Hello, King Carl XVI Gustaf, The Nobel Committee for the Literature and the Swedish Academy! Letter To The World Literary Awards: Nobel Prize in Literature https://www.nobelprize.org/ ,
Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sakharovprize/en/home/the-prize.html,
The Pulitzer Prize https://www.pulitzer.org
The Man Booker Prize https://themanbookerprize.com
The Hugo Awards http://www.thehugoawards.org
PREMIO CERVANTES https://www.ecured.cu/Premio_Cervantes
ACADÉMIE GONCOURT https://www.academiegoncourt.com
Women's Prize for Fiction https://www.womensprizeforfiction.co.uk
Rathbones Folio Prize https://www.rathbonesfolioprize.com
Prix Renaudot https://www.franceculture.fr/theme/prix-renaudot
Guardian First Book Award https://www.theguardian.com/books/guardianfirstbookaward ,
International Dublin Literary Award https://www.dublinliteraryaward.ie/ ,
Prime Minister's Literary Awards https://www.arts.gov.au/pm-literary-awards ,
Library of Virginia Literary Awards http://www.lva.virginia.gov/public/litawards/ ,
MILES FRANKLIN LITERARY AWARD https://www.perpetual.com.au/milesfranklin ,
Walter Scott Prize http://www.walterscottprize.co.uk/ ,
The International Booker Prize https://thebookerprizes.com/international,
Orwell Foundation https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-prizes/,
The McIlvanney Prize https://bloodyscotland.com/take-part/the-mcilvanney-prize/,
Forward Arts Foundation http://www.forwardartsfoundation.org/,
Saltire Society Scotland http://www.saltiresociety.org.uk/awards/literature/literary-awards/,
British Book Awards https://www.britishbookawards.org/,
Les Deux Magots Paris http://www.lesdeuxmagots.fr/en/literary-awards.html
Ville de Vichy https://www.ville-vichy.fr/prix-larbaud
DU PRIX EUROPÉEN DE LITTÉRATURE https://www.prixeuropeendelitterature.eu/
Arts et Lettres de France https://www.artsetlettresdefrance.fr
Prix européen de l'essai Charles Veillon https://www.fondation-veillon.ch
Prix du livre Lorientales http://www.lorientales.com
PRIX DU LIVRE EUROPEEN http://livre-europeen.eu
L’Académie remet ses prix littéraires https://le-carnet-et-les-instants.net/2018/03/10/lacademie-remet-ses-prix-litteraires/
Fondation Bernheim http://www.fondationbernheim.be/fr/29/emile-bernheim
Prix Alix Charlier-Anciaux https://www.arllfb.be/prixlitteraires/prixcharlieranciaux.html
Prix d’Histoire «Duc d’Arenberg» https://www.arenbergfoundation.eu/fr/events/prix-dhistoire-duc-darenberg
Le Concours littéraire national 2019 portera sur le roman https://gouvernement.lu/fr/actualites/toutes_actualites/communiques/2018/09-septembre/11-concours-litteraire.html
The Prix Batty Weber https://cnl.public.lu/en/archives/prix-litteraire/prix-batty-weber.html
Prix Droits et Libertés http://www.cdpdj.qc.ca/fr/commission/services/Pages/pdl.aspx
Fondation PRINCE PIERRE DE MONACO https://www.fondationprincepierre.mc
MAISON du Livre https://maisondulivre.nc/actualites
Prix Honneur et Patrie http://www.smlh.fr/la-smlh/prix-honneur-et-patrie
Bibliomedia https://www.bibliomedia.ch/fr/theme/prix-bibliomedia/
Grand Prix du Maire de Champignac http://www.distinction.ch/LD.Champignac/LD.Champignac.html
Le Prix Rambert http://www.prix-rambert.ch
Fondation C.F. Ramuz http://www.fondation-ramuz.ch/1030-Reglement_du_Grand_Prix_C_F__Ramuz
Prix Edouard Rod https://www.estree.ch/prix-edouard-rod
PRIX LITTERAIRE GEORGES-NICOLE http://www.prix-georges-nicole.ch
Le Roman des Romands https://romandesromands.ch
Prix suisses de littérature http://www.prixlitterature.ch/fr/
Prix de poésie Pierrette-Micheloud https://www.fondation-micheloud.ch/prix-de-poesie/prix/
Prix des lecteurs de la Ville de Lausanne https://www.lausanne.ch/en/agenda-et-actualites/prix-des-lecteurs.html
Prix Hertzog https://www.meubles-hertzog.com/fr/prix-de-lancement
Aspekte Literaturpreis 2018 https://www.zdf.de/kultur/aspekte/aspekte-literaturpreis-2018-bettina-wilpert-100.html
STRUGA Poetry Evenings http://svp.org.mk/
Neustadt International Prize for Literature https://www.neustadtprize.org
Společnost Franze Kafky http://www.franzkafka-soc.cz
DAYTON Literary Peace Prize http://daytonliterarypeaceprize.org
Jan Michalski Prize for Literature http://www.fondation-janmichalski.com/en/prix-jan-michalski/
Paris Literary Prize http://www.degrootfoundation.org/paris-literary-prize/
The Zbigniew Herbert International Literary Award http://www.fundacjaherberta.com/en/about-the-zbigniew-herbert-international-literary-award
Georg Büchner Prize https://www.deutscheakademie.de/en/awards/georg-buechner-preis
Deutscher Buch Preis https://www.deutscher-buchpreis.de/en/
Leipzig Book Fair Prize https://www.leipziger-buchmesse.com
Kleist Prize https://www.kleist-museum.de/en/kleist-gesellschaft/kleist-prize/history/
Premio Planeta http://www.premioplaneta.es
Encore Award https://www.encoreawardsshow.com
European Union Prize for Literature http://www.euprizeliterature.eu
Nordic Council's Literature Prize https://www.norden.org/en/literature-prize
Commonwealth Writers' Prize https://www.commonwealthwriters.org
Dundee International Book Prize http://www.dundeebookprize.com
Duff Cooper Prize http://www.theduffcooperprize.org
PEN Hessell-Tiltman Prize https://www.englishpen.org/events/prizes/hessell-tiltman-prize/
International Rubery Book Award https://www.ruberybookaward.com
SI Leeds Literary Prize https://www.sileedsliteraryprize.com
T. S. Eliot Prize http://tseliot.com
Waverton Good Read Award https://www.wavertongoodread.org.uk
Costa Book Awards https://www.costa.co.uk/costa-book-awards/
Vick Prize http://www.vickfoundation.com/en/prize.html
Arthur Ellis Award https://www.crimewriterscanada.com/awards/arthur-ellis-awards/about
Atlantic Book Awards & Festival http://atlanticbookawards.ca
Burt Award for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Literature https://www.burtaward.org/burt-award-canada
CODE Rewriting the sory for global literacy https://code.ngo/
Canadian Jewish Book Awards http://www.cjlawards.ca
Carol Bolt Award Submission https://playwrightsguild.ca/awards/carol-bolt-award-submission/
DANUTA GLEED LITERARY AWARD https://www.writersunion.ca/danuta-gleed-literary-award
Dayne Ogilvie Prize https://www.writerstrust.com/awards/dayne-ogilvie-prize/
Doug Wright Award http://www.dougwrightawards.com
Edna Staebler Award https://www.wlu.ca/information-for/community-members/literary-awards/edna-staebler-awards/edna-staebler-award-for-creative-non-fiction/index.html
Griffin Poetry Prize http://www.griffinpoetryprize.com
Governor General's Award https://ggbooks.ca
Herman Voaden Playwriting Competition https://sdm.queensu.ca/the-voaden-prize/
John Glassco Prize http://www.attlc-ltac.org/en/john-glassco-prize/
The Journey Prize https://journeyprize.submittable.com/submit
Kobzar Literary Award https://www.kobzarbookaward.com
NSW Premier’s Literary Awards https://www.swf.org.au/festivals/festival-2019/nsw-premier-s-literary-awards/
Queensland Premier's Literary Awards https://www.slq.qld.gov.au/get-involved/fellowships-awards-residencies/queensland-literary-awards
Western Australian Premier's Book Awards http://pba.slwa.wa.gov.au
Balint Balassi Memorial Sword Award https://www.balassi.eu
