bakwa.org
The Believer https://believermag.com/
Bellevue Literary Review https://blr.med.nyu.edu/ @BLReview
Bellingham Review http://bhreview.org/ @thebhreview
Black Warrior Review https://twitter.com/blackwarriorrev
Blueprintreview https://blueprintreview.co.uk/ @blueprintrev
The Capilano Review https://www.thecapilanoreview.ca/contact/
Blueprint: Review https://blueprintreview.co.uk/
PRISM international http://prismmagazine.ca/
Bokvennen http://bokvennen.no
Chariton Review http://charitonreview.truman.edu/
The Chattahoochee Review http://chattahoocheereview.gsu.edu/about-us/
Tampa Review http://www.ut.edu/tampareview/
Eclectica Magazine https://eclecticamagazine.submittable.com
Edinburgh City of Literature https://cityofliterature.com/
Emerson Review http://pages.emerson.edu/organizations/emerson_review/index.html
Gargoyle Magazine http://www.gargoylemagazine.com/gargoyle.php
Harper's Magazine (1850-current) https://harpers.org/
The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/world/
Random House https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com crownpublicity@randomhouse.com https://twitter.com/penguinrandom https://www.facebook.com/PenguinRandomHouse
https://www.literarypublishinghouse.com/ https://twitter.com/literarypub https://www.facebook.com/LiteraryPublishingHouse/
Tiny Fox Press https://tinyfoxpress.com/ info@tinyfoxpress.com https://twitter.com/TinyFoxPress http://www.facebook.com/TinyFoxPress
C & R Press https://www.crpress.org sales@crpress.org https://twitter.com/CRPress https://www.facebook.com/cr.press.lit/
Tupelo Press https://www.tupelopress.org orders@tupelopress.org https://twitter.com/tupelopress https://www.facebook.com/tupelopress
Red Hen Press https://redhen.org/ development@redhen.org http://twitter.com/redhenpress http://facebook.com/redhenpress
Autumn House Press https://www.press53.com/ editor@press53.com
Bellevue Literary Press https://blpress.org/ Эрика Голдман, издатель и редактор erika@blpress.org Элана Розенталь, Ассоциированный редактор elana@blpress.org https://twitter.com/bellevuepress http://www.facebook.com/bellevue.literary.press
Big Lucks Books https://www.biglucks.com books@biglucks.com https://twitter.com/Big_Lucks http://www.facebook.com/10100543585632518
BOA Editions https://www.boaeditions.org Ron Martin-Dent, Director of Publicity and Production, directly at martindent@boaeditions.org contact@boaeditions.org
Coffeehouse Press https://coffeehousepress.org info@coffeehousepress.org http://twitter.com/Coffee_House_ http://www.facebook.com/CoffeeHousePress
Curbside Splendor Press http://www.curbsidesplendor.com/ https://twitter.com/CurbsidePress http://www.facebook.com/CurbsideSplendorPublishing
Literary Agency
Zion Publishing House https://www.zionpublishinghouse.com/ info@zionpublishinghouse.com https://www.twitter.com/ZIONPublishing https://www.facebook.com/zionpublishinghouse Washington DC
https://www.zpublishinghouse.com/ books@zpublishing.net
List of English-language book publishing companies
A & C Black United Kingdom https://www.bloomsbury.com acadereviewus@bloomsbury.com askacademic@bloomsbury.com https://twitter.com/BloomsburyPub http://www.facebook.com/BloomsburyUSA
Chicago/ Project MUSE Johns Hopkins University Press.A. C. McClurg https://muse.jhu.edu/contact muse@press.jhu.edu
