The figure of King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf, the Monarchies of the World, a place of personality in the modern society of "democracy" and of the Dictator ... Politics, Journalism, Investigations, News. (18+) Read More English Version
Писатель Ганова Людмила написала Роман "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" 2010. В Романе поднимались проблемы нелегитимной власти в России и возможность восстановления легитимной власти Монархии Романовых в России! Трёхсотлетние традиции Монархии Романовых в России!
В 2019 всё же вручена премия за 2018 по литературе Токарчук. Специально переиздана её книга (Токарчук?) ранняя; переведена на английский и издана к вручению Нобелевской? С названием "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead" ("ПРОЛОЖИ СВОЙ ПЛУГ ПО КОСТЯМ МЕРТВЕЦОВ").! К столетию расстрела Николая II и семьи Романовых с малолетними детьми и убийство писателя Гановой Людмилы в 2018. Поэтому это не может быть случайностью и не быть спецоперацией?
И на что же в такой ситуации надеются Монархии, молча об этом!? Или им уже сказали, что их ждёт в случае неповиновения!? Но ведь это их всё равно ждёт!?
Жизнь в нашем современном техногенном обществе сложна! И рамки, в которых находится личность, или вынуждена находиться, в связи с современными политическими тенденциями нарастающих "демократических" революций в мире с одной стороны и диктатуры в России с другой, длящейся уже столетие...
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Художник Цуриков Илья, Писатель Ганова Людмила, Поэт Ket Gun (дети писателя). |
Столетие нелегитимной власти. Начавшееся с незаконного переворота и убийства страшного, семьи Императора Николая II с принцессами и малыша 8 лет! В современной России действуют всё те же методы коммунистические преемников коммунистов. Партии в Кремле и парламенте (коммунистическая), и.т.д. В мире до сих пор нет правовой оценки страшного убийства Императорской семьи в Екатеринбурге! И потому коммунист Путин сидит в Кремле:
-------"В старинном Кремлевском древнем особняке, в котором теперь царствует В.В. Путин, хотя именно, благодаря убийству Царской Монархии, он там сидит. Её уничтожение царской семьи его не тревожит и не вызывает никаких эмоций. Собственно, давайте себе честно признаемся, благодаря этому страшному жуткому расстрелу царской семьи в Екатеринбурге Лениным, он там и сидит. И мило рассуждает о том, что царь делал преступления так и не сказав какие. В Русском Государстве разворачивается новая страшная страница по массовому убийству и самое замечательное, что большинство населения о ней, даже не подозревает." Цитата Ганова Людмила.-------
Товарищ Путин - Школа КГБ - ФСБ, борьба с инакомыслием, 5 отдел КГБ СССР, спецоперации носящие уже глобальный, общемировой характер... Геноцид русского народа! Главная цель диктаторской политики в России и мире - это удержание своей нелегитимной власти!
В 2018 году была захвачена спецслужбами Путина и убита (закрытая реанимация), закрытая от общества и детей реанимация. А , значит, ПЫТКИ - убийство (открытое) нацистское на глазах всего мира и при молчаливом согласии всего мира!
Медицинские действия без согласия человека - аналогия с Нюрнбергским процессом "Дело нацистских врачей"...
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Силовой захват писателя Гановой Людмилы в закрытую реанимацию против воли человека. Дети арестованы в больнице. Заведено дело, камеры, суд. Писатель убита 20.11.18. |
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Тело Гановой Людмилы со следами пыток - вскрыли и распилили голову без согласия (разрешение на эти действия так же нет!) |
Документы, обращения, письма, ответы Гос. Структур, фотографии, аудио - видео записи этого дела есть, расследование проведено нами (Дети писателя) и некоторые из них выложены на этом блоге
Писатель Ганова Людмила написала Роман "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" 2010. В Романе поднимались проблемы нелегитимной власти в России и возможность восстановления легитимной власти Монархии Романовых в России! Трёхсотлетние традиции Монархии Романовых в России!
В России тема Монархии Романовых находилась под запретом.
"Роман с таким названием ("РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ") мог появиться только в наше время потому, что большевики и коммунисты упорно замалчивали проблему царской власти, расстрел царя Николая Второго и его семьи. Любому поднявшему этот вопрос, тоже грозила смерть." Цитата писателя Гановой Людмилы
В современной России, начиная с 90-х годов тема Русской Монархии и убийства Императорской семьи подавалась под определённым углом: Радзинский, Невзоров, впрочем, последний активно перешёл к оскорблению Монархии (бывших доверенных "лиц" Путина не бывает)!?
Начиная с 2010 (время написания Гановой Людмилой открытого интернет романа "Русская Монархия"), пропагандистами активно издаются книги по теме Русская Монархия (П.Мультатули, А.Савельев, А Шафран,) и.т.д. Как мы знаем, создаются каналы, например, "ЦарьградТВ" Константина Малофеева с целью дискредитации восстановления законной Монархии в России!?
Возможно, с целью дальнейшего нахождения у власти нелегитимного главы государства В.В.Путина. И, как вариант, возможной его коронации... Активное строительство церквей в России - 3 штуки в день! Патриарх Кирилл с замом К. Малофеевым (Всемирный Русский Народный Собор (ВРНС)) и.т.д... Активно продвигающих идею о коронации диктатора!
А, что же в это время думают и делают Монархии? Например, история с выдвижением писателя Гановой Людмилой Романа "Русская Монархия" на Нобелевскую Премию по литературе и невручение её в 2018! Скандал в Шведской Академии 2018! "Выдуманный"? Спецоперация нелегитимной власти!?![]() |
Письмо писателя Гановой Людмилы в Шведскую Академию Май 2018 |
В 2019 всё же вручена премия за 2018 по литературе Токарчук. Специально переиздана её книга (Токарчук?) ранняя; переведена на английский и издана к вручению Нобелевской? С названием "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead" ("ПРОЛОЖИ СВОЙ ПЛУГ ПО КОСТЯМ МЕРТВЕЦОВ").! К столетию расстрела Николая II и семьи Романовых с малолетними детьми и убийство писателя Гановой Людмилы в 2018. Поэтому это не может быть случайностью и не быть спецоперацией?