Icelandic Literary Prize https://bokmenntaborgin.is/en/about-us/city-of-literature-and-literatureweb
Premio STREGA https://www.premiostrega.it
Servais Prize https://www.servais-vzw.org/en/
Premio Nacional de Artes y Literatura 2019 http://hipermedula.org/2019/04/premio-nacional-de-artes-y-literatura-2019/
Victorian Premier's Literary Award https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/victorian-premiers-literary-awards-winners-announced/
FIL Literary Award in Romance Languages https://www.fil.com.mx
Madan Puraskar http://madanpuraskar.org/contact/
Norwegian Academy of Literature and Freedom of Expression http://bjornsonakademiet.no/about/
Prémio Camões https://www.bn.gov.br/explore/premios-literarios/premio-camoes-literatura
Casa de las Américas Prize http://www.casa.co.cu
OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature https://www.bocaslitfest.com/contact-us/
Encore Award https://rsliterature.org/contact/
John Llewellyn Rhys Prize Guardian Books https://www.theguardian.com/books/johnllewellynrhysprize
Lane Anderson Award http://laneandersonaward.ca
McNally Robinson Aboriginal Book of the Year Award https://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/
Milton Acorn People's Poetry Award https://fernwoodpublishing.ca/book/milton-acorn
Prix Athanase-David http://www.prixduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/candidature-mcc/candidature.php?prix=Athanase-David
La rencontreColloquePrix et médailleLes écrits http://www.academiedeslettresduquebec.ca/
Scotiabank Giller Prize https://scotiabankgillerprize.ca/
Stephen Leacock Award https://www.leacock.ca
Sunburst Award http://www.sunburstaward.org
Winterset Award https://wintersetinsummer.ca/main/award.php
Wright Awards https://www.somethingindependent.com/the-wright/
Writers' Trust Distinguished Contribution Award https://www.writerstrust.com/writers-books/awards
Premio Editorial Costa Rica https://www.editorialcostarica.com/certamenes.cfm
Magnesia Litera Prize https://www.magnesia-litera.cz
Akutagawa Prize https://www.japantimes.co.jp/tag/akutagawa-prize/
Literary Prizes - Book Depository https://www.bookdepository.com/fiction-prizes
Brooklin Book Festival https://www.brooklynbookfestival.org
American Writers Museum in Chicago https://americanwritersmuseum.org
PEN AMERICA https://pen.org/literary-awards/
Sunday Times EFG Short Story @ShortStoryAward
Aspen Words | Nonprofit Literary Organization http://www.aspenwords.org
State Library of NSW https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au
Hamilton Arts Council | Non-profit Arts Organisation | Ontario https://www.hamiltonartscouncil.ca
The World Academy of Arts, Literature and Media (WAALM) Twitter @WaalmAwards http://www.waalm.com
Burt Literary Awards @CODEBurtAwards https://www.burtaward.org
The International Dylan Thomas Prize Twitter @SwanseaUni
Literary Classics @CLCBookAwards
Southern Festival of Books Twitter @SoFestofBooks https://www.humanitiestennessee.org
Greenwich Book Festival Twitter @GreBookFest https://greenwichbookfest.com
Dalkey Book Festival Twitter @dalkeybookfest http://www.dalkeybookfestival.org
WigtownBookFestival Twitter @WigtownBookFest http://www.wigtownbookfestival.com
Ubud Writers Festival http://www.ubudwritersfestival.com
Prix UNICEF de Litterature https://www.facebook.com/PrixUNICEFLitteratureJeunesse/
Golden Booker Prize https://thebookerprizes.com
Hey Festival http://www.hayfestival.com
Saboteur Awards https://www.saboteurawards.org
Montclair Literary Festival https://www.facebook.com/Montclairliteraryfestival/
Rabindranath Tagor Literary Prize http://tagoreprize.com https://www.facebook.com/tagoreprize/ Twitter @TagorePrize
International Short Story Prize https://www.shortstoryaward.co.uk
Premio Chiara https://www.premiochiara.it
Primadonna Festival https://www.primadonnafestival.com
PREMIO LETTERARIO MONDIALE GOLDEN ASTER BOOK http://www.asteracademy.com Twitter @AcademyAster https://www.facebook.com/asteracademyint/
Books in Bloom Literary Festival https://booksinbloom.org
CWIP Prize Twitter @CWIPprize
Saboteur Awards https://www.saboteurawards.org
Odisha Sahitya Academy Award http://odishasahityaakademi.org
Facebook DD Book Award Twitter @DD_Book_Award
The Royal Society of Literature https://rsliterature.org
Augustpriset https://www.augustpriset.se/
Samfundet De Nio http://samfundetdenio.se
Solothurner Literaturpreis http://www.solothurner-literaturpreis.ch https://www.solothurnerzeitung.ch/thema/Solothurner%20Literaturpreis
Internationales LiteraturFestival https://www.buchbasel.ch
S.E.A.Write Award http://www.seawrite.com/en/objective/
Cundill Prize https://www.cundillprize.com
Wolfson History Prize https://www.wolfsonhistoryprize.org.uk
Bram Stoker Award http://www.thebramstokerawards.com
Pritzker Military Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing http://www.pritzkermilitary.org/explore/pritzker-literature-award/
International Ibsen Award https://www.internationalibsenaward.com
The Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize http://gishprize.org
Prince of Poets https://www.thenational.ae/uae/prince-of-poets-could-be-a-woman-1.59178
Katara Prize for Arabic Novel http://www.katara.net/en/whats-on/events/Festivals/Katara%20Prize%20for%20Arabic%20Novel/2322
Carlos Fuentes International Prize for Literary Creation in the Spanish Language https://www.prisa.com/en/noticias/noticias-1/mario-vargas-llosa-wins-the-carlos-fuentes-international-prize-for-literary-creation-in-the-spanish-language
Prix mondial Cino Del Duca http://www.fondation-del-duca.fr/prix-mondial
Sheikh Zayed Book Award https://www.zayedaward.ae/en/default.aspx
Alfaguara Prize http://www.premiosalfaguara.com
Windham–Campbell Literature Prizes https://windhamcampbell.org/
Sonning Prize https://event.ku.dk/sonning_prize/
Lannan Literary Awards https://lannan.org/literary/awards-and-fellowships
RBA Prize for Crime Writing https://www.barcelona.cat/infobarcelona/en/don-winslows-the-cartel-wins-the-rba-international-prize-for-crime-writing_232925.html
Premio de Novela Fernando Lara http://fundacionjmlara.es/contacto/
El Grupo Planeta https://www.planeta.es/es
Rómulo Gallegos Prize http://www.latinamericanliteraturetoday.org/en/contact
Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize https://www.poetryfoundation.org/foundation/prizes-lilly
Wallace Stevens Award https://poets.org/academy-american-poets/prizes/wallace-stevens-award
Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/awards/sami-rohr-prize.html
Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Awards https://www.alowais.com/en/awards/
Yokomizo Seishi Prize https://www.tohokingdom.com/people/seishi_yokomizo.html
Premio de Narrativa Breve Ribera del Duero https://www.riberadelduero.es/
Irish Book Awards https://www.irishbookawards.irish
Madan Puraskar http://madanpuraskar.org/contact/
Bangla Academy Award https://banglaacademy.org.bd/english/?page_id=145
Prêmio Jabuti https://www.premiojabuti.com.br
Jakarta Arts Council Novel Competition https://jakartaglobe.id/culture/dkj-literary-criticism-competition-sees-decline-quality-entries/
New Zealand Post Book Awards http://www.nzbookawards.nz
Prime Minister's Awards for Literary Achievement http://www.creativenz.govt.nz/find-funding/funds/prime-minister-s-awards-for-literary-achievement