Abilene Christian University Press -Abilene, Texas https://store.acupressbooks.com https://twitter.com/acupress https://www.facebook.com/acupress/
Ablex Publishing New York, NY 10010, USA Books, Journals Editor for this issue: Ann Dizdar dizdar@tam2000.tamu.edu
Founder Julius Springer Country of origin Germany Springer Science+Business Media Journalist Renate Bayaz renate.bayaz@springernature.com
Elizabeth.Hawkins@springernature.com bookreview@springernature.com Editorial Contacts in Europe (Life Sciences) zuzana.bernhart@springernature.com Eva.Loerinczi@springernature.com
Airiti Taipei, Taiwan http://www.airiti.com service@airiti.com
Akashic Books Brooklyn, New York http://www.akashicbooks.com/ info@akashicbooks.com http://twitter.com/AkashicBooks http://www.facebook.com/AkashicBooks
https://lithub.com/ jalvarez@lithub.com
International news desk: international@theguardian.com Music: culture@theguardian.com Review: review@theguardian.com Society: society@theguardian.com
Letters to the editor: observer.letters@observer.co.uk Twitter @gdn_foundation
---------Literary GRANT--------
Grants | FundsforWriters https://fundsforwriters.com https://twitter.com/hopeclark https://www.facebook.com/chopeclark
Leeway Foundation – Art and Change Grants https://www.leeway.org https://twitter.com/leewayfound https://www.facebook.com/leewayfound
http://fedgov.dnb.com SAMHelp@dnb.com https://twitter.com/NCArtsCouncil https://www.facebook.com/ncarts/
http://www.table4.org https://twitter.com/Table4Org https://www.facebook.com/table4writers
Speculative Literature Foundation http://speculativeliterature.org
Anderson Center http://www.andersoncenter.org/ info@andersoncenter.org http://www.facebook.com/andersoncentertowerview
http://www.mwcqc.org http://www.twitter.com/@MWC_WRITE http://www.twitter.com/@MWC_WRITE
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission – United States/Japan Creative Artist Exchange Fellowship jusfc@jusfc.gov
Hambidge Residencies center@hambidge.org director@hambidge.org
Artist Trust https://artisttrust.org info@artisttrust.org https://twitter.com/artisttrust https://www.facebook.com/ArtistTrust/
http://www.bard.edu admission@bard.edu https://twitter.com/BARDCollege https://www.facebook.com/BardCollegeNY
National Endowment for the Arts – Creative Writing Fellowships https://www.arts.gov webmgr@arts.gov https://twitter.com/NEAarts https://www.facebook.com/NationalEndowmentfortheArts
https://www.macdowellcolony.org info@macdowellcolony.org https://twitter.com/MacDowellColony/ https://www.facebook.com/MacDowellColony/
https://www.womenarts.org https://www.twitter.com/Womenarts https://www.facebook.com/WomenArts
Writirs and editors http://www.writersandeditors.com
Art Concul England https://literatureworks.org.uk info@literatureworks.org.uk https://twitter.com/LitWorks https://www.facebook.com/Literature-Works-94150983729/
https://www.pw.org/grants Directory@pw.org editor@pw.org https://twitter.com/poetswritersinc https://www.facebook.com/poetsandwriters/
https://penandthepad.com advertise@penandthepad.com hello@penandthepad.com
https://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/artforms/literature/ enquiries@australiacouncil.gov.au https://twitter.com/auscouncilarts https://www.facebook.com/auscouncilarts
https://torontoartscouncil.org michelle@torontoartscouncil.org https://twitter.com/TorontoArts https://www.facebook.com/torontoartscouncil