Незадолго до объявления Шведской Академией и Нобелевским Комитетом Литературных Премий 2018-2019 Король Швеции Карл XVI Густав отлучает своих родственников от престола 7 Октября. (Вручение, невручение было 10 Октября).
Google Перевод со Шведского: "kungahuset Подтвержденный • Kungliga Slottet Ранее сегодня Х.М. Король решает ограничить круг лиц, которые будут включены в Королевский. Дом. Цель решения короля состоит в том, чтобы уточнить, какие лица могут иметь публичные обязательства от имени короля.
Короче говоря, сегодняшнее решение означает, что принц Александр, принц Габриэль, принцесса Леонора, принц Николас и принцесса Адриенна больше не будут принадлежать к королевской семье. Дом больше не имеет статуса королевских высочеств. Тем не менее, они все еще принадлежат королю. Семья сохраняет свои титулы как Принц / Принцесса и Герцог / Герцогиня соответственно."
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Instagram kungahuset, Король Карл XVI Густав с наследниками престола Швеции. |
Вчера мы направили письмо Премьер-Министру Швеции (Стефан Левён) на следующий день они встречаются:
Google перевод со Шведского:
"Сегодня король отдает приоритет премьер-министру Стефану Лёфвену в Королевском дворце. Король регулярно встречается с премьер-министром, чтобы узнать о текущих темах.
В соответствии с формой правления 1974 года премьер-министр несет ответственность за информирование главы государства о делах государства."
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kungahuset, Instagram, Король Карл XVI Густав и Стефан Левен. |
Похоже он все же понимает угрозы нелегитимной власти для современной монархии! Может ли Монарх Швеции принять своё королевское решение независимое от нелегитимной власти и наступления демократии!?
Что происходит в Монархиях Мира, и какое на них оказывается колоссальное давление нелегитимными системами!
Ведь там в любой момент может "произойти" переворот! Мы видим опробованные "демократией" схемы захватов протестных: Испания (Каталония), вдруг кто-то хочет отделиться, беспорядки, волнения и ... война!? Гей парады огромные Англия, Швеция, Франция (Жёлтые Жилеты),Украина, Грузия, Армения и.т.д, из совсем свежих примеров Чили, Бейрут...
А военные действия Югославия, Ирак, Ливия, Сирия, Афганистан, где нет конца войне. Эта дестабилизация, как способ выживания экономики и "демократическая" политика страны с триллионным внешним долгом, а долг внутренний? С вывезенным производством из самой Америки!
Какая роль отведена Монархиям и Монархам нелегитимными системами уже сейчас, и что с ними может произойти в любой момент!? С чем они имеют дело? И нужна ли нелегитимной власти "Декоративность Монархии", за которую Монархии сейчас держатся!?
Шаг за шагом у них постепенно отбирают всё.
Какие "хитрые" инструменты взаимодействия Диктатора и "демократии" идут в ход, и Может Ли Карл XVI Густав (Carl XVI Gustaf) озвучивать свои монархические решения в этой ситуации?
Как мы знаем, его монархия имеет тесные родственные связи с русской Монархией Романовых.
Недавно в Россию с визитом посетил потомок императорского дома Романовых, кузен короля Швеции Карла XVI Густава Граф Висборгский Ян Бернадотт.
"Сдесь бывал и мой прадед Великий князь Павел Александрович, и моя бабушка Мария Павловна. Будучи в России, я не мог не посетить этого места. И я действительно счастлив быть здесь."
Отсутствие международных правовых инструментов в обществе и мире рождают войны ("демократий" и диктаторов, нелегитимных глав государств) и, как следствие, огромное количество беженцев, в Европе, в том числе и Швеции (это же армия часто малообразованных людей) из них легко можно сделать армию, что в дальнейшем легко использовать в протестных движениях "демократии" и захвата страны! А в пока это инструмент дестабилизации экономики и изменения состава наций, то есть захват изнутри! А войны всё новые и новые, а ответственность за них и за их организацию, финансирование никто не несёт!
Трамп открыто, на днях, объявляет нации о убийстве, какого-то "террориста"! Кто решил без суда и следствия, убить "террориста"? А ведь это значит скрыть заказчика всю цепочку возможного организованного преступления? Узнать правду, задокументировать! Возможно, он на кого-то работал! Ну кто-то же их финансирует! К тому же вина человека должна быть доказана, и не одной страной, а международным сообществом! А убийство человека государством или законом без суда - это тоже преступление. Кстати, Путин открыто в России под видом борьбы с терроризмом захватил власть в стране при помощи спецслужб, которые и возглавлял! (ФСБшник оказался президентом! Где расследование мировое по этому поводу, молчуны!? Ну Путина вам не удастся использовать в своих интересах!?) Так же ФСБ открыто и другие спецслужбы без суда и следствия на танках просто окружают дом и расстреливают!?
Вот такое отсутствие международных правовых механизмов не работающий Международный Уголовный Суд и рождает все эти разноплановые проблемы современности! И не важно является ли страна членом МУС, подписала она "Римский Статут". Отсутствие этих правовых норм и правовых оценок происходящего и произошедшего ведёт к открытым преступлениям, захватам власти, революциям, войнам! Молчание вам не поможет!
В день захвата писателя Гановой Людмилы (год назад), не стало символа восстановления (разрушена могила) Диктатора Франко! Франсиско Франко - символ передачи в Испании власти законному наследнику испанского престола и легитимной Монархии Хуану Карлосу I. Сейчас в Испании Король Филипп VI, который предпочитает не вмешиваться в современность ...
Книга Гановой Людмилы "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" основана на конкретном историческом примере такой передачи власти (от нелегитимной к легитимной) и восстановлении законной Монархии в Испании!
В Испании победили "социалисты"!
Кстати, "демократическими" методами, на выборах! То есть в Испании нелегитимные системы уничтожают Монархию изнутри, и в их обойме коммунисты...! Протестные движения, ТВ каналы, Интернет (соцсети), газеты, личности, спецпроекты...