Ngaio Marsh Award https://twitter.com/ngaiomarshaward
Литературная премия Александра Солженицына http://www.solzhenitsyn.ru/litpremiya/
Литературная Премия "Русский Букер" http://www.russianbooker.org ,
Всероссийская литературная премия Национальный бестселлер http://www.natsbest.ru ,
Литературная премия "Ясная Поляна" http://www.yppremia.ru/ ,
Национальная литературная премия "Большая книга" http://www.bigbook.ru ,
"Русская премия" http://www.russpremia.ru ,
Премия Даниила Хармса в области литературы и искусства http://kharms.ru ,
"АБС премия" братьев Стругацких http://absfond.ru/
Academy of New Zealand Literature https://www.anzliterature.com
Auckland Writers Festival http://www.writersfestival.co.nz
Booksellers New Zealand https://www.booksellers.co.nz
Dunedin Readers & Writers Festival http://www.dunedinwritersfestival.co.nz
Going West Books & Writers Festival https://www.goingwestfest.co.nz
Hawke’s Bay Readers & Writers Festival https://www.hbreadersandwriters.co.nz
Māori Literature Trust https://mlt.org.nz
Nelson Arts Festival Readers and Writers Week http://www.nelsonartsfestival.co.nz/readers-and-writers/
Edinburgh International Book Festival https://www.edbookfest.co.uk
BALTIMORE BOOK FESTIVAL! http://www.baltimorebookfestival.com
National Book Festival https://www.loc.gov/events/2019-national-book-festival/about-this-event/
Wigtown Book Festival http://www.wigtownbookfestival.com
Derby Book Festival http://www.derbybookfestival.co.uk
Edinburgh International Book Festival https://www.edinburghfestivalcity.com/festivals/edinburgh-international-book-festival
Savannah Book Festival https://www.savannahbookfestival.org
Wisconsin Book Festival https://www.wisconsinbookfestival.org
The STELLA Prize https://thestellaprize.com.au
Agatha Award https://www.mysteryscenemag.com/blog-article/6072-2018-agatha-award-winners
Simpson Literary Project https://www.simpsonliteraryproject.org/
Writers’ Guild of Alberta https://writersguild.ca/
The JCB PRIZE for LITERATURE https://www.thejcbprize.org
Santa Fe Writers Project https://sfwp.com/the-contest/
Literature Wales https://www.literaturewales.org
PM's Literary Awards https://www.arts.gov.au/pm-literary-awards
Cheltenham Literature Festival https://www.cheltenhamfestivals.com/literature/
Bloody Scotland https://bloodyscotland.com
Scottish Book Trust http://scottishbooktrust.com
Harrogate International Festivals https://harrogateinternationalfestivals.com/crime-writing-festival/
The Noirwich Crime Writing Festival https://noirwich.co.uk
Diva Literary Festival https://www.divaliteraryfestival.com
The European Poetry Festival https://www.europeanpoetryfestival.com
ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival https://jaipurliteraturefestival.org
Buenos Aires International Book Fair https://www.el-libro.org.ar/buenos-aires-book-fair/
Digital Book World https://www.digitalbookworld.com/press
UK Literacy Association https://ukla.org/awards/ukla-digital-book-award
Woollahra Digital Literary Award https://www.woollahra.nsw.gov.au/library/whats_on/digital_literary_award
Trillium Book Award, Ontario Creates http://www.ontariocreates.ca/book/trillium_book_award.htm The Harvey Awards https://www.harveyawards.com/Winners/2018-Nominees/
AUSRALIAN WRITERS' CENTER https://www.writerscentre.com.au/blog/the-2019-woollahra-digital-literary-award-is-now-open/
New Apple Literary Awards http://newappleliterary.com/awards.html
Alliance Of Independent Authors https://www.allianceindependentauthors.org/alli-watchdog/
THE GOLD DAGGER https://thecwa.co.uk/the-daggers/categories/gold
The Edgar Awards http://www.theedgars.com/intouch.html
ANDREW CARNEGIE MEDAL https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/blogs/the-scoop/2019-andrew-carnegie-medal-winners-announced/
Literary Arts https://literary-arts.org
Publishers Weekly https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/home/index.html
Otago University Press https://www.otago.ac.nz/press/landfall/awards/otago065482.html
National Book Critics Circle Award http://www.bookcritics.org
BCALA’s 2018 SELF-PUBLISHING LITERARY AWARDS https://www.bcala.org/e-book-award/
Global Ebook Awards http://globalebookawards.com
DSC Prize for South Asian Literature http://dscprize.com
foundation of SAARC writers and literature http://www.foundationsaarcwriters.com
National Translation Award (NTA) https://www.literarytranslators.org/awards/national-translation-award
Los Angeles Times Book Prize https://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/bookprizes-2018/
Dos Passos Prize http://www.johndospassos.com/33rd-annual-john-dos-passos-prize/
FundsforWriters Literary Event Grants of Georgia (LEGG) https://fundsforwriters.com/grants/
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS CREATIVE WRITING FELLOWSHIPS https://www.arts.gov/grants/apply-grant/grants-individuals
Royal Literary Fund https://www.rlf.org.uk
Literary - Toronto Arts Council https://www.facebook.com/torontoartscouncil
Grant Programs - Ontario Arts Council - Literature http://www.arts.on.ca/grants/discipline/literature
Literary Grants - Lannan Foundation https://lannan.org/literary/grants
Literary - Grants for Individuals - WomenArts https://www.facebook.com/WomenArts
Literature | Australia Council for the Arts https://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/artforms/literature/
Bursaries and Grants Available for Writers in the UK https://literatureworks.org.uk/resources/bursaries-and-grants-available-for-writers-in-the-uk/
Literary Publishing Projects | Canada Council for the Arts https://canadacouncil.ca/funding/grants/supporting-artistic-practice/literary-publishing-projects
Grants | Flanders literature https://www.flandersliterature.be
Creative Europe - Culture- Literary translation | EACEA https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/actions/culture/creative-europe-culture-literary-translation_en
Swedish Literature Abroad - Kulturradet https://www.kulturradet.se/en/swedishliterature/Grants/Literary-Projects-Abroad/
Literature | NYSCA https://www.arts.ny.gov/programs/literature https://www.facebook.com/NewYorkStateCouncilontheArts/
Literary Press Group http://www.lpg.ca/
WorldLiteratureToday https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/contact
Granta https://granta.com/about/
Guernica Magazine https://twitter.com/GuernicaMag
A Public Space https://apublicspace.org/
One Story https://www.one-story.com/
The Southern Review https://thesouthernreview.org/ southernreview@lsu.edu
Conjunctions http://www.conjunctions.com/
TriQuarterly http://www.triquarterly.org/ triquarterly@northwestern.edu
New England Review http://www.nereview.com/
Cincinnati Review https://www.cincinnatireview.com/
phoebe http://phoebejournal.com/award-nominations/
So to Speak Journal http://sotospeakjournal.org/
Sunday Reading Series https://www.sundayreadingseries.com/
In May 2018 writer Ganova Ludmila wrote a letter "For King Carl XVI Gustaf, The Nobel Committee for the Literature and the Swedish Academy" !!!
"I think that a person have the right to talk about her novel. Well, for example V.V.Putin was self-nominated for the president post of Russia.