https://lorrainegane.com joanne@artsboard.sk.ca http://www.arts.on.ca/ http://www.calq.gouv.ca/
https://www.scbwi.org/ General Questions: scbwi@scbwi.org Grants and Awards Questions: grants@scbwi.org
rlf.org.uk - Grants & Pensions Royal Literarure Fund http://www.twitter.com/rlfwriters http://www.facebook.com/Royal-Literary-Fund-788787677825803/
Book Publishing Grants - First Time Authors http://firsttimeauthors.org
https://www.literaturewales.org post@literaturewales.org https://twitter.com/LitWales https://www.facebook.com/LlenCymruLitWales/
Tehas http://www.writersleague.org wlt@writersleague.org
https://literatureworks.org.uk/ https://twitter.com/LitWorks https://www.facebook.com/Literature-Works-94150983729/
Arts Writers Grant Program https://www.artswriters.org questions@artswriters.org https://twitter.com/artswriters
Sustainable Arts Foundation Award https://www.sustainableartsfoundation.org support@sustainableartsfoundation.org
Arts Council Grants for the Arts https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding-finder/grants-arts https://twitter.com/ace_national https://www.facebook.com/artscouncilofengland
https://www.awesomefoundation.org contact@awesomefoundation.org https://twitter.com/awesomefound https://www.facebook.com/awesomefoundation
Pikara Magazine https://twitter.com/pikaramagazine @pikaramagazine
Hello https://www.hellomagazine.com/
Private Eye Magazine https://www.private-eye.co.uk/
Paste Magazine https://www.pastemagazine.com/ @PasteMagazine
Prospect Magazine https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/
Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/ newsdesk.si.edu
Guernica Magazine https://twitter.com/GuernicaMag
Los Angeles Magazine https://www.lamag.com/ emercado@lamag.com
L.A. Weekly https://www.laweekly.com/
StokeyLitFest http://www.stokenewingtonliteraryfestival.com/
A F R E A D A https://afreada.com/
Abantu Book Festival http://www.abantubookfestival.co.za/
The Southern Review https://thesouthernreview.org/contact/ southernreview@lsu.edu
Ploughshares https://www.pshares.org/ to pshares@pshares.org
Gulf Coast Journal http://gulfcoastmag.org/contact/ gulfcoastea@gmail.com
Wigleaf http://wigleaf.com/ wigleaf.fiction@gmail.com
The Arkansas International https://www.arkint.org/about info@arkint.org development@arkint.org web@arkint.org
Parentheses Journal https://twitter.com/ParenthesesArt
Moonchild Magazine https://twitter.com/moonchildmag
Jellyfish Reviewodactyl https://jellyfishreview.wordpress.com/
Literary Review of Canada http://reviewcanada.ca/ Kyle Wyatt editor@reviewcanada.ca letters@reviewcanada.ca
Dundurn http://www.dundurn.com/
Open Book http://open-book.ca/
The Word On The Street David Alexander, http://thewordonthestreet.ca/contact-us/ Festival Director david@thewordonthestreet.ca word@lethlib.ca
The FOLD http://thefoldcanada.org/ director@thefoldcanada.org
Asia Literary Review https://www.asialiteraryreview.com/
PEN Hong Kong http://www.penhongkong.org/
Qu Literary Magazine http://www.qulitmag.com/contact/
Half Mystic https://www.halfmystic.com/ hello@halfmystic.com
Nightingale & Sparrow http://nightingaleandsparrow.com/ https://www.instagram.com/nightingaleandsparrow/
Royal Rose https://royalrosemagazine.wordpress.com/ royalrosesubmission@gmail.com
Brave Voices Magazine https://bravevoicesmagazine.com/ bravevoicesmagazine@gmail.com.
Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/
Le Figaro http://www.lefigaro.fr/ http://tvmag.lefigaro.fr/
Le HuffPost https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/
Le Parisien http://www.leparisien.fr/
Radio Times https://www.radiotimes.com/
Marías at Sampaguitas https://mariasatsampaguitas.wixsite.com/marias
Barren Magazine https://barrenmagazine.com/
34 Trinity Arts and News https://www.34trinity.com
6 Decades Books https://www.6decadesbooks.com info@6decadesbooks.com
ALTMAN SIEGEL http://altmansiegel.com info@altmansiegel.com
ANTHOLOGY EDITIONS https://anthology.net/books/
Aperture https://aperture.org publicity@aperture.org
Art Metropole https://artmetropole.com info@artmetropole.com
Artbook LLC D.A.P. https://www.artbook.com/aboutus.html
AVENTURES LTD http://www.aventuresltd.com
Basement https://basementsf.com
Blum & Poe (CA) https://www.blumandpoe.com
BOLERIUM BOOKS https://www.bolerium.com
Can Can Press (Mexico) http://cancanpress.com
Canyon Cinema http://canyoncinema.com
Case Publishing / shashasha (Japan) https://case-publishing.jp/en info@case-publishing.jp ryota@case-publishing.jp
AP Photobook Archive https://photobookarchive.com/
PJB Editions https://www.pjb-editions.com/
Case Publishing / shashasha (Japan) https://case-publishing.jp/en
Catharine Clark Gallery (CA) https://cclarkgallery.com Anton Stuebner, Associate Director: associate@cclarkgallery.com
Chronicle Books (CA) https://www.chroniclebooks.com hello@chroniclebooks.com publicity@chroniclebooks.com
Coloured Publishing (CA) https://colouredpublishing.press info@colouredpublishing.press
Colpa Press (CA) https://www.colpapress.com/collections/frontpage hello@colpapress.com
Container Corps (OR) http://containercorps.com mail@containercorps.com
Conveyor Editions (NJ) https://www.conveyoreditions.com books@conveyor.studio
Creativity Explored (CA) http://www.creativityexplored.org info@creativityexplored.org
Dale Zine (FL) https://www.dalezine.com dalezine305@gmail.com
Deadbeat Club (CA) https://deadbeatclubpress.com
Another Place Press https://anotherplacepress.bigcartel.com
DUM DUM Zine (CA) https://www.dumdumzine.com
Eggy Press (CA) https://www.eggypress.com hello@eggypress.com
Fillip https://fillip.ca fillip@fillip.ca
FIST (CA) http://www.fistbiz.com/ info@fistbiz.com
Floss Editions (CA) https://flosseditions.com/
Hat & Beard Press (CA) https://hatandbeard.com press@hatandbeard.com
Hesse Press (CA) info@hessepresse.com https://hessepresse.com/contact.html
Hi-Bred Studio (CA) https://www.hi-bred.net
The Idea of the Book (OR) https://www.theideaofthebook.com info@theideaofthebook.com
illetante collective (CA) http://www.illetante.com illetante@gmail.com
Inventory Press (CA) http://www.inventorypress.com info@inventorypress.com INFO@IN-FO.CO
Issue Press (MI) https://issue.press
J&L Books (NY) https://www.jandlbooks.org
Joy of Being (CA) https://joyofbeing.us
modlitbooks (CA) https://www.instagram.com/modlitbooks/
Monograph Bookwerks (OR) https://www.monographbookwerks.com hello@monographbookwerks.com
MOREL books (UK) https://morelbooks.com info@morelbooks.com
Needles & Pens (CA) http://www.needlesandpens.com
NIAD Art Center (CA) http://niadart.org
Other Books (CA) https://otherbooksla.com
Publication Studio San Francisco http://publicationstudio.cloud
These Days (CA) https://www.thesedaysla.com
Tiny Splendor (CA) http://www.tinysplendor.com Info@tinysplendor.com
DFWCon: The Dallas-Fort Worth Writers Conference https://dfwcon.org/ https://twitter.com/DFWCON
The Frost Place https://frostplace.org/
SundressPublications http://www.sundresspublications.com/
The International Writers Festival http://mishkenot.org.il/writersfestival2019/en/ https://www.facebook.com/mishkenot
Director General of Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Mr. Moti Schwartz https://www.facebook.com/moti.schwartz https://jerusalempressclub.com/moti-schwartz/ https://twitter.com/JPressClub info@jerusalempressclub.com