Вот к чему ведёт ОТСУТСТВИЕ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ ПРАВОВОЙ ОЦЕНКИ ДЕЯНИЙ КОММУНИСТОВ И РЕВОЛЮЦИЙ! (Убийство семьи Романовых и их родственников в России)!
И на что же в такой ситуации надеются Монархии, молча об этом!? Или им уже сказали, что их ждёт в случае неповиновения!? Но ведь это их всё равно ждёт!?
И потому в 2019 в центре России в Москве продолжает лежать мумия убийцы и террориста №1 (кто №2?) и убийцы царской семьи, как символ нелегитимной власти, Ленин!
И всё же к собственной "коронации" (как один из вариантов) править и дальше Диктатору В.В.Путину, придётся с трупом под боком, всё же расстаться, то есть захоронить!
Выходит, своим молчанием легитимные Монархии мира создадут или помогут создать диктатору в России ПРЕЦЕДЕНТ: а именно удержать в России свою нелегитимную власть!
Открытые письма всем монархиям мира, UAE Royals, лидерам мировых государств...!
Смогут ли мировые Монархии мира и Карл XVI Гутав (официально является главой Шведского государства) принять своё законное, королевское, решение о наследниках убийц нелегитимной власти в России, которые уже примеряют Российскую Корону!? И которые проводят в их странах спецоперации... по нивелированию и уничтожению легитимных монархий.
РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ: Николай II 1918-2018 Писатель Ганова Людмила Спецоперация ФСБ - Путина "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ". (18+)
Монархии мира, как законные Монархии, а, например, в России Монарх, Император - это помазанник Божий! (Наследственный институт законной власти). В России он был уничтожен, наследники были убиты! Но мы знаем, что семья Императора Романова носила обширные родственные связи, так, что наследники у неё существуют и сейчас! В Англии, Нидерландах, Швеции, и.т.д...
Собственно, Монархиям увидеть приемника убийц своих родственников , Коммуниста Путина, на троне, даже если это в интересах "демократии", варварство, и их собственный приговор.
Даже если Вы этого ещё не понимаете...!
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Роман Гановой Людмилы "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ" PDF формат на Google диске 2010. Читать онлайн, скачать. |
РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ : Николай II 1918-2018 Писатель Ганова Людмила - Мученики. Спецоперация ФСБ - Путина "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ". (18+)"Гитлер демократически пришел на выборах к власти - высшей власти, благодаря выборам в своей собственной партии, которую он услужливо создал. Сам? Их отощавших от страшного голода в отощавшей Германии с колоссальными состояниями буржуазии Круппа (Военный промышленник Крупп - он создавал военную технику. Наверное, он и создал эту партию), например, просто пообещал Россию с её несметными богатствами, с её… Где они будут крупными владельцами Латифундий. Хотя, собственно, отказаться они тоже не могли. Очень важного для демократии закона, можешь ли ты служить или нет в стране не было! А иначе уже немецкие лагеря, да и Освенцимские печки были для них всех приготовлены демократией партийной. Учитывая опыт прихода Гитлера к власти в демократии должен быть закон о закрытии политической жизни общества в партии (политической партии). Они создаются только для вхождения во власть и для её захвата. Например, в России после КПСС, создали колоссальную “Единую Россию” и только она правит и управляет в парламенте, все остальное имеет камуфляжные голоски. И их никто никогда не видел и не знает. У нас что в России нет учёных, ИТР, хороших инженеров, учителей, хороших врачей, писателей, поэтов настоящих, художников, режиссеров… Именно они являются интеллектуальным цветом в России способным развивать это общество.""Заметки русского эссеиста о современной политической жизни в России." Лето 2017 год. Цитата Ганова Людмила.
Вы только вдумайтесь, что произошло в России , происходит в мире и сейчас! Всё равно, когда-нибудь будут расследовать спецоперации Путина, в том числе и то, что произошло в Нобелевском Комитете на столетие убийства Романовых. 1918 - 2018. И в 2018 же убили Писателя Ганову Людмилу. Поднявшую в обществе эту тему нелегитимной власти! А вы Карл XVI Густав вручите премию (приз даме ФСБ?) "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead" ("ПРОЛОЖИ СВОЙ ПЛУГ ПО КОСТЯМ МЕРТВЕЦОВ")? Это более чем странно, вы не находите!? Тем более эта спецоперация (Скандал в Шведской Академии) выглядит патологично и ФСБшно в любом случае вызовет вопросы у будущих поколений! Так как следы этой спецоперации оставлены везде!!! Их легко можно будет воссоздать, как, например, истину и причину сейчас, спустя 100 лет с убийства Императора Николая II с семьёй и детьми! И убийство писателя Гановой Людмилы! Инфразвуковое оружие ФСБ - это глобально? И как всё это некрасиво!
В этих преступлениях очень много общемировых следов.
Авторы статьи дети писателя Гановой Людмилы - Художник Цуриков Илья и Поэт Ket Gun (Цурикова Екатерина) 29.10.19
Open Letter of Ganova Ludmila for King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf - Destiny of Russian Monarchy (May 2018)
Comrade Putin - School of the KGB - FSB, the fight against dissenters, 5th department of the KGB of the USSR, special operations that are already global, global scale ... The genocide of the Russian people! The main purpose of dictatorial politics in Russia and in the world is to retention their illegitimate power!
In 2018, Writer Ganova Ludmila was powered captured by Putin's special services (in closed reanimation againts the will), reanimation closed from society and children. And, therefore, TORTURES is (open) Nazi murder in front of the whole world and with the silent consent of the world!
Medical actions without human agreement - an analogy with the Nuremberg process "The Case of Nazi Doctors" ...
Documents, appeals, letters, government responses, photographs, audio - video recordings of this case, the investigation was conducted by us (Children of the writer) and some of them are posted on this blog
The writer Ganova Ludmila wrote the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" in 2010. The novel raised problems of illegitimate power in Russia and the possibility of restoring the legitimate power of the Romanov's Monarchy in Russia! Three hundred year old traditions of the Romanov's Monarchy in Russia!