So my letter is an attempt to attract attention to the novel "Russian Monarchy" of Swedish Academy for the award of the Nobel Prize and the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf who should understand the problems of the monarchy much better.
Dear Carl XVI Gustaf, sorry for the concern, I live in Siberia, but I'm educated human (graduated of famous university of NGU).
So wrote such novel is my profession - Philologist.
I wish you are further well-being / I wish you are continued prosperity at the post of the Swedish monarch and the longevity of your own monarchy.
I ask all the same to see the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" in connection with it's relevance. All the best to you are and your family. L.I. GANOVA.
I want your flag to be always raised. (From letter of Ganova Ludmila, May 2018)"
Citation of Ganova Ludmila:
GANOVA LUDMILA author of novels:
Publicism, Film critic, Art critic...
Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sakharovprize/en/home/the-prize.html,
The Pulitzer Prize https://www.pulitzer.org
The Man Booker Prize https://themanbookerprize.com
The Hugo Awards http://www.thehugoawards.org
PREMIO CERVANTES https://www.ecured.cu/Premio_Cervantes
ACADÉMIE GONCOURT https://www.academiegoncourt.com
Women's Prize for Fiction https://www.womensprizeforfiction.co.uk
Rathbones Folio Prize https://www.rathbonesfolioprize.com
Prix Renaudot https://www.franceculture.fr/theme/prix-renaudot
Guardian First Book Award https://www.theguardian.com/books/guardianfirstbookaward ,
International Dublin Literary Award https://www.dublinliteraryaward.ie/ ,
Prime Minister's Literary Awards https://www.arts.gov.au/pm-literary-awards ,
Library of Virginia Literary Awards http://www.lva.virginia.gov/public/litawards/ ,
MILES FRANKLIN LITERARY AWARD https://www.perpetual.com.au/milesfranklin ,
Walter Scott Prize http://www.walterscottprize.co.uk/ ,
The International Booker Prize https://thebookerprizes.com/international,
Orwell Foundation https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-prizes/,
The McIlvanney Prize https://bloodyscotland.com/take-part/the-mcilvanney-prize/,
Forward Arts Foundation http://www.forwardartsfoundation.org/,
Saltire Society Scotland http://www.saltiresociety.org.uk/awards/literature/literary-awards/,
British Book Awards https://www.britishbookawards.org/,
Les Deux Magots Paris http://www.lesdeuxmagots.fr/en/literary-awards.html
Ville de Vichy https://www.ville-vichy.fr/prix-larbaud
DU PRIX EUROPÉEN DE LITTÉRATURE https://www.prixeuropeendelitterature.eu/
Arts et Lettres de France https://www.artsetlettresdefrance.fr
Prix européen de l'essai Charles Veillon https://www.fondation-veillon.ch
Prix du livre Lorientales http://www.lorientales.com
PRIX DU LIVRE EUROPEEN http://livre-europeen.eu
L’Académie remet ses prix littéraires https://le-carnet-et-les-instants.net/2018/03/10/lacademie-remet-ses-prix-litteraires/
Fondation Bernheim http://www.fondationbernheim.be/fr/29/emile-bernheim
Prix Alix Charlier-Anciaux https://www.arllfb.be/prixlitteraires/prixcharlieranciaux.html
Prix d’Histoire «Duc d’Arenberg» https://www.arenbergfoundation.eu/fr/events/prix-dhistoire-duc-darenberg
Le Concours littéraire national 2019 portera sur le roman https://gouvernement.lu/fr/actualites/toutes_actualites/communiques/2018/09-septembre/11-concours-litteraire.html
The Prix Batty Weber https://cnl.public.lu/en/archives/prix-litteraire/prix-batty-weber.html
Prix Droits et Libertés http://www.cdpdj.qc.ca/fr/commission/services/Pages/pdl.aspx
Fondation PRINCE PIERRE DE MONACO https://www.fondationprincepierre.mc
MAISON du Livre https://maisondulivre.nc/actualites
Prix Honneur et Patrie http://www.smlh.fr/la-smlh/prix-honneur-et-patrie
Bibliomedia https://www.bibliomedia.ch/fr/theme/prix-bibliomedia/
Grand Prix du Maire de Champignac http://www.distinction.ch/LD.Champignac/LD.Champignac.html
Le Prix Rambert http://www.prix-rambert.ch
Fondation C.F. Ramuz http://www.fondation-ramuz.ch/1030-Reglement_du_Grand_Prix_C_F__Ramuz
Prix Edouard Rod https://www.estree.ch/prix-edouard-rod
PRIX LITTERAIRE GEORGES-NICOLE http://www.prix-georges-nicole.ch
Le Roman des Romands https://romandesromands.ch
Prix suisses de littérature http://www.prixlitterature.ch/fr/
Prix de poésie Pierrette-Micheloud https://www.fondation-micheloud.ch/prix-de-poesie/prix/
Prix des lecteurs de la Ville de Lausanne https://www.lausanne.ch/en/agenda-et-actualites/prix-des-lecteurs.html
Prix Hertzog https://www.meubles-hertzog.com/fr/prix-de-lancement
Aspekte Literaturpreis 2018 https://www.zdf.de/kultur/aspekte/aspekte-literaturpreis-2018-bettina-wilpert-100.html
STRUGA Poetry Evenings http://svp.org.mk/
Neustadt International Prize for Literature https://www.neustadtprize.org
Společnost Franze Kafky http://www.franzkafka-soc.cz
DAYTON Literary Peace Prize http://daytonliterarypeaceprize.org
Jan Michalski Prize for Literature http://www.fondation-janmichalski.com/en/prix-jan-michalski/
Paris Literary Prize http://www.degrootfoundation.org/paris-literary-prize/
The Zbigniew Herbert International Literary Award http://www.fundacjaherberta.com/en/about-the-zbigniew-herbert-international-literary-award
Georg Büchner Prize https://www.deutscheakademie.de/en/awards/georg-buechner-preis
Deutscher Buch Preis https://www.deutscher-buchpreis.de/en/
Leipzig Book Fair Prize https://www.leipziger-buchmesse.com
Kleist Prize https://www.kleist-museum.de/en/kleist-gesellschaft/kleist-prize/history/
Premio Planeta http://www.premioplaneta.es
Encore Award https://www.encoreawardsshow.com
European Union Prize for Literature http://www.euprizeliterature.eu
Nordic Council's Literature Prize https://www.norden.org/en/literature-prize
Commonwealth Writers' Prize https://www.commonwealthwriters.org
Dundee International Book Prize http://www.dundeebookprize.com
Duff Cooper Prize http://www.theduffcooperprize.org
PEN Hessell-Tiltman Prize https://www.englishpen.org/events/prizes/hessell-tiltman-prize/
International Rubery Book Award https://www.ruberybookaward.com
SI Leeds Literary Prize https://www.sileedsliteraryprize.com
T. S. Eliot Prize http://tseliot.com
Waverton Good Read Award https://www.wavertongoodread.org.uk
Costa Book Awards https://www.costa.co.uk/costa-book-awards/
Vick Prize http://www.vickfoundation.com/en/prize.html
Arthur Ellis Award https://www.crimewriterscanada.com/awards/arthur-ellis-awards/about
Atlantic Book Awards & Festival http://atlanticbookawards.ca
Burt Award for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Literature https://www.burtaward.org/burt-award-canada
CODE Rewriting the sory for global literacy https://code.ngo/
Canadian Jewish Book Awards http://www.cjlawards.ca
Carol Bolt Award Submission https://playwrightsguild.ca/awards/carol-bolt-award-submission/
DANUTA GLEED LITERARY AWARD https://www.writersunion.ca/danuta-gleed-literary-award
Dayne Ogilvie Prize https://www.writerstrust.com/awards/dayne-ogilvie-prize/
Doug Wright Award http://www.dougwrightawards.com
Edna Staebler Award https://www.wlu.ca/information-for/community-members/literary-awards/edna-staebler-awards/edna-staebler-award-for-creative-non-fiction/index.html
Griffin Poetry Prize http://www.griffinpoetryprize.com
Governor General's Award https://ggbooks.ca
Herman Voaden Playwriting Competition https://sdm.queensu.ca/the-voaden-prize/
John Glassco Prize http://www.attlc-ltac.org/en/john-glassco-prize/