Key West Literary Seminar https://www.kwls.org/
Macondo Writers Workshop http://www.macondowriters.com/ https://twitter.com/macondowriters
Milford Writer's Workshop https://www.milfordsf.co.uk/ jacey@jaceybedford.co.uk
http://centerforblackliterature.com/ writers@mec.cuny.edu
Pikes Peak Writers Conference https://pikespeakwriters.com/ppwc/
Poets & Writers Magazine https://www.pw.org/ Directory@pw.org Friends@pw.org
Sewanee Writers' Conference http://www.sewaneewriters.org/
Surrey International Writers' Conference https://www.siwc.ca/ info@siwc.ca jenniferstriemer@siwc.ca kathychung@siwc.ca jaredsiwc@gmail.com
UND Writers Conference https://www1.und.edu/orgs/writers-conference/ crystal.alberts@email.und.edu
Varuna the Writers' House https://www.bmchamber.org.au/varuna-the-writers-house/
Giramondo Publishing https://giramondopublishing.com/ books@giramondopublishing.com lea@giramondopublishing.com
Affirm Press http://affirmpress.com.au/
Algonquin Books https://www.algonquin.com https://www.facebook.com/AlgonquinBooks inquiry@algonquin.com michael@algonquin.com
Tor Books https://www.torforgeblog.com
Arte Publico Press https://artepublicopress.com https://twitter.com/artepublico submapp@uh.edu
Mellon Foundation https://mellon.org inquiries@mellon.org
Atlantic Books https://atlantic-books.co.uk
Windmill Books https://www.instagram.com/windmillbooks/
Chatto&Windus https://www.penguin.co.uk/vintage Clare Parker cparker1@penguinrandomhouse.co.uk, Amelia Fairney afairney@penguinrandomhouse.co.uk, Anna Ridley aridley@penguinrandomhouse.co.uk
Profile Books https://twitter.com/ProfileBooks
Pan Macmillan https://www.panmacmillan.com
Hodder & Stoughton https://twitter.com/HodderBooks
Canongate https://canongate.co.uk info@canongate.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/Canongate/
Bellevue Literary Press https://blpress.org Erika Goldman, Publisher and Editorial Director erika@blpress.org
Black Lawrence Press https://www.blacklawrence.com editors@blacklawrencepress.com
Etruscan Press https://etruscanpress.org/ https://twitter.com/etruscan_press
Gival Press http://www.givalpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/givalpress RobertLGiron@givalpress.com.
Graywolf Press https://www.graywolfpress.org/ https://www.facebook.com/GraywolfPress/ wolves@graywolfpress.org
Melville House http://mhpbooks.com/
Harbor Mountain Press https://www.harbormountainpress.org/#! https://www.facebook.com/harbormountainpress/
Inanna Publications https://www.inanna.ca/ Editor-in-Chief, Luciana Ricciutelli luciana@inanna.ca
Legend Press http://www.legendtimesgroup.co.uk/legend-press
HQ Stories https://www.hqstories.co.uk/
Mercury House http://www.mercuryhouse.org/
Milkweed Editions https://www.milkweed.org/ https://www.facebook.com/milkweed.books/
New Rivers Press https://www.newriverspress.com/ nrp@mnstate.edu
Picador https://us.macmillan.com/Picador
William Morrow https://www.facebook.com/WilliamMorrowBooks/
Tarpaulin Sky Press https://tskymag.com/ editors@tarpaulinsky.com
Lambda Literary Foundation Los Angeles https://www.lambdaliterary.org wjohnson@lambdaliterary.org https://www.facebook.com/LambdaLiterary
Open Library https://openlibrary.org https://twitter.com/OpenLibrary
JSTOR https://www.jstor.org Heidi McGregor
Bodleian Digital Library https://twitter.com/BDLSS
A. S. Barnes https://www.barnespublishing.com ian@barnespublishing.com https://www.facebook.com/whatsoninjersey
Atria Publishing Group http://www.atria-books.com/our-books.html
Writer's Digest https://www.writersdigest.com https://twitter.com/WritersDigest Robert Lee Brewer @robertleebrewer
B & W Publishing http://blackandwhitepublishing.com/authors/p/bw-publishing.html
Baker Book House https://bakerbookhouse.com https://www.facebook.com/bakerbookhouse/
Hargeysa International Book Fair http://www.hargeysabookfair.com/hibf2019/
AD Int Book Fair https://adbookfair.com/en/default.aspx
Zayed Higher Organization https://zho.ae/ar/Pages/default.aspx