In Russia, the Romanov's Monarchy theme was prohibited.
In modern Russia, starting from the 90 years, the theme of the Russian Monarchy and the murder of the Imperial family was given from a certain angle: Radzinsky, Nevzorov, however, the latter actively proceeded to insult of the Monarchy (Putin's former confidant do not exist)!?
Since 2010 ( writing time of Ganova Ludmila of Open Internet novel "Russian Monarchy"), propagandists have actively published books on the theme - Russian Monarchy (P. Multatuli, A. Savelyev, A Shafran, etc.) As we know, channels are being created, for example, “TsargradTV” by Konstantin Malofeev in order to discredit the restoration of the legitimate Monarchy of Romanovs in Russia !?
Perhaps with the aim of further being in power the illegitimate head of state, Vladimir Putin. And, as variant, his possible coronation ...
Active construction of churches in Russia - 3 churches per day! Patriarch Kirill (World Russian People’s Cathedral) with deputy K. Malofeev , etc. ... Actively promoting the idea of the coronation of a dictator!
But what the Monarchies think and do at this time? For example, the story of the nomination of the writer Ganova Ludmila novel “Russian Monarchy” for the Nobel Prize in Literature 2018 and it's Swedish Academy scandal (fictional?) and non-delivery of award in 2018! Special operation of illegitimate power !?
Olga Tokarthuk (Olga Tokarchuk) - Nobel Prize in Literature - 2018 (still awarded 2019).
Interestingly, Mrs. Tokarchuk's early book with the Polish title "Wydawnictovo Literackie" (extracted from nonexistence) and republish in English in 2018 (published for the Nobel Prize?), "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead".
To the centenary of the execution of Nicholas II and the Romanov's family with young children and the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila in 2018. Therefore, this can not be fortuity and not be a special operation?
Shortly before the announcement by the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Committee of Literary Prizes 2018-2019, the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf separate his relatives from the throne in October 7. (delivery, non-delivery was October 10 - 10.10.19).
Even so he understands the threat of illegitimate power to the modern monarchy! Can the Swedish Monarch make his royal decision independent from illegitimate power and the offensive by democracy !?
What happens in the Monarchies of the World, and what tremendous pressure is exerted on them by illegitimate systems!?
After all, a revolution could "happen" there at any moment!
We see the protest capture schemes tested by "democracy": Spain (Catalonia), suddenly someone wants to secede, insurgency, unrest and ... war !? Massive Gay parades in England, Sweden, France (Yellow Vests), Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, etc., from very recent examples of Chile, Beirut ...
And the military operations in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, where there is no end of the war. This destabilization, as a way of economic survival and the "democratic" policy of a country with a trillion foreign debt, and internal debt? With exported manufacture from America!
What role is intended to the Monarchies and Monarchs by illegitimate systems now, and what can happen to them at any moment !? What are they dealing with? And need so the “Decorativeity of the Monarchy" for illegitimate authorities, for which the Monarchies are now holding onto !?
Step by step, everything is gradually taken away from them.
Investigation Putin - Trump.
What "tricky" instruments of interaction between the Dictator and "democracy" are used, and can King Carl XVI Gustaf have voice of own monarchical decisions in this situation?
As we know, his monarchy has close family ties with the Russian Romanov's Monarchy.
Recently to visited Russia - Cousin of the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf - Count Jan Bernadotte - a descendant of the Imperial House of Romanov!
"My great-grandfather, Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich, and my grandmother Maria Pavlovna were here. Being in Russia, I could not miss of visit this place. And I'm really happy to be here."
The absence of international legal instruments in society and the world gives rise to wars ("democracies" and dictators, illegitimate heads of state) and, as a result, a huge number of refugees-emigrants in Europe, including Sweden (this is an army of often poorly educated people), they can easily be make an army, which in the future is easy to use in the protest movements of "democracy" and the powered capture of the country! In the meantime, this is an instrument of destabilizing the economy and changing the composition of nations, that is, capture from the inside!
And wars are new and new, but responsibility for them and for their organization and financing, nobody carries!
Trump openly, one of these days, announces to the nation about the murder of some kind of "terrorist"! Who decided, without court of law, to killed the "terrorist"?
But does this mean hiding the customer the entire chain of a possible organized crime? Learn the truth, documents!
Perhaps he worked for someone! Well, someone is financing them!? Moreover, the guilt of a person must be proved, and not by one country, but by the international community! And killing a person by state or law without court is also a crime. By the way, Putin openly in Russia, under the guise of fighting terrorism, seized power in the country with the help of special services, which he headed!
(The head of the FSB became the president! Where is the world investigation on this matter, they are silent !?
Well, you won’t be able to use Putin for your advantage !?)
Also, the FSB openly and other special services without investigations on tanks and simply surround the house and shoot them !?
The absence of international legal mechanisms that does not work - the International Criminal Court and gives rise to all these diverse problems of our time! And it doesn’t matter, the country is a member of the ICC, she signed the Rome Statute or NOT.
The absence of these legal norms and legal assessments of what is happening and what has happened, leads to open crimes, seizures of power, revolutions, wars! Silence will not help you!
On the day of the powered capture of the writer Ganova Ludmila (a year ago - 25.10.18), there was no symbol of restoration (the grave was destroyed) of Dictator Franco! Francisco Franco is a symbol of the transfer of power in Spain to the rightful heir of the Spanish throne and the legitimate Monarchy, Juan Carlos I. Now in Spain, King Felipe VI, who prefers don't to intervene in modern times ...
The book of Ganova Ludmila "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" is based on a concrete historical example of such a transfer of power (from illegitimate to legitimate) and the restoration of the legitimate Monarchy in Spain!
In Spain, the "socialists" won!
By the way, by "democratic" methods, in elections! That is, in Spain illegitimate systems destroy the Monarchy from the inside, and in their cage the Communists ...! Protest movements, TV channels, Internet (social networks), newspapers, personalities, special projects ...
(The murder of the Romanov's family and their relatives in Russia)!
And what, in such situation, the Monarchies hope for in silence about this !?