The Journey Prize https://journeyprize.submittable.com/submit
Kobzar Literary Award https://www.kobzarbookaward.com
NSW Premier’s Literary Awards https://www.swf.org.au/festivals/festival-2019/nsw-premier-s-literary-awards/
Queensland Premier's Literary Awards https://www.slq.qld.gov.au/get-involved/fellowships-awards-residencies/queensland-literary-awards
Western Australian Premier's Book Awards http://pba.slwa.wa.gov.au
Balint Balassi Memorial Sword Award https://www.balassi.eu
Icelandic Literary Prize https://bokmenntaborgin.is/en/about-us/city-of-literature-and-literatureweb
Premio STREGA https://www.premiostrega.it
Servais Prize https://www.servais-vzw.org/en/
Premio Nacional de Artes y Literatura 2019 http://hipermedula.org/2019/04/premio-nacional-de-artes-y-literatura-2019/
Victorian Premier's Literary Award https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/victorian-premiers-literary-awards-winners-announced/
FIL Literary Award in Romance Languages https://www.fil.com.mx
Madan Puraskar http://madanpuraskar.org/contact/
Norwegian Academy of Literature and Freedom of Expression http://bjornsonakademiet.no/about/
Prémio Camões https://www.bn.gov.br/explore/premios-literarios/premio-camoes-literatura
Casa de las Américas Prize http://www.casa.co.cu
OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature https://www.bocaslitfest.com/contact-us/
Encore Award https://rsliterature.org/contact/
John Llewellyn Rhys Prize Guardian Books https://www.theguardian.com/books/johnllewellynrhysprize
Lane Anderson Award http://laneandersonaward.ca
McNally Robinson Aboriginal Book of the Year Award https://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/
Milton Acorn People's Poetry Award https://fernwoodpublishing.ca/book/milton-acorn
Prix Athanase-David http://www.prixduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/candidature-mcc/candidature.php?prix=Athanase-David
La rencontreColloquePrix et médailleLes écrits http://www.academiedeslettresduquebec.ca/
Scotiabank Giller Prize https://scotiabankgillerprize.ca/
Stephen Leacock Award https://www.leacock.ca
Sunburst Award http://www.sunburstaward.org
Winterset Award https://wintersetinsummer.ca/main/award.php
Wright Awards https://www.somethingindependent.com/the-wright/
Writers' Trust Distinguished Contribution Award https://www.writerstrust.com/writers-books/awards
Premio Editorial Costa Rica https://www.editorialcostarica.com/certamenes.cfm
Magnesia Litera Prize https://www.magnesia-litera.cz
Akutagawa Prize https://www.japantimes.co.jp/tag/akutagawa-prize/
Literary Prizes - Book Depository https://www.bookdepository.com/fiction-prizes
Brooklin Book Festival https://www.brooklynbookfestival.org
American Writers Museum in Chicago https://americanwritersmuseum.org
PEN AMERICA https://pen.org/literary-awards/
Sunday Times EFG Short Story @ShortStoryAward
Aspen Words | Nonprofit Literary Organization http://www.aspenwords.org
State Library of NSW https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au
Hamilton Arts Council | Non-profit Arts Organisation | Ontario https://www.hamiltonartscouncil.ca
The World Academy of Arts, Literature and Media (WAALM) Twitter @WaalmAwards http://www.waalm.com
Burt Literary Awards @CODEBurtAwards https://www.burtaward.org
The International Dylan Thomas Prize Twitter @SwanseaUni
Literary Classics @CLCBookAwards
Southern Festival of Books Twitter @SoFestofBooks https://www.humanitiestennessee.org
Greenwich Book Festival Twitter @GreBookFest https://greenwichbookfest.com
Dalkey Book Festival Twitter @dalkeybookfest http://www.dalkeybookfestival.org
WigtownBookFestival Twitter @WigtownBookFest http://www.wigtownbookfestival.com
Ubud Writers Festival http://www.ubudwritersfestival.com
Prix UNICEF de Litterature https://www.facebook.com/PrixUNICEFLitteratureJeunesse/
Golden Booker Prize https://thebookerprizes.com
Hey Festival http://www.hayfestival.com
Saboteur Awards https://www.saboteurawards.org
Montclair Literary Festival https://www.facebook.com/Montclairliteraryfestival/
Rabindranath Tagor Literary Prize http://tagoreprize.com https://www.facebook.com/tagoreprize/ Twitter @TagorePrize
International Short Story Prize https://www.shortstoryaward.co.uk
Premio Chiara https://www.premiochiara.it
Primadonna Festival https://www.primadonnafestival.com
PREMIO LETTERARIO MONDIALE GOLDEN ASTER BOOK http://www.asteracademy.com Twitter @AcademyAster https://www.facebook.com/asteracademyint/
Books in Bloom Literary Festival https://booksinbloom.org
CWIP Prize Twitter @CWIPprize
Saboteur Awards https://www.saboteurawards.org
Odisha Sahitya Academy Award http://odishasahityaakademi.org
Facebook DD Book Award Twitter @DD_Book_Award
The Royal Society of Literature https://rsliterature.org
Augustpriset https://www.augustpriset.se/
Samfundet De Nio http://samfundetdenio.se
Solothurner Literaturpreis http://www.solothurner-literaturpreis.ch https://www.solothurnerzeitung.ch/thema/Solothurner%20Literaturpreis
Internationales LiteraturFestival https://www.buchbasel.ch
S.E.A.Write Award http://www.seawrite.com/en/objective/
Cundill Prize https://www.cundillprize.com
Wolfson History Prize https://www.wolfsonhistoryprize.org.uk
Bram Stoker Award http://www.thebramstokerawards.com
Pritzker Military Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing http://www.pritzkermilitary.org/explore/pritzker-literature-award/
International Ibsen Award https://www.internationalibsenaward.com
The Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize http://gishprize.org
Prince of Poets https://www.thenational.ae/uae/prince-of-poets-could-be-a-woman-1.59178
Katara Prize for Arabic Novel http://www.katara.net/en/whats-on/events/Festivals/Katara%20Prize%20for%20Arabic%20Novel/2322
Carlos Fuentes International Prize for Literary Creation in the Spanish Language https://www.prisa.com/en/noticias/noticias-1/mario-vargas-llosa-wins-the-carlos-fuentes-international-prize-for-literary-creation-in-the-spanish-language
Prix mondial Cino Del Duca http://www.fondation-del-duca.fr/prix-mondial
Sheikh Zayed Book Award https://www.zayedaward.ae/en/default.aspx
Alfaguara Prize http://www.premiosalfaguara.com
Windham–Campbell Literature Prizes https://windhamcampbell.org/
Sonning Prize https://event.ku.dk/sonning_prize/
Lannan Literary Awards https://lannan.org/literary/awards-and-fellowships
RBA Prize for Crime Writing https://www.barcelona.cat/infobarcelona/en/don-winslows-the-cartel-wins-the-rba-international-prize-for-crime-writing_232925.html
Premio de Novela Fernando Lara http://fundacionjmlara.es/contacto/
El Grupo Planeta https://www.planeta.es/es
Rómulo Gallegos Prize http://www.latinamericanliteraturetoday.org/en/contact
Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize https://www.poetryfoundation.org/foundation/prizes-lilly
Wallace Stevens Award https://poets.org/academy-american-poets/prizes/wallace-stevens-award
Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/awards/sami-rohr-prize.html
Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Awards https://www.alowais.com/en/awards/
Yokomizo Seishi Prize https://www.tohokingdom.com/people/seishi_yokomizo.html
Premio de Narrativa Breve Ribera del Duero https://www.riberadelduero.es/
Irish Book Awards https://www.irishbookawards.irish
Madan Puraskar http://madanpuraskar.org/contact/
Bangla Academy Award https://banglaacademy.org.bd/english/?page_id=145
Prêmio Jabuti https://www.premiojabuti.com.br
Jakarta Arts Council Novel Competition https://jakartaglobe.id/culture/dkj-literary-criticism-competition-sees-decline-quality-entries/
New Zealand Post Book Awards http://www.nzbookawards.nz
Prime Minister's Awards for Literary Achievement http://www.creativenz.govt.nz/find-funding/funds/prime-minister-s-awards-for-literary-achievement
Ngaio Marsh Award https://twitter.com/ngaiomarshaward
Литературная премия Александра Солженицына http://www.solzhenitsyn.ru/litpremiya/
Литературная Премия "Русский Букер" http://www.russianbooker.org ,
Всероссийская литературная премия Национальный бестселлер http://www.natsbest.ru ,
Литературная премия "Ясная Поляна" http://www.yppremia.ru/ ,
Национальная литературная премия "Большая книга" http://www.bigbook.ru ,
"Русская премия" http://www.russpremia.ru ,
Премия Даниила Хармса в области литературы и искусства http://kharms.ru ,
"АБС премия" братьев Стругацких http://absfond.ru/
Academy of New Zealand Literature https://www.anzliterature.com
Auckland Writers Festival http://www.writersfestival.co.nz
Booksellers New Zealand https://www.booksellers.co.nz
Dunedin Readers & Writers Festival http://www.dunedinwritersfestival.co.nz
Going West Books & Writers Festival https://www.goingwestfest.co.nz
Hawke’s Bay Readers & Writers Festival https://www.hbreadersandwriters.co.nz
Māori Literature Trust https://mlt.org.nz
Nelson Arts Festival Readers and Writers Week http://www.nelsonartsfestival.co.nz/readers-and-writers/
Edinburgh International Book Festival https://www.edbookfest.co.uk
BALTIMORE BOOK FESTIVAL! http://www.baltimorebookfestival.com
National Book Festival https://www.loc.gov/events/2019-national-book-festival/about-this-event/
Wigtown Book Festival http://www.wigtownbookfestival.com
Derby Book Festival http://www.derbybookfestival.co.uk
Edinburgh International Book Festival https://www.edinburghfestivalcity.com/festivals/edinburgh-international-book-festival
Savannah Book Festival https://www.savannahbookfestival.org
Wisconsin Book Festival https://www.wisconsinbookfestival.org
The STELLA Prize https://thestellaprize.com.au
Agatha Award https://www.mysteryscenemag.com/blog-article/6072-2018-agatha-award-winners
Simpson Literary Project https://www.simpsonliteraryproject.org/
Writers’ Guild of Alberta https://writersguild.ca/
The JCB PRIZE for LITERATURE https://www.thejcbprize.org
Santa Fe Writers Project https://sfwp.com/the-contest/
Literature Wales https://www.literaturewales.org
PM's Literary Awards https://www.arts.gov.au/pm-literary-awards
Cheltenham Literature Festival https://www.cheltenhamfestivals.com/literature/
Bloody Scotland https://bloodyscotland.com
Scottish Book Trust http://scottishbooktrust.com
Harrogate International Festivals https://harrogateinternationalfestivals.com/crime-writing-festival/
The Noirwich Crime Writing Festival https://noirwich.co.uk
Diva Literary Festival https://www.divaliteraryfestival.com
The European Poetry Festival https://www.europeanpoetryfestival.com
ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival https://jaipurliteraturefestival.org
Buenos Aires International Book Fair https://www.el-libro.org.ar/buenos-aires-book-fair/
Digital Book World https://www.digitalbookworld.com/press
UK Literacy Association https://ukla.org/awards/ukla-digital-book-award
Woollahra Digital Literary Award https://www.woollahra.nsw.gov.au/library/whats_on/digital_literary_award
Trillium Book Award, Ontario Creates http://www.ontariocreates.ca/book/trillium_book_award.htm The Harvey Awards https://www.harveyawards.com/Winners/2018-Nominees/
AUSRALIAN WRITERS' CENTER https://www.writerscentre.com.au/blog/the-2019-woollahra-digital-literary-award-is-now-open/
New Apple Literary Awards http://newappleliterary.com/awards.html
Alliance Of Independent Authors https://www.allianceindependentauthors.org/alli-watchdog/
THE GOLD DAGGER https://thecwa.co.uk/the-daggers/categories/gold
The Edgar Awards http://www.theedgars.com/intouch.html
ANDREW CARNEGIE MEDAL https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/blogs/the-scoop/2019-andrew-carnegie-medal-winners-announced/
Literary Arts https://literary-arts.org
Publishers Weekly https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/home/index.html
Otago University Press https://www.otago.ac.nz/press/landfall/awards/otago065482.html
National Book Critics Circle Award http://www.bookcritics.org
BCALA’s 2018 SELF-PUBLISHING LITERARY AWARDS https://www.bcala.org/e-book-award/
Global Ebook Awards http://globalebookawards.com
DSC Prize for South Asian Literature http://dscprize.com
foundation of SAARC writers and literature http://www.foundationsaarcwriters.com
National Translation Award (NTA) https://www.literarytranslators.org/awards/national-translation-award
Los Angeles Times Book Prize https://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/bookprizes-2018/
Dos Passos Prize http://www.johndospassos.com/33rd-annual-john-dos-passos-prize/
FundsforWriters Literary Event Grants of Georgia (LEGG) https://fundsforwriters.com/grants/
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS CREATIVE WRITING FELLOWSHIPS https://www.arts.gov/grants/apply-grant/grants-individuals
Royal Literary Fund https://www.rlf.org.uk
Literary - Toronto Arts Council https://www.facebook.com/torontoartscouncil
Grant Programs - Ontario Arts Council - Literature http://www.arts.on.ca/grants/discipline/literature
Literary Grants - Lannan Foundation https://lannan.org/literary/grants
Literary - Grants for Individuals - WomenArts https://www.facebook.com/WomenArts
Literature | Australia Council for the Arts https://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/artforms/literature/
Bursaries and Grants Available for Writers in the UK https://literatureworks.org.uk/resources/bursaries-and-grants-available-for-writers-in-the-uk/
Literary Publishing Projects | Canada Council for the Arts https://canadacouncil.ca/funding/grants/supporting-artistic-practice/literary-publishing-projects
Grants | Flanders literature https://www.flandersliterature.be
Creative Europe - Culture- Literary translation | EACEA https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/actions/culture/creative-europe-culture-literary-translation_en
Swedish Literature Abroad - Kulturradet https://www.kulturradet.se/en/swedishliterature/Grants/Literary-Projects-Abroad/
Literature | NYSCA https://www.arts.ny.gov/programs/literature https://www.facebook.com/NewYorkStateCouncilontheArts/
Literary Press Group http://www.lpg.ca/
WorldLiteratureToday https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/contact
Granta https://granta.com/about/
Guernica Magazine https://twitter.com/GuernicaMag
A Public Space https://apublicspace.org/
One Story https://www.one-story.com/
The Southern Review https://thesouthernreview.org/ southernreview@lsu.edu
Conjunctions http://www.conjunctions.com/
TriQuarterly http://www.triquarterly.org/ triquarterly@northwestern.edu
New England Review http://www.nereview.com/
Cincinnati Review https://www.cincinnatireview.com/
phoebe http://phoebejournal.com/award-nominations/
So to Speak Journal http://sotospeakjournal.org/
Sunday Reading Series https://www.sundayreadingseries.com/
"I think that a person have the right to talk about her novel. Well, for example V.V.Putin was self-nominated for the president post of Russia.