Or have they already been told what awaits them in case of disobedience !? But it still awaits them !?
And therefore, in 2019, in the center of Russia in Moscow, the corpse of the killer and terrorist No. 1 (who is No. 2?)
And the murderer of the royal family, as a symbol of illegitimate power, Lenin continues to lie!
And yet, to his own "coronation" (as one of the variant), will continue to govern Dictator V.V. Putin, who will have to leave the corpse of Lenin at his sidepiece, and bury him!
That by their silence of the legitimate Monarchies of the world, They will create or help create a dictator in Russia. PRECEDENT: namely, to hold of illegitimate power in Russia!
Open letters to all the monarchies of the world, UAE Royals, European Monarchies, to world leaders ...!
Will the world’s Monarchies and Carl XVI Gutaf (officially the head of the Swedish state) be able to make their legal, royal decision about the heirs of the killers of illegitimate power in Russia who are already trying on the Russian Crown !? And who conducting special operations in their countries ... to decrease value and destroy legitimate monarchies.
Investigation: Murder of Nikolas II 1918, Murder of Writer Ganova Ludmila 2018. Special Operation "Russian Monarchy" (18+)
Monarchies of the world, as legitimate Monarchies, and, for example, in Russia, the Monarch, the Emperor is the anointed of God! (Inherited Institute of Legal Power). In Russia, he was destroyed, the heirs were killed! But we know that the family of Emperor Romanov had extensive family ties, so them heirs exist now! In England, the Netherlands, Sweden, etc.
Actually, to see the successor of the murderers of their relatives, of the Communist Putin, on the throne, for the Monarchies, even if it's in the interests of "democracy", it's barbarism, and their own condemnation.
Even if you still do not understand this ...!
"Hitler democratically came to power in the elections - to the highest power, due to the elections in his own party, which he helpfully created. Himself? They were emaciated from a terrible famine in the exhausted Germany with the colossal conditions of the Krupp bourgeoisie (Military industrialist Krupp - he created military equipment. Probably , he created this party), for example, he simply promised of Russia with its infinite riches, with her ... Where they will be large owners of Latifundia. Although, in fact, they also could not refuse. Very important law for democracy, can you serve or not, did not exist in the country! Otherwise, the German camps and the Auschwitz stoves were all prepared for them by party democracy. Given the experience of Hitler coming to power in democracy, there should be a law on the closure of the political life of society in a party (political party)
They are created only to enter power and to seize it, for example, in Russia after the KPSS, they created a colossal “United Russia” and only it rules and governs in parliament, everything else has camouflage voices. And no one has ever seen them and does not know.
We have that in Russia there are no scientists, engineers, good engineers, teachers, good doctors, writers, real poets, artists, directors ...
They are the intellectual color in Russia that can develop this society. "
"Notes by russian essayst about modern political life in Russia and V.V.Putin". Ganova Ludmila. Summer 2017.
Just think about what happened in Russia, is happening in the world now! Anyway, someday they will investigate Putin’s special operations, including what happened in the Nobel Committee on the centenary of the Romanov’s murder. 1918 - 2018. And in 2018, the writer was killed - Ganova Ludmila. She Raised in society this theme of illegitimate power! And you are, King Carl XVI Gustaf, will give the prize (prize to the project of the FSB?) "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead"? This is more than strange, can't you are find it !?
Moreover, this special operation (the Scandal at the Swedish Academy 2018) looks pathological and as the FSB?, in any case will raise questions by society and future generations!
Because of steps of this special operation were left everywhere !!! They can easily be recreated, such as truth and reason now, 100 years after the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II with family and children! And the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila! FSB infrasound weapon - is it global? And how ugly all this looks like!
There are a lot of global traces in these crimes.
The 21st century opens up new challenges to the world! Therefore, humanity must seek new solutions to world problems, including legislative ones.
The modern world has in it's arsenal the International Criminal Court, which is designed to solve global problems and crimes, including of the states committing crimes! However, membership in this ICC court is voluntary! For example, Russia and America are not members of the International Criminal Court, like some other countries that have to very big questions! This is what the president of the ICC Chile Ebou Osuji says in the Conflict Zone program.
The question is, can such selective justice be implemented in a civilized world? Can the ICC also come under pressure from these illegitimate systems and begin to administer justice in the interests of dictators and systems?
For example, in Russia, the political assassination of the writer Ganova Lyudmila (forceful confinement in closed reanimation against the will of a person, detention, torture, murder!). These are Nazi actions - remember the Nuremberg process, the case of Nazi doctors! Implement medical actions against the will of human! In the case initiated by SK, under Article 109 Part 2, and closed, it is said that, for example, Ganova Ludmila in the ambulance acted aggressively, and after five minutes she "could not express her will" and was hospitalized by concilium of doctors. And that concilium was from the Russian Guard and the Police, and the FSB! A political book, “RUSSIAN MONARCHY, which touches on the very essence of this illegitimate system in Russia! Novel about the restoration of the legitimate Romanov's Monarchy, 2018 is the centenary of the murder of Emperor Nicholas II and his family after the illegal seizure of power by the communists. There is no legal assessment of this terrible murder in the world! And that's why Putin in the Kremlin.
We wrote about this special operation on the coronation of dictator Putin, which began after Ganova Ludmila wrote the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”. State structures of the “personality” are involved in this Putin special operation!
However, the ICC begins the process over England (soldiers of Her Majesty), who were once drawn into the war by America! And America turned out to be not under the jurisdiction! We see even now the upcoming and existing seizures of countries and state organizations against sovereign states. As we know from the press, the BBC, Sunday Times, initiated an investigation against England. (The BBC writes that the ICC found grounds for an investigation in the BBC Panorama program !? But still this is a war in which different countries and forces take part and possible provocations!
In Russia, the murder of the writer Ganova Lyudmila involved all state structures, and responsibility on President Putin personally, for what is happening in the country! And for the legislation he prepared that violates human rights! Evidence, audio, video, photos!
Government structures: Police, FSB, Investigative Committee, Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor, President, etc.
So, following the example of the BBC, (collected materials by "journalists", testimonies of victims, eyewitnesses, can be used as materials for the International Criminal Court, and for initiating the International Criminal Procedure!
"The international court wants to investigate the actions of the British army in Iraq and Afghanistan"
Consequently, the ICC (International Criminal Court) can also, on the materials collected by us (children of the writer Ganova Ludmila), Ilya Tsurikov and Ekaterina Tsurikova, the materials and documents of the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila to begin the International Criminal Investigation! This is a criminal attack by the state and personally by V. Putin against the individual and citizen!
Authors of article (Children of writer Ganova Ludmila) Tsurikov Ilya (Artist) and Tsurikova Ekaterina (Ket Gun Poet) 29.10.19. - 23.11.19.
Авторы статьи дети писателя Гановой Людмилы - Художник Цуриков Илья и Поэт Ket Gun (Цурикова Екатерина) 29.10.19
Article: The figure of King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf, the Monarchies of the World, a place of personality in the modern society of "democracy" and of the Dictator ... Politics, Journalism, Investigations, News. (18+)
Life in our modern technogenic society is complicated! And the system in which the person is, or is forced to be, in connection with the current political trends of the growing "democratic" revolutions in the world on the one side and the dictatorship in Russia on the other, which go on for a century ...
A century of illegitimate power. It began with the illegal seizure and terrible murder of the family of Emperor Nicholas II with princesses and a baby of 8 years old! In modern Russia, the same communists methods are used by the successors of the communists. Parties in the Kremlin and parliament (communists), etc. There is still no of the legal assessment of the terrible murder of the Imperial family in Yekaterinburg! And therefore, the communist Putin is sitting in the Kremlin:
Life in our modern technogenic society is complicated! And the system in which the person is, or is forced to be, in connection with the current political trends of the growing "democratic" revolutions in the world on the one side and the dictatorship in Russia on the other, which go on for a century ...
A century of illegitimate power. It began with the illegal seizure and terrible murder of the family of Emperor Nicholas II with princesses and a baby of 8 years old! In modern Russia, the same communists methods are used by the successors of the communists. Parties in the Kremlin and parliament (communists), etc. There is still no of the legal assessment of the terrible murder of the Imperial family in Yekaterinburg! And therefore, the communist Putin is sitting in the Kremlin:
"In the old Kremlin mansion house where V.V. Putin is reigns now. He is sit there over murdered the royal monarchy in Russia. The destruction of the Tsar family does not disturb him and does not produce any emotions. And we can honestly say: through that awful shooting in Ekaterinburg, he was sitting there and discourse about tsar's crimes. But he can't say which ones? In the Russian country turns around horrible page for mass murders and what is the most wonderful the nobody suspects and understand it." Citation of Ganova Ludmila.
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Open Letter of Ganova Ludmila for King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf - Destiny of Russian Monarchy (May 2018)
Comrade Putin - School of the KGB - FSB, the fight against dissenters, 5th department of the KGB of the USSR, special operations that are already global, global scale ... The genocide of the Russian people! The main purpose of dictatorial politics in Russia and in the world is to retention their illegitimate power!
In 2018, Writer Ganova Ludmila was powered captured by Putin's special services (in closed reanimation againts the will), reanimation closed from society and children. And, therefore, TORTURES is (open) Nazi murder in front of the whole world and with the silent consent of the world!
Medical actions without human agreement - an analogy with the Nuremberg process "The Case of Nazi Doctors" ...
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Powered capture of the writer Ganova Ludmila in closed reanimation against the will of human. Children are arrested in a hospital. The case, cameras, court. The writer was killed on 20/11/18. |
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The body of Ganova Ludmila with traces of tortures was dissection and sawed up her head without consent (there is no permission for these actions either! |
medical death certificate |
Documents, appeals, letters, government responses, photographs, audio - video recordings of this case, the investigation was conducted by us (Children of the writer) and some of them are posted on this blog
The writer Ganova Ludmila wrote the novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" in 2010. The novel raised problems of illegitimate power in Russia and the possibility of restoring the legitimate power of the Romanov's Monarchy in Russia! Three hundred year old traditions of the Romanov's Monarchy in Russia!
In Russia, the Romanov's Monarchy theme was prohibited.
Citation of writer Ganova Ludmila: "A novel with such name "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" could appear only in our time because the Bolsheviks and the Communists stubbornly kept silent about the problem of royal power, shooting of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Anyone who raising this question was also threatened of death. In this book you will find a variety of points of view expressed by different people who have found it necessary to express it ... This is primarily an Internet novel, discussions took place on the Echo of Moscow station and Hydepark sites. And the most important thing is that not a single word don't has been changed in their statement! It is very interesting to read them, and they, these statements, speak about the complexity of the problem raised, about modern life, about the most different ways of managing the state, about the mood of the society itself, about its openness, about publicity in it. In it, in this novel, even the point of view is expressed that the management of the Russian state can be transferred to the heirs of the royal family !!! As it was done in Spain by the dictator Franco. And what can get the Russian State as a result of such a transfer of power ..."
In modern Russia, starting from the 90 years, the theme of the Russian Monarchy and the murder of the Imperial family was given from a certain angle: Radzinsky, Nevzorov, however, the latter actively proceeded to insult of the Monarchy (Putin's former confidant do not exist)!?
Since 2010 ( writing time of Ganova Ludmila of Open Internet novel "Russian Monarchy"), propagandists have actively published books on the theme - Russian Monarchy (P. Multatuli, A. Savelyev, A Shafran, etc.) As we know, channels are being created, for example, “TsargradTV” by Konstantin Malofeev in order to discredit the restoration of the legitimate Monarchy of Romanovs in Russia !?
Perhaps with the aim of further being in power the illegitimate head of state, Vladimir Putin. And, as variant, his possible coronation ...
Active construction of churches in Russia - 3 churches per day! Patriarch Kirill (World Russian People’s Cathedral) with deputy K. Malofeev , etc. ... Actively promoting the idea of the coronation of a dictator!