So my letter is an attempt to attract attention to the novel "Russian Monarchy" of Swedish Academy for the award of the Nobel Prize and the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf who should understand the problems of the monarchy much better.
Dear Carl XVI Gustaf, sorry for the concern, I live in Siberia, but I'm educated human (graduated of famous university of NGU).
So wrote such novel is my profession - Philologist.
I wish you are further well-being / I wish you are continued prosperity at the post of the Swedish monarch and the longevity of your own monarchy.
I ask all the same to see the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" in connection with it's relevance. All the best to you are and your family. L.I. GANOVA.
I want your flag to be always raised. (From letter of Ganova Ludmila, May 2018)"
Half a year has passed since the murder of writer Ganova Ludmila. Today is 05/28/19. We are the children of the writer Ilya Tsurikov (artist) and Ekaterina Tsurikova - Ket Gun (Poet)
We are co-authors of this novel. It was written by Ganova Lyudmila in discussions with us and with the whole world !!! So, that the rules of the Nobel Committee
(do not award a prize to a dead person! (reply for letter of Nobel Committee for Ganova Ludmila) ), and what about killed for a book ??? You are can will give this award to us. But in this case, the rules will be complied! Oh, these formalities ...
We think this is so exceptional case. She was killed including that she wasn't awarded your Nobel Prize on time too!
In fact, she sent the letter to King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, to your Swedish Academy and to the Nobel Committee (In May 2018) (spring and summer 2018 when she was still alive).
A novel with such name "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" could appear only in our time because the Bolsheviks and the Communists stubbornly kept silent about the problem of royal power, shooting of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Anyone who raising this question was also threatened of death.
In this book you will find a variety of points of view expressed by different people who have found it necessary to express it ...
This is primarily an Internet novel, discussions took place on the Echo of Moscow station and Hydepark sites.
And the most important thing is that not a single word don't has been changed in their statement!
It is very interesting to read them, and they, these statements, speak about the complexity of the problem raised, about modern life, about the most different ways of managing the state, about the mood of the society itself, about its openness, about publicity in it. In it, in this novel, even the point of view is expressed that the management of the Russian state can be transferred to the heirs of the royal family !!! As it was done in Spain by the dictator Franco. And what can get the Russian State as a result of such a transfer of power ...
A novel with such name "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" could appear only in our time because the Bolsheviks and the Communists stubbornly kept silent about the problem of royal power, shooting of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Anyone who raising this question was also threatened of death.
In this book you will find a variety of points of view expressed by different people who have found it necessary to express it ...
This is primarily an Internet novel, discussions took place on the Echo of Moscow station and Hydepark sites.
And the most important thing is that not a single word don't has been changed in their statement!
It is very interesting to read them, and they, these statements, speak about the complexity of the problem raised, about modern life, about the most different ways of managing the state, about the mood of the society itself, about its openness, about publicity in it. In it, in this novel, even the point of view is expressed that the management of the Russian state can be transferred to the heirs of the royal family !!! As it was done in Spain by the dictator Franco. And what can get the Russian State as a result of such a transfer of power ...
10.25.18 Russian writer Ganova Lyudmila, author of the novel of 21st century “Russian Monarchy”, was seized against the her own will by Putin’s special forces (Rosgvardia, Police ....)
In a closed reanimation, against her will and the will of the children, (exist photographs and audio recordings, documents), completely isolated from society.
Analogy with the Nuremberg process where German doctors acted without agreement of the person with the special forces "SS". By the way, the absence of consent for medical intervention was the main point
accusations against Nazi doctors!
Novel of Ganova Lyudmila "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" about the illegitimacy of political power in Russia 1918-2018 and about the absence a legal assessment in Russia in the world of what happened - illegal seizure of political power by V.I. Lenin and the illegal execution of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, with all his family and young children!
This is a political murder, and will put a dot in this case - International Criminal Court .
We think that it was an infrasound weapon, a deliberately deployed special operation to kill a writer who declared about illegitimacy
Putin’s political power in Russia since terroristic takeover by Lenin!
From the complete failure of medical care (refusal of surveys and analysis) up to physical capture and murder of human.
See the investigation in the blog https://russianmonarchy.blogspot.com/: Documents, audio recordings, photos ...
Citation of Ganova Ludmila:
"Who was at the head of the highest political power at that time in Russia? Vladimir Ilyich Lenin! And he, therefore, who should be responsible, juridically moral and ethical responsibility, for the murder and the terrible execution, of the imperial family, the wife, the small children, for what they were executed, even so Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. He was stubbornly was silent on this subject, although he wrote many works. "
"Modern political power in Russia is based on a terrible terroristic captured of legal powers by Bolsheviks in Russia and consequently illegal in Russia. And therefore apparently they is concerned that reign of the last Emperor Nikolay II, they constantly discredited him all the time. That is why V.I.Lenin is embalmed and placed in a sarcophagus on the main aquare of the country and no one is going to take away him from there.
He became in many ways a symbol of this power. Let's not forget that he captured power in this country by violent illegal revolutionary way."
"In the old Kremlin mansion house where V.V.Putin is reigns now. He is sit there over murdered the royal monarchy in Russia.
The destruction of the Tsar family does not disturb him and does not produce any emotions.
And we can honestly say: through that awful shooting in Ekaterinburg, he was sitting there and discourse about tsar's crimes.
But he can't say which ones? In the Russian country turns around horrible page for mass murders and what is the most wonderful the nobody suspects and understand it"
Russia, Altaiskiy Kray, Biysk, st.Merlina 2, 149. russianbrand21@gmail.com (Tel: +79016457072 )
GANOVA LUDMILA author of novels:
Publicism, Film critic, Art critic...
В мае 2018 Ганова Людмила написала письмо FOR King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, The Nobel Committee for Literature and The Swedish Academy!!!
Statement To International Criminal Court, European Court of Human Rights, UNITED NATIONS - International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals! (18+) :
Writer Ganova Ludmila author of novel "Russian Monarchy" Murdered in Putin's Russia 11/20/18
"Я считаю, что сам человек имеет право говорить о своем романе, ну вот, например, В.В. Путин самовыдвиженцем выдвинулся на пост президента России.
Так что мое письмо это попытка привлечь внимание к роману “Русская монархия” Шведской Академии по вручению Нобелевских премий и самого шведского короля Карла Густава XVI, который проблемы монархии должен понимать гораздо лучше…" Из письма Гановой Людмилы Королю Швеции и Нобелевский Комитет... Май 2018.
С момента убийства прошло пол года. Сегодня 28.05.19. Мы дети писателя Цуриков Илья (художник) и Цурикова Екатерина - Ket Gun (Поэт) являемся соавторами этого романа.Он и написан Гановой людмилой в дискуссии с нами и со всем миром!!! Так, что правила Нобелевской Комитета (не присуждать приз умершему человеку! (ответ Нобелевского Комитета Гановой Людмиле)), а убитому за книгу??? Но и в этом случае правила будут соблюдены! Ох уж эти формальности...
Ганова Людмила написала письмо в Нобелевский Комитет, Королю Швеции и Шведскую Академию, когда была жива Май 2018. И мы думаем, что, возможно, она была убита в том числе и из-за того, что ей не был вручен Nobel Prize вовремя.