But what the Monarchies think and do at this time? For example, the story of the nomination of the writer Ganova Ludmila novel “Russian Monarchy” for the Nobel Prize in Literature 2018 and it's Swedish Academy scandal (fictional?) and non-delivery of award in 2018! Special operation of illegitimate power !?
Olga Tokarthuk (Olga Tokarchuk) - Nobel Prize in Literature - 2018 (still awarded 2019).
Interestingly, Mrs. Tokarchuk's early book with the Polish title "Wydawnictovo Literackie" (extracted from nonexistence) and republish in English in 2018 (published for the Nobel Prize?), "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead".
To the centenary of the execution of Nicholas II and the Romanov's family with young children and the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila in 2018. Therefore, this can not be fortuity and not be a special operation?
Shortly before the announcement by the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Committee of Literary Prizes 2018-2019, the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf separate his relatives from the throne in October 7. (delivery, non-delivery was October 10 - 10.10.19).
Even so he understands the threat of illegitimate power to the modern monarchy! Can the Swedish Monarch make his royal decision independent from illegitimate power and the offensive by democracy !?
What happens in the Monarchies of the World, and what tremendous pressure is exerted on them by illegitimate systems!?
After all, a revolution could "happen" there at any moment!
We see the protest capture schemes tested by "democracy": Spain (Catalonia), suddenly someone wants to secede, insurgency, unrest and ... war !? Massive Gay parades in England, Sweden, France (Yellow Vests), Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, etc., from very recent examples of Chile, Beirut ...
And the military operations in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, where there is no end of the war. This destabilization, as a way of economic survival and the "democratic" policy of a country with a trillion foreign debt, and internal debt? With exported manufacture from America!
What role is intended to the Monarchies and Monarchs by illegitimate systems now, and what can happen to them at any moment !? What are they dealing with? And need so the “Decorativeity of the Monarchy" for illegitimate authorities, for which the Monarchies are now holding onto !?
Step by step, everything is gradually taken away from them.
Investigation Putin - Trump.
What "tricky" instruments of interaction between the Dictator and "democracy" are used, and can King Carl XVI Gustaf have voice of own monarchical decisions in this situation?
As we know, his monarchy has close family ties with the Russian Romanov's Monarchy.
Recently to visited Russia - Cousin of the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf - Count Jan Bernadotte - a descendant of the Imperial House of Romanov!
"My great-grandfather, Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich, and my grandmother Maria Pavlovna were here. Being in Russia, I could not miss of visit this place. And I'm really happy to be here."
The absence of international legal instruments in society and the world gives rise to wars ("democracies" and dictators, illegitimate heads of state) and, as a result, a huge number of refugees-emigrants in Europe, including Sweden (this is an army of often poorly educated people), they can easily be make an army, which in the future is easy to use in the protest movements of "democracy" and the powered capture of the country! In the meantime, this is an instrument of destabilizing the economy and changing the composition of nations, that is, capture from the inside!
And wars are new and new, but responsibility for them and for their organization and financing, nobody carries!
Trump openly, one of these days, announces to the nation about the murder of some kind of "terrorist"! Who decided, without court of law, to killed the "terrorist"?
But does this mean hiding the customer the entire chain of a possible organized crime? Learn the truth, documents!
Perhaps he worked for someone! Well, someone is financing them!? Moreover, the guilt of a person must be proved, and not by one country, but by the international community! And killing a person by state or law without court is also a crime. By the way, Putin openly in Russia, under the guise of fighting terrorism, seized power in the country with the help of special services, which he headed!
(The head of the FSB became the president! Where is the world investigation on this matter, they are silent !?
Well, you won’t be able to use Putin for your advantage !?)
Also, the FSB openly and other special services without investigations on tanks and simply surround the house and shoot them !?
The absence of international legal mechanisms that does not work - the International Criminal Court and gives rise to all these diverse problems of our time! And it doesn’t matter, the country is a member of the ICC, she signed the Rome Statute or NOT.
The absence of these legal norms and legal assessments of what is happening and what has happened, leads to open crimes, seizures of power, revolutions, wars! Silence will not help you!
On the day of the powered capture of the writer Ganova Ludmila (a year ago - 25.10.18), there was no symbol of restoration (the grave was destroyed) of Dictator Franco! Francisco Franco is a symbol of the transfer of power in Spain to the rightful heir of the Spanish throne and the legitimate Monarchy, Juan Carlos I. Now in Spain, King Felipe VI, who prefers don't to intervene in modern times ...
The book of Ganova Ludmila "RUSSIAN MONARCHY" is based on a concrete historical example of such a transfer of power (from illegitimate to legitimate) and the restoration of the legitimate Monarchy in Spain!
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Novel "Russian Monarchy" of writer Ganova Ludmila. |
In Spain, the "socialists" won!
By the way, by "democratic" methods, in elections! That is, in Spain illegitimate systems destroy the Monarchy from the inside, and in their cage the Communists ...! Protest movements, TV channels, Internet (social networks), newspapers, personalities, special projects ...
(The murder of the Romanov's family and their relatives in Russia)!
And what, in such situation, the Monarchies hope for in silence about this !?
Or have they already been told what awaits them in case of disobedience !? But it still awaits them !?
And therefore, in 2019, in the center of Russia in Moscow, the corpse of the killer and terrorist No. 1 (who is No. 2?)
And the murderer of the royal family, as a symbol of illegitimate power, Lenin continues to lie!
And yet, to his own "coronation" (as one of the variant), will continue to govern Dictator V.V. Putin, who will have to leave the corpse of Lenin at his sidepiece, and bury him!
That by their silence of the legitimate Monarchies of the world, They will create or help create a dictator in Russia. PRECEDENT: namely, to hold of illegitimate power in Russia!
Open letters to all the monarchies of the world, UAE Royals, European Monarchies, to world leaders ...!
Will the world’s Monarchies and Carl XVI Gutaf (officially the head of the Swedish state) be able to make their legal, royal decision about the heirs of the killers of illegitimate power in Russia who are already trying on the Russian Crown !? And who conducting special operations in their countries ... to decrease value and destroy legitimate monarchies.