25.10.18 Была захвачена против воли русский писатель Ганова Людмила автор романа "Русская Монархия" силовыми структурами Путина (Росгвардия, Полиция ....) в закрытую реанимацию, против её воли и воли детей, имеются фотографии и аудиозаписи, полностью изолирована от общества. Аналогия с Нюрнбергским процессом, где немецкие медики действовали без согласия человека с силовыми структурами "СС". Кстати, отсутствие согласия на медицинское вмешательство было главным пунктом обвинения в отношении нацистских врачей!
Роман Гановой Людмилы "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" о нелегитимности политической власти в России 1918-2018 и об отсутствии правовой оценки в России и мире случившегося незаконного захвата власти В.И. Лениным и незаконной казни семьи Императора Николая II со всей его семьёй и маленькими детьми!
Это политическое убийство, точку в котором предстоит поставить Международному Уголовному Суду (International Criminal Court).
Мы считаем, что это было инфразвуковое оружие , целенаправленная развёрнутая спецоперация по убийству писателя заявившего о нелегитимности политической власти Путина в России с момента её террористического захвата Лениным! От полного неоказания мед. помощи (отказ обследования и исследования) до физического захвата и убийства против воли человека!
Смотрите расследование в блоге: Документы, аудиозаписи, фотографии...
Цитаты Ганова Людмила:
"Кто стоял во главе самой высшей власти в то время в России? Владимир Ильич Ленин! И именно он, следовательно должен нести юридическую, моральную и нравственную ответственность за убийство и страшную казнь, а все остальные члены семьи, жена, маленькие дети, за что они были казнены, всё же Владимиром Ильичём Лениным. Он упрямо молчал по этому вопросу, хотя и написал много трудов."
"Современная власть в России основана на страшном перевороте и захвате власти большевиками в России, а, значит незаконна. И по этому, видимо, она заботится о том, чтобы было постоянно скомпрометировано правление последнего императора Николая 2. Именно по этому В.И.Ленин забальзамирован и помещён в саркофаг на главной площади страны, и никто его оттуда не собирается убирать. Он стал во многом символом этой власти. Давайте не будем забывать, что он захватил власть в этой стране насильственным незаконным революционным путём".
"В старинном Кремлевском древнем особняке, в котором теперь царствует В.В. Путин, хотя именно, благодаря убийству Царской Монархии, он там сидит. Её уничтожение царской семьи его не тревожит и не вызывает никаких эмоций. Собственно, давайте себе честно признаемся, благодаря этому страшному жуткому расстрелу царской семьи в Екатеринбурге Лениным, он там и сидит. И мило рассуждает о том, что царь делал преступления так и не сказав какие. В Русском Государстве разворачивается новая страшная страница по массовому убийству и самое замечательное, что большинство населения о ней, даже не подозревает. А, например, умный Ходорок в интервью вДудю говорит о добром дурачке царе у власти. Николай II был добрый царь и хотел править справедливо в своем государстве - законно править. Даже он, Ходорок, с его умом не додумался, что это единственный способ правления в России и избавление от страшных диктаторов нашедшие свои способы страшного вхождения во власть. А труп Ельцина можно эксгумировать и посмотреть, чем так услужливо поили и лечили услужливые Кремлевские врачи."
Writer Ganova Ludmila author of novel "Russian Monarchy" Murdered in Putin's Russia 11/20/18

Так что мое письмо это попытка привлечь внимание к роману “Русская монархия” Шведской Академии по вручению Нобелевских премий и самого шведского короля Карла Густава XVI, который проблемы монархии должен понимать гораздо лучше…" Из письма Гановой Людмилы Королю Швеции и Нобелевский Комитет... Май 2018.
С момента убийства прошло пол года. Сегодня 28.05.19. Мы дети писателя Цуриков Илья (художник) и Цурикова Екатерина - Ket Gun (Поэт) являемся соавторами этого романа.Он и написан Гановой людмилой в дискуссии с нами и со всем миром!!! Так, что правила Нобелевской Комитета (не присуждать приз умершему человеку! (ответ Нобелевского Комитета Гановой Людмиле)), а убитому за книгу??? Но и в этом случае правила будут соблюдены! Ох уж эти формальности...
Ганова Людмила написала письмо в Нобелевский Комитет, Королю Швеции и Шведскую Академию, когда была жива Май 2018. И мы думаем, что, возможно, она была убита в том числе и из-за того, что ей не был вручен Nobel Prize вовремя.
25.10.18 Была захвачена против воли русский писатель Ганова Людмила автор романа "Русская Монархия" силовыми структурами Путина (Росгвардия, Полиция ....) в закрытую реанимацию, против её воли и воли детей, имеются фотографии и аудиозаписи, полностью изолирована от общества. Аналогия с Нюрнбергским процессом, где немецкие медики действовали без согласия человека с силовыми структурами "СС". Кстати, отсутствие согласия на медицинское вмешательство было главным пунктом обвинения в отношении нацистских врачей!
Роман Гановой Людмилы "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" о нелегитимности политической власти в России 1918-2018 и об отсутствии правовой оценки в России и мире случившегося незаконного захвата власти В.И. Лениным и незаконной казни семьи Императора Николая II со всей его семьёй и маленькими детьми!
Это политическое убийство, точку в котором предстоит поставить Международному Уголовному Суду (International Criminal Court).
Мы считаем, что это было инфразвуковое оружие , целенаправленная развёрнутая спецоперация по убийству писателя заявившего о нелегитимности политической власти Путина в России с момента её террористического захвата Лениным! От полного неоказания мед. помощи (отказ обследования и исследования) до физического захвата и убийства против воли человека!
Смотрите расследование в блоге: Документы, аудиозаписи, фотографии...
Цитаты Ганова Людмила:
"Кто стоял во главе самой высшей власти в то время в России? Владимир Ильич Ленин! И именно он, следовательно должен нести юридическую, моральную и нравственную ответственность за убийство и страшную казнь, а все остальные члены семьи, жена, маленькие дети, за что они были казнены, всё же Владимиром Ильичём Лениным. Он упрямо молчал по этому вопросу, хотя и написал много трудов."
"Современная власть в России основана на страшном перевороте и захвате власти большевиками в России, а, значит незаконна. И по этому, видимо, она заботится о том, чтобы было постоянно скомпрометировано правление последнего императора Николая 2. Именно по этому В.И.Ленин забальзамирован и помещён в саркофаг на главной площади страны, и никто его оттуда не собирается убирать. Он стал во многом символом этой власти. Давайте не будем забывать, что он захватил власть в этой стране насильственным незаконным революционным путём".
"В старинном Кремлевском древнем особняке, в котором теперь царствует В.В. Путин, хотя именно, благодаря убийству Царской Монархии, он там сидит. Её уничтожение царской семьи его не тревожит и не вызывает никаких эмоций. Собственно, давайте себе честно признаемся, благодаря этому страшному жуткому расстрелу царской семьи в Екатеринбурге Лениным, он там и сидит. И мило рассуждает о том, что царь делал преступления так и не сказав какие. В Русском Государстве разворачивается новая страшная страница по массовому убийству и самое замечательное, что большинство населения о ней, даже не подозревает. А, например, умный Ходорок в интервью вДудю говорит о добром дурачке царе у власти. Николай II был добрый царь и хотел править справедливо в своем государстве - законно править. Даже он, Ходорок, с его умом не додумался, что это единственный способ правления в России и избавление от страшных диктаторов нашедшие свои способы страшного вхождения во власть. А труп Ельцина можно эксгумировать и посмотреть, чем так услужливо поили и лечили услужливые Кремлевские врачи."
Авторы открытого письма - дети писателя:
Россия, Алтайский Край, г.Бийск, ул. Мерлина 2, 149 Цуриков Илья Александрович, Цурикова Екатерина Александровна (Ket Gun). E-mail: russianbrand21@gmail.com