Investigation: Murder of Nikolas II 1918, Murder of Writer Ganova Ludmila 2018. Special Operation "Russian Monarchy" (18+)
Monarchies of the world, as legitimate Monarchies, and, for example, in Russia, the Monarch, the Emperor is the anointed of God! (Inherited Institute of Legal Power). In Russia, he was destroyed, the heirs were killed! But we know that the family of Emperor Romanov had extensive family ties, so them heirs exist now! In England, the Netherlands, Sweden, etc.
Actually, to see the successor of the murderers of their relatives, of the Communist Putin, on the throne, for the Monarchies, even if it's in the interests of "democracy", it's barbarism, and their own condemnation.
Even if you still do not understand this ...!
"Hitler democratically came to power in the elections - to the highest power, due to the elections in his own party, which he helpfully created. Himself? They were emaciated from a terrible famine in the exhausted Germany with the colossal conditions of the Krupp bourgeoisie (Military industrialist Krupp - he created military equipment. Probably , he created this party), for example, he simply promised of Russia with its infinite riches, with her ... Where they will be large owners of Latifundia. Although, in fact, they also could not refuse. Very important law for democracy, can you serve or not, did not exist in the country! Otherwise, the German camps and the Auschwitz stoves were all prepared for them by party democracy. Given the experience of Hitler coming to power in democracy, there should be a law on the closure of the political life of society in a party (political party)
They are created only to enter power and to seize it, for example, in Russia after the KPSS, they created a colossal “United Russia” and only it rules and governs in parliament, everything else has camouflage voices. And no one has ever seen them and does not know.
We have that in Russia there are no scientists, engineers, good engineers, teachers, good doctors, writers, real poets, artists, directors ...
They are the intellectual color in Russia that can develop this society. "
"Notes by russian essayst about modern political life in Russia and V.V.Putin". Ganova Ludmila. Summer 2017.
Just think about what happened in Russia, is happening in the world now! Anyway, someday they will investigate Putin’s special operations, including what happened in the Nobel Committee on the centenary of the Romanov’s murder. 1918 - 2018. And in 2018, the writer was killed - Ganova Ludmila. She Raised in society this theme of illegitimate power! And you are, King Carl XVI Gustaf, will give the prize (prize to the project of the FSB?) "Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead"? This is more than strange, can't you are find it !?
Moreover, this special operation (the Scandal at the Swedish Academy 2018) looks pathological and as the FSB?, in any case will raise questions by society and future generations!
Because of steps of this special operation were left everywhere !!! They can easily be recreated, such as truth and reason now, 100 years after the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II with family and children! And the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila! FSB infrasound weapon - is it global? And how ugly all this looks like!
There are a lot of global traces in these crimes.
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letter received (Letter to King Carl XVI Gustaf) 14.10.19 |
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Screen of Instagram kungahuset. King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf and Mats Malm Svenska Akademien |
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Instagram kungahuset: King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf and Mats Malm Svenska Akademien |
The 21st century opens up new challenges to the world! Therefore, humanity must seek new solutions to world problems, including legislative ones.
The modern world has in it's arsenal the International Criminal Court, which is designed to solve global problems and crimes, including of the states committing crimes! However, membership in this ICC court is voluntary! For example, Russia and America are not members of the International Criminal Court, like some other countries that have to very big questions! This is what the president of the ICC Chile Ebou Osuji says in the Conflict Zone program.
The question is, can such selective justice be implemented in a civilized world? Can the ICC also come under pressure from these illegitimate systems and begin to administer justice in the interests of dictators and systems?
For example, in Russia, the political assassination of the writer Ganova Lyudmila (forceful confinement in closed reanimation against the will of a person, detention, torture, murder!). These are Nazi actions - remember the Nuremberg process, the case of Nazi doctors! Implement medical actions against the will of human! In the case initiated by SK, under Article 109 Part 2, and closed, it is said that, for example, Ganova Ludmila in the ambulance acted aggressively, and after five minutes she "could not express her will" and was hospitalized by concilium of doctors. And that concilium was from the Russian Guard and the Police, and the FSB! A political book, “RUSSIAN MONARCHY, which touches on the very essence of this illegitimate system in Russia! Novel about the restoration of the legitimate Romanov's Monarchy, 2018 is the centenary of the murder of Emperor Nicholas II and his family after the illegal seizure of power by the communists. There is no legal assessment of this terrible murder in the world! And that's why Putin in the Kremlin.
We wrote about this special operation on the coronation of dictator Putin, which began after Ganova Ludmila wrote the novel “RUSSIAN MONARCHY”. State structures of the “personality” are involved in this Putin special operation!
However, the ICC begins the process over England (soldiers of Her Majesty), who were once drawn into the war by America! And America turned out to be not under the jurisdiction! We see even now the upcoming and existing seizures of countries and state organizations against sovereign states. As we know from the press, the BBC, Sunday Times, initiated an investigation against England. (The BBC writes that the ICC found grounds for an investigation in the BBC Panorama program !? But still this is a war in which different countries and forces take part and possible provocations!
In Russia, the murder of the writer Ganova Lyudmila involved all state structures, and responsibility on President Putin personally, for what is happening in the country! And for the legislation he prepared that violates human rights! Evidence, audio, video, photos!
Government structures: Police, FSB, Investigative Committee, Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor, President, etc.
So, following the example of the BBC, (collected materials by "journalists", testimonies of victims, eyewitnesses, can be used as materials for the International Criminal Court, and for initiating the International Criminal Procedure!
"The international court wants to investigate the actions of the British army in Iraq and Afghanistan"
Consequently, the ICC (International Criminal Court) can also, on the materials collected by us (children of the writer Ganova Ludmila), Ilya Tsurikov and Ekaterina Tsurikova, the materials and documents of the murder of the writer Ganova Ludmila to begin the International Criminal Investigation! This is a criminal attack by the state and personally by V. Putin against the individual and citizen!
Authors of article (Children of writer Ganova Ludmila) Tsurikov Ilya (Artist) and Tsurikova Ekaterina (Ket Gun Poet) 29.10.19. - 23.11.